chapter 8

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Luna's pov
Then he began saying

"I have a crush on...


My eyes widened as i squealed in excitement. HE LIKES VIK HE LIKES VIK AHHHHH

"Ifuckingknewit!!! That'ssocuteaskhimout" I said very quickly stumbling over my own words. Harry was slow to reply as he was taking time to understand my words

"No i can't, he doesn't see me that way" he replied with disappointment in his voice

"You never know Harold, but i don't want to force you but if you ever plan on asking him out you can ask me for help" i replied smiling at him he nodded with a grin on his face.

"Now what about your love life?" He questioned with a raised eyebrow.

I scoffed "non existent"

"You wearing JJ's hoodie says something else" Harold replied

"He has a girlfriend" i sighed

"So if he didn't you'd date him? I see the way you look at him and i know it hurts that he's with someone else but he'll come around plus he's a bit of a dickhead but that's because of Louis" I heard Harry say softly i decided not to answer.

"He told me to meet him in his room at 11 and gave me flowers this morning as an apology" i said then looking up at Harry to see a shocked expression on his face.

"Oh my days!" He said i giggled as he jumped up in excitement.

"You two are a power couple we just need to get rid of Louis...

With murder" Harry replied laughing afterwards letting me know it was a joke so i began laughing with him.

-Time skip-
Luna's pov
It was currently 10:15 and i was leaving Harry's flat i ended up taking a nap i was starving and still tired for some reason. I called a cab to take me home i still had time to get changed.

Once i got home Vik opened the door for me i smiled at the thought of him and Harry. He gave me a hug before letting me inside. We talked with each other before i left to get to my room.

I got dressed in a comfy black crop top with black shorts. I french braided my hair before looking in the mirror happy with my look. I didn't want to look extremely good or it would seem like I'm trying something else. I looked at the time to see it was 10 minutes before 11 i shrugged then grabbed Jide's hoodie so i could return it.

I walked into the room to see chicken alfredo pasta on two plates with drinks inside an adorable fort with Rick and Morty on the tv.

A smile formed onto my face this boy is truly adorable

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A smile formed onto my face this boy is truly adorable. I'd do anything to be with him.

"You're early" i heard a voice say behind me

I turned around to see JJ smiling at me i couldn't help but hug him. He wrapped his big strong arms around me. Lifting me off the floor slightly i smiled as i put my head on his chest we stayed there for a bit enjoying each others embrace. We both let go looking into each other's eyes. I felt myself leaning in then i closed my eyes and i felt lips connect with mine.

It felt like fire works were going off in my stomach i felt him smile against my lips. We both pulled away slightly out of breath he looked down before saying

"Let's eat" i nodded and we both walked into the fort. As i was digging into my food i couldn't help think about the kiss it was truly amazing but it doesn't change the fact that he has a girlfriend. I sighed before going back to watching Rick and Morty.

Once we both finished JJ went to take our plates down and bring up more water. I looked around admiring all the effort put into this. I then felt JJ sit next to me

"Now this is all apart of my apology i stil owe you as i gave you that bruise" he said before looking down with disappointment in his eyes.

"JJ it's fine this is truly amazing i love it you don't need to do anything else" he looked up smiling i leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

He leaned over pecking me on the lips i was shocked by the sudden action but smiled. He then pulling me down so i would lay with him. We both cuddled together while watching Rick and Morty.

That night i fell asleep with a smile on my face.

Authors note:
I'm truly sorry for taking forever but as i said school sucks. Hopefully you enjoyed this filler chapter i thought it was kinda cute:)

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