Chapter 31

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"So, who exactly are we supposed to be meeting again?" Alvis asked curiously as he scratched his head and looked around the room, "I thought our instructor said we were going to meet someone."

Floris looked around a little, then looked down at the paper he had written the name down on, "Yes, this Kathrina person. Tracking them down would be a lot easier if I knew what they looked like, but I haven't got a clue. Maybe we should just start asking around?"

Alvis looked across the room, then looked at Floris, "You really think that would work? Look at all those people! The room is packed! It'd take forever to go from person to person." 

Floris grabbed his chin as he leaned forward in his chair and tried to think of a way to find their missing teammate, "Hmmm... Maybe Elizabeth can help."

Alvis looked at Floris for a moment, then looked at the crowd again, "I think I saw her a moment ago. But with all those people, she'll be hard to track down."

Floris stood from his chair and made his way to the entrance of the cubby they were standing in, a tucked-away studying corner surrounded by bookshelves on the first floor, "Well, without any description of our missing person, our options are a little low. I'll find Elizabeth and see if she can help. You just stay here and hold down our area."

Alvis nodded, "Alright. Just hurry back, will you? I'm uncomfortable being around this many people by myself. I didn't even know there were this many people alive in the world." 

Floris smirked and looked at Alvis over his shoulder before going out into the crowd, "Should I remind you that this is only a small branch of the Mages Guild? The majority of the people here are students just like you and me. Wait until we reach this "Arcane University", which is supposed to be the most powerful seat of magic in the entire world. This place will seem less populated than Two Creeks by comparison." 

A shiver ran down Alvis' back, "Don't remind me. Just find our person and get the heck back here."

Floris smirked a laugh under the scarf covering his face, then made his way into the crowd, looking for a pink robe. He looked around the entire room, checking every study area until he stumbled upon his target by accident.

"Oh, Floris! You scared me!" Elizabeth said, covering her chest with her hand, "I didn't know you were behind me. Is there something you need?"

"Yes, actually. Alvis and I can't find our missing teammate: someone who goes by the name of Kathrina Katherine." Floris responded.

Elizabeth covered her mouth with her left fist as she giggled softly, "Kinda hard to find someone when you don't even know what they look like, huh?"

Floris smiled under his scarf and nodded, "Very."

"Alright. I know where she is. She's been looking for you, too. Where can I find you once I have her?" Elizabeth asked.

"We're on the other side of the room, tucked inside a studying area near the wall." Floris said, pointing his thumb over his shoulder.

Elizabeth nodded, "Got it. Just go back there and wait for me. I'll bring her to you."

Floris nodded and turned his back to Elizabeth as he made his way back to Alvis. The entire floor was covered with new apprentices of the guild. Some had already found all their team members and others were still looking. The room had a thundering sound of indisputable chatter that was almost louder than the dining area a few floors above. With so many people concentrated in a small area, it made traversing the room difficult, even for Floris. Eventually, however, he was able to find his way back to Alvis, who was sitting in a chair, trying to read a random book he'd picked off the shelf behind him. Floris looked at the book and saw it was a book about a magic skill called Necromancy. It was a word he had never seen before and didn't think much of it. Knowing Alvis's reading skills, it was probably too far beyond his comprehension anyway. 

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