Chapter 4: U.A. exam And class 1-A

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10 months later. U.A. entrance examination:

In 10 months a lot has happened. Momo learned to do things almost twice as fast as before, and Izuku also trained her in hand-to-hand combat, and sometimes fought her without Star Platinum (but he almost didn't feel any blow inflicted by Momo). Izuku also trained. He gained even more control over Star Platinum, and also improved speed, strength, endurance, accuracy and range of his stand (previously he could only move two meters from his master, now up to 5).

And now both stood in front of their old dream to make it a reality.

Momo:You know Izuku-kun, thank you for what you've done for me the past 10 months. It seems to me that I do not deserve it.

Izuku:Don't talk so bad about yourself, Momo-chan. You deserve to be here like no other.

Momo:I know, but i feel like i cheated with that recommendation.

Izuku:No, Momo, you are not cheating. if I really wanted to get you a recommendation, then it was worth it.

Momo:Yeah, you right. Thank you again!

Izuku:Your welcome. Ok then, shall we go in?


In the audience:Izuku P.O.V.

On the written part of the exam, Present mic told us about the practical part, about robots that need to be destroyed.

???:Excuse Me Sir, i have a question!

Present mic:Oh, what is it number####?

???:You told us about three type of robots, but there is one more of them!

Present mic:Yes, I just wanted to start about it. this type of robots worth zero points, so no need to pick fight with him, just run away.

???:Thank you, and you, in a torn cap, stop making face as if you don't care. If you came here for no reason, then leave.

Izuku:I would shut up in your place and listen further. No one here has any questions for me, except you. So shut up, or you just won't live to the practical part, I'll take care of it. Said Izuku surrounded by purple and creepy aura.


Izuku*I think he shit his pants from fear*

Timeskip-City B:

I stood waiting for gate to open when that boy with blue hair and glasses came up to me:

???:Greetings. My name is Iida Tenya and please forgive me for my behavior earlier.

Izuku:If you want to apologize, then i accept this, but don't do that again. And for my name, I'm Izuku Midoriya.

When gates opened, I immediately used "THE WORLD" to stop time. Since Star Platinum has good vision, I easily found a pair of three pointers and destroyed them. Then I saw 7 one pointers, but they were far away, so I broke asphalt into pieces and began throwing them at robots.

2 minutes passed.

Time has begun to move again.

As soon as everyone wanted to flee to the city, they saw remains of robots lying everywhere.

In examination room:

???: W-W-WHAT HAPPENED?! Asked woman with very long and dark hair.

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