Chapter Nine

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A/N: I'm sorry that I haven't updated in a while. It's close to the end of term for me right now and I may or may not have procrastinated reading the books I was supposed to and instead read.... other things... *cough* Wattpad stories *cough* So right now I'm mostly focusing on getting all of that read by the end of the term. Anyway, here it is!

Dipper's POV

I spent most of the day worrying about my dream. I mean, when you have a dream about a demon dorito killing all of the people close to you, your gonna panic. 

"Whats up dip dog?" Mabel says from her tank. We were sitting in the living room. I found a way to balance my four legs on the Chair arm. Almost like a cat. BUT I'M NOT A CAT! Mabel was behind the Chair and was leaning on it. Resting her arms on it. She decided not to wear her sweaters anymore because they got wet and soggy when she wore them. 

And, trust me, if you think Mabel didn't make a big deal out of it, your wrong. She almost doubled the amount of water in her tank just by crying. Anyway, I had the Journal out to try to keep me from going into a nervous breakdown from my dream last night. "It's nothing. I promise. I'll tell you later okay Mabel?" She nods then rests her head on her arms. 

It was silent for a moment. Until Mabel sat up and looked panicked. "Mom and Dad!!" Her reaction was so sudden that I went into a mini heart attack myself. It was weird because her sudden outbursts have never bothered me like that. "WHO?? WHAT?? WHEN??!! WHERE!! WHY??!!" I shout almost dropping the journal. Mabel giggles. 

"Wow bro bro. Must be those Deer instincts kicking in." "Shut up." I mumble. Then, amazeingly, Mabel got back on task. "Mom and dad remember?? Their coming today!" I thought for a while as my mind recalled the beginning of the summer. 

Mom and dad decided to come down to Gravity Falls with us this year. Because they wanted to find out why we liked the place so much. But they had to stay in California because of my dad's work. And they were apparently coming today. Well crap.

"What are we going to do?? Just have Grunkle Stan say 'Oh yeah by the way your kids are now monsters.'" Mabel shrugs. "Don't ask me Dip Dot. Your usually the one with the plan." "WELL I DON'T HAVE ONE AT THE MOMENT!" I take a deep breath and calm down. "Okay. What time are they coming." Mabel takes out her phone (Mom and dad let us take them this year.) and looked back at her texts with mom. She pales and puts her phone down. 

"You know what? Who cares about time. How about we change the subject. OOH! Have you ever tried to turn your head like an owl before?" She chuckles nervously. "Their coming in ten minutes aren't they." I say. "Maybe?" "GRUNKLE STAN!" Mabel says "GREAT UNCLE FORD!!" I say at the same time panicking. 

All of the sudden we heard a series of crashing noises. It was like one of those scenes in funny movies when someone is trying to get another person to come down but they dont want to but then they mention something they like and you just hear this choir of various sounds of destruction. Me and Mabel just sat there staring at each other.  

When Grunkle Stan and Ford came in they both had their own... unique reactions. "Dipper Mabel! What happened?? Did something try to steal your eyes??!!!" Ford asked panic all over his face. Stan's reaction was very different. "Dipper Mabel! Is the kitchen on fire again??" A simple "Dipper Mabel what happened." Would have been okay. But ya know. It's just our Great Uncles being them. 

"Whoa guys. Slow down." Mabel states. She continues. "No ones dieing. We just remembered that um... Our parents are coming today." Mabel says nervously. Ford looks relieved. "Thats a close one. I thought one of you kids-" He was interrupted by Stan's screaming. "AAAAAAAAHHHH!!! OH NO!! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!"

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