Chapter Thirteen

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A/N: Before I get on with the chapter, I just need to say this so you won't get the wrong idea here. THIS IS NOT A MABILL CHAPTER! I AM A HUGE DIPCIFICA FANGIRL! I'm not trying to diss on all of the Mabill, Wendip, Billdip, and all the other weird ships that are in this fandom. I personally think that the Billdip and Mabill fanart is soooo cute! As for Wendip, my dad ships them still so I have to live with it. Anyway, pls dont hate me for this. Not trying to be rude. Now that thats out of the way, ONTO THE STORY MY FRIENDS!!!! *falls off a cliff while riding a horse backwards* 

Mable's POV

"Ughhhhhhh.." I groan out loud. "Can you like, go die in a hole Bill?" That makes Dipper's raidar go BEEP BEEP BEEP! "Wait what? Bill is here?" "Only in my head." I point a finger to my brain. "Whop!!!" Dipper shoves me. "Mabel! Bill is no laughing matter! So stop joking around with it!" I laugh. "Okay okay." 

"So Shooting Star... I guess its just you and me now...." "Stop right now Bill. Or your going to pay for it." "Why Shooting Star! I just wanted to say hi! Plus I just needed to fish around in your head for a little bit for a piece of information I need..." "BILL! I DIDN'T EVEN MAKE A DEAL WITH YOU! SO GO BACK TO YOU STATUE PLEASE!"  "Okay Okay. Geez kid. You've gotten fistiyer since I last saw you."  "Yeah and I know it now SCRAM!!" "Just remember, big things are coming your way Shooting Star. And I don't want you and your brother to get in my way again! Reality is an illusion the universe is a hologram buy gold BYEEEEE!!!"

And with that, my head was silent. "I finally got him out." "Great. This is all just great." "Dipper and Mabel, what are you talking about?" "Demons." We say at the same time. "Oh. Okay then." "If we see Gideon, I'm going to kill him for summoning Bill." "Even though Gideon opened his heart to kindness and really didn't do anything to us after the summer ended?" I point out. "Good point good point."

 We "walk" for a little longer until Dipper stops. "Whats up bro bro?" "I uh... I'm hungry.." Well isn't this just dandy. "You guys go ahead. I'll catch up." "Are you sure you want to do that Dipper? I mean, remember what happened LAST time we got seperated in the woods?" Oops. I said to much. 

"What happend last time Mable?" My mom asks. "Uhhh... NOTHING!!" I laugh nervously. "Definitely didn't get turned into a mermaid because I upset these siren thingies!! hehehehehehehe..." It must have been to unbelievable with my parents because they just brushed it off.  

Okay. This was really strange. But we didn't find ANY mythical creatures at all. Which is weird because the gnomes are ALWAYS easy to find. Now our parents must think we've gone insane or something. They might have seen a demon. But my parents are hard to convince when it comes to the paranormal. We walked in the forest all DAY. And nothing. We even checked the bunker for anything. Nothing. Not even the shapeshifter was there. 

Okay something weird was going on here. And me and Dipper were going to find out. Ladies and Wattpad users! The Mystery Twins are back in business!  

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