Chapter 40

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Luna's pov
JJ finally came out of the bathroom

"Finally i thought you died" i smiled

He didn't reply but instead engulfed me in a hug i was shocked at the sudden act but melted under his touch. Wrapping my arms tightly around him never wanting to let go.

"I'm sorry" he whispered

"Sorry?" I questioned

"For what?"

"For being a terrible boyfriend you deserve the whole world and i haven't given that to you I'll do my best i swear" JJ said i was shocked what's gotten into him.

(Some common sense!!)

"Awe JJ it's okay you were just being protective just trust me and be honest" i cupped his face so he was looking at me he nodded

"I love you" i said causing a smile to form on his face

"I love you too" he replied pecking my lips

"Come on i wanna leave" i grabbed his hand dragging him out of the room. We checked out at the counter before quickly leaving. We got to my car and Jide went to the drivers side

"What are you doing?" I questioned

"I'm going to drive" i laughed

"You want us to die?" He rolled his eyes knowing there was no point in arguing with me. I watched him go to the passengers side while i smirked.

I hopped in the car starting it, i handed JJ the aux cord. In the car he put his hand on my thigh, typically.

"Can you call Simon and ask if we're missing anything from the house?" JJ nodded grabbing his phone he put the phone on speaker after one ring Simon answered

"JJ are you okay?" He questioned i smiled at how cute their friendship is

"Yeah I'm fine thanks to Luna" he gave me a small smile

S- Are you out of the hospital?

JJ- Yeah, we were just wondering if we need anything from the store

S- Just eggs, ham and water, Also Sarah (the chef) is cooking so you'll have something to eat

JJ- Alright mate see you in a bit

S- Bye KSI!

I giggled at my brother then i drove to the nearest Tesco. I parked close by

"Alright I'll be back" i began taking off my seatbelt

"I'm going with you"

"You just got out of the hospital i don't want fans attacking you for pictures"

He groaned

"Fine just be careful"

Him being all caring makes my heart flutter

"Of course, I'll be back love you" i pecked his lips running out of the car.

Once inside the store a few fans came up to me asking for pictures i kindly agreed and they went on their way. I grabbed the things we needed and decided to get crisps and popcorn. As i was waiting in line i saw Freezy fucks sake I'm glad JJ isn't here.

Once he saw me he walked over to me i turned to face the other way

"Luna can you tell JJ I'm sorry" i scoffed turning around giving him a death glare

"I didn't know Louis was going to do that or that she was planning that"

"You should've known better than to bring JJ's ex to his own birthday party" i replied he sighed

"I know I've fucked up just let me fix things" he pleaded

"You don't deserve another chance after everything you've done so just forget it"

Luckily it was my turn so i paid before quickly grabbing my bags and leaving. I got to my car unlocking it throwing the food in the back before sitting in the drivers seat.

"Fuck i lost" he shouted i started laughing he didn't realize i was in the car my laughter startled him causing him to jump slightly

"I didn't notice you got here, how'd it go?" He questioned

"Few fans asked for pictures and i ran into Freezy" i started up the car

"Did he say anything?"

"He apologize and wants to be friends with you again" Jide said nothing just sat in silence with light music playing.

-time skip-

We arrived home, JJ helped me take the bags , once inside i could smell  food it smelt amazing. I sent JJ to his room and i put everything away. I grabbed some food thanking Sarah, making my way to his room.

"Here you go" i passed him the food

"Thanks babe" i blushed

"Awe are you blushing?"

"No shut up" i shoved him lightly causing him to chuckle.

I grabbed the remote putting on the new Sidemen sunday video.

We ate and cuddled while watching youtube. I'll always love being with him.

Authors note
I'm sorry for the terrible chapter but I'm suffering from writers block and school:(

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