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george's pov

'however,' she continued 'you are my boyfriend and that means i have to help you obtain that grain.'


boyfriend. i watched her face as she continued to speak, not faultering once. we had never gotten round to the whole 'labels' conversation but yet she was sat there, speaking truthfully about what she thought we were. and if i'm honest, i was shocked a bit. surely we weren't at boyfriend/girlfriend status yet? our first date was only two days ago, we've kissed like four times. i laughed it off and acted like normal, kissing her on the cheek.

the word kept on spinning round in my head as we filmed. boyfriend. am i overthinking this shit? what's the worst that could happen? i was so concentrated on that stupid word that i fumbled over my sentences a lot, but my viewers would just probably put that down to my so called 'dyslexia'. i stopped myself from calling her ky in front of the camera - i didn't want my viewers to find out that we were this close. in fact, i decided to attempt to ignore her best as possible during the video, which was hard due to the whole idea, but i needed space to think after her sudden declaration.


"so guys, don't forgot to sub to this channel and my second channel memeless - we were trying to beat will to 1 mil subs but he sadly won - and kyra's social media links are in the description, don't forget my twitter and insta links are down there too. i'm currently doing a giveaway so i suggest you enter that-'

'and memeulous.shop is very important.' kyra jumped in. 'way better than that willme bloke's merch.' she smiled.

'memeulous.shop guys, theres currently nothing up there but keep an eye out. see you in the next video!' i outroed, before switching the camera off and removing my disguise.

"you okay?" kyra asked me, gripping the remote between her hands. the soundtrack played tinny in the background as i attempted a response.

"um yeah. i have some editing to do now, good game though. you lost so take the l.' i laughed forcibly as i began to take down the lighting.

"okay cool. i'm gonna order some dominos - you want any?" she offered, placing the remote down and picking up her phone.

"nah, i'm okay. feeling a bit under the weather." i lied, before walking out of the room. oh my god, won't she just stop interrogating me?


i sighed at my screen as i cut out a chunk of the video where my words were near intelligible. i'm getting wayyy too het up over this situation, honestly i just need to stop thinking about it. kyras face stared back at my from my laptop screen, her eyes full of laughter and smiles as she won the race. i don't know - maybe i do want her as my girlfriend. but i'm not sure.

with yet another sigh my phone pinged, so i unlocked it and checked my twitter. i sent out a new tweet updating the fans about my latest video.

 i sent out a new tweet updating the fans about my latest video

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