Chapter Ten

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A/N: Sorry I haven't written in a while! Like I said before, The end of term was last week and I was banned from the computer until I finished all of my End Of Term crap. But I'm back! Also, I have a question. Is it just me, or if I'm in a dangerous life threatening situation, I would much rather be knocked out so then I can sleep peacefully through all of the chaos not knowing where I'm going to wake up. Who knows, you could wake up in a Hospital. No? Just me? Okay I know I'm weird. 

Mabel's POV

"Something ain't right here..." I say trying to bring up the mood. I failed. "OF COURSE SOMETHING ISN'T RIGHT HERE! OUR MORTAL ENEMY IS BACK WHEN HE SHOULD BE TURNED TO STONE SOMEWHERE IN THE WOODS!" Dipper shouts at me. I flinsh. It is very rare that he shouts at me. But when he does, it freaks me out. 

Grunkle Ford puts his hand on Dippers shoulder. Dipper is panting rapidly and looks mortified. "I know it's shocking Dipper. But we must remain calm." "Calm??! CALM?! HOW CAN I REMAIN CALM WHEN THE DEMON WHO POSSESSED ME IS-" "Wait. Hold on a second. What EXACTLY IS GOING ON???" Our mother shouted. 

"We'll explain later." Grunkle Ford says. "For now, me and Dipper need to discuss something." He looks at Dipper and they both nod. I watch as Dipper follows Ford into the basement. I dive deeper into my mini aquarium. I decided to ignore the main problem and sit at the bottom.  

"Well. I'm bored." I say then swim up to the top. My boredom didn't last long. I heard the door open then shut. "Hello?" I call out. I see Wendy's head poke through the doorway. "Oh. H-Hi Mabel!" "Sup Wendy!" "Hey why do you look nor-" "Hey you know what how about we take this somewhere else?" I say nervously. 

"Yeah. Sounds like a good idea." I clear my throat. "Could you um... Wheel me over to the kitchen? We can talk there." Wendy looks confused but walks in. She looks normal except... Were her eyes yellow? Meh. Probably just my imagination. "Hey mom dad, I'm going to talk to my friend Wendy kay?" They nod. "Okay sweetie." 

Wendy rolls me over to the kitchen and we talk. "Um... Has Ford told you about werewolves in the forest?" I nod. "Oh yeah! Thats why we can't go in the woods at night." Wendy looks nervous. "Um... I may or may not have-" I give her a look. "You got bit by a werewolf." "I GOT BIT BY A WEREWOLF!" She shows me her teeth and they look.... pointy. 

"Wow. Okay then. Uh... Live with it?"

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