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cinnamon hit 10k reads and honestly - wow? i never would've thought a book of mine would have been read that much??? thank you so much it means a lot to me, each vote & comment makes me smile, even my silent readers, ur all the best and u also put up with my cringy af writing! ty means a lot.


kyra pov

i jumped again as the face of a haunted doll flashed on the screen. stupid horror films, amirite? eva and i always watched them together at halloween, a tradition that had almost come to close ever since i'd moved away. however, in the wonderful age of technology, we had facetime. eva shrieked from my phone, a second or two delayed. slowly the credits rolled up on screen and i sighed with relief, fumbling with the remote to switch the film off as soon as possible.

"every year we tell each other 'no, not next year!' but somehow we manage to get into the same situation again and again!" eva complained from my device. i laughed nervously, still shaken up from the jump scare. there was the sound of eva moving her phone (very loudly, might i add) and i looked down to see her face.

"wow. can't believe it's been almost 7 months since you moved." she said softly. i nodded, cosying up into the blanket.
"on the bright side hun, i come to visit you lot in only 2 days. just 48 short hours!" i exclaimed, very excited at the thought.

"i know! are you bringing any of the guys back with you?" eva asked. of course she'd want to know how far into the relationship me and george are.
"maybe. i don't know." i sighed, taking an interest at the loose thread on my hoodie. i could almost hear eva raise her eyebrows through the screen.

"what's up with you two? did you get into an argument?" she questioned further. rubbing my forehead i looked back up at her, before quickly checking that it was still just me in the flat.

"well, basically, i accidentally called him my boyfriend the other day. and he seemed okay after i first said it, but then he fully hid himself in his room for like 2 days. and i feel really bad, it was just an accident. i mean, not that i wouldn't want to be his girlfriend, but i think i've gone too far, you know? maybe i should've have said anything at all, but then he wouldn't have actually filmed a video with me. but then the thing is right, when we were filming he just ignored me as much as possible! didn't even call me 'ky'!' i exclaimed in a rush, desperate to get the problems off my shoulders.

eva listened closely, fiddling with her septum ring and turning it up and down, a habit of hers when she was in deep thought. eventually she spoke again.
"i mean, i've never been in a serious serious relationship, but i think you should just tell him what you told me. granted, it could not work out perfectly, but chances are he'll want to talk to you too, see what the problems are. you two should be fine, i don't know how he wouldn't see that you've made an innocent mistake. but it could be some underlying psychological issue, maybe the boy can't handle relationships." she joked.

it was my turn to raise an eyebrow, and after doing so we burst into laughter, the kind of laughter that hurts your stomach and throat and you can't breathe because everything's so ridiculously funny. it felt great to just giggle and laugh with my best mate, it felt just like primary school on the field again.


"i miss you! see you saturday! bye!" i blew a kiss and ended the call, its overall time coming up to about 3 and a half hours. my head pounded, the blood rushing around as i attempted to focus. for fucks sake, another headache. i stood up and went to look through the kitchen, fumbling through packets of hay fever tablets and antibiotics. where in gods green earth was the paracetamol? i was about to call out for alex when i remembered he was round will & gee's. i mentally cringed at the thought of asking george but i pulled myself together.

"george! do we have any paracetamol?" i called, opening another cupboard door. nothing to be found, and no response. "or have you taken it into your room again?"
still no reply.

"george?" the pounding in my head began to increase and i sighed in frustration.

"george! i'm being serious! i need that fucking medicine!" i yelled. is he fucking deaf?! i contemplated just going to the shops and buying some, but i didn't feel like going outside and i was certain i'd seen george take a packet into his room last night.

"george?" i said a final time, opening his door and walking in.

"kyra, no!" he stuttered out. i couldn't believe my eyes. george, had somehow gotten another girl into his bed with him, and she was hugging him tightly. i dropped the instructions from the cough medicine i was holding in my surprise and shock.

"ky, please, it's not what it looks like." george pleaded, running his hand through his hair in the way that made my heart melt. my headache disappeared and new type of pain filled my chest and made me choke out a sob. i turned on my heel and fled, grabbing my phone, my bag, my coat and running away to gee's flat.


well, i walked. i walked out of the flat and wrapped my coat around my body, my eyes misting up. why? why would be do it? was he that upset about me misspeaking the other day? did that date mean nothing? i prayed that alex was still at will's otherwise i had a hell of a lot of explaining to do.

i turned round the corner, keeping my eyes on the floor, hoping that nobody saw me. only three doors down was the flat. quickening my pace, i knocked on the door with my tears threatening to spill. will opened the door, and all i could do was mumble alex's name.

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