Chapter Eighteen

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A/N: The picture has nothing to do with the chapter. I just thought it was funny. Enjoy!!

Dipper's POV

Bill left to do some "Demon Work" or whatever. But I didn't know how long I was in the Mindscape. Time worked differently in here. But it felt like thousands of years. The only company I had was that mysterious cage. It was driving me crazy on what was in there. And I couldn't open it because my chains could only extend to Bill's will. Not mine. 

I was so desperate for a distraction from the excruciating pain from the chains that I even tried to talk to the cage. Who knows what could be in there? Bad news. The cage didn't talk back. Surprising. 

Eventually running out of things to do, I tried to break the chains. I know. Now my smartest idea considering their creator was an evil dream demon. But I had to try! I have good news and bad news. Good news: it distracted me for a few hours. Bad news: It only made the chains tighten even more. Which means it started to chaif even worse.  

I got bored and started to play with a blade of grass. Then, I found two snails and cheered them on because it looked like they were in a race. The one with the lighter brown shell won. Which made me sad because I was rooting for the one with the dark brown shell. 

A few more house of mindless bordem in the Mindscape (A/N: hehe. You see what I did there? I'm hilarious.) and Bill eventually came back. He appeared right behind me and scared the schist out of me. Plus, to make this a thousand times worse, he caught me right in the middle of pretending that sticks were action figures or something. Can you blame me?! When someone is left alone in the Mindscape for a long time, your going to get bored. Woodchuck and Mr. Sticky were broken by Bill. Which I actually was a little sad about it. 

"Looks like your already loosing your sanity Dipper..." "Wait what?!" "Why do you think that I left you in the Mindscape for so long?" "Because you said you had Demon Stuff to attend to." Bill face palmed. "Ugh. I thought you were smart Pine Tree. I was obviously lying." "HOW WAS ANY OF THAT OBVIOUS!?" "It wasn't." "BUT I THOUGHT YOU JUST SAID- You know what, just tell me what your doing back here." 

Bill made a tsk tsk sound. "Oh but Pine Tree. Your not the one giveing orders here. I am." On the word am, his eye turned red. "Now," He continued. "I'm here to see if your willing to give your will to me." "I haven't even wrote my will yet!" I smirked at the joke. But it quickly dissapeared when bill but his hand around my neck. making the tightness of the chains worse. His eye turned red again. "Don't you pull sarcasm on me!!! I'm threatening your life!" I managed to choke out "Yeah but its not like it the first time." 

Bill's whole body turned red and smoke curled off his fingertips. Making the chain around my neck burn. "I could kill you right now Pine Tree!" He said through gritted teeth. "Then.... Do.... It....." I say. My throat screaming with each word. Bill's form grew redder and more smoke vibrated off of his body. 

"This is it." I thought. "This is the end." I could feel my hoofs burning away. My fur disintegrating to a crisp. Then, just as fast and it started, the pain stopped. And I laid there on the grey grass. Twitching and half dead. "W-Why." I managed out in a shaky voice. Then Bill snapped his fingers and the pain overwhelmed me. I was loosing consciousness. The last thing I saw was Bill's grinning fangs and his voice saying "Night night Pine Tree."    

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