- Chapter 6 -

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Bailey's P.O.V. -

The game flew by in a blur, Mal and I had an amazing time and I couldn't keep my eyes off the man who never left the dugout, the man who was supposed to be my best friend. The way he smiled when his teammates got on base or made a play across the diamond, it made my insides burst with joy seeing him happy.

Honestly, I don't know what was happening with me. I just knew I wanted more.

"Bailey?" I glanced from the window to that same best friend. We had left the stadium a little after 6, the others hopping on the bus to take on their week long road trip.

"Yea, what's up?" I smiled, a little embarrassed to have fazed out.

"I asked you what you wanted to eat." He chuckled, his face lighting up at the amusement of my little brain hiccup.

"Ohh, I'm fine with whatever." I shrugged, knowing he would take me to Chick Fil-a since it was both of our favorites. "I'll let you choose." I smiled leaning towards him, away from the distractions of the window.

"Mhmm, that's rare." He smiled as he turned into a parking lot, me looking out the window to see we weren't at Chick Fil-a, but rather Panera. "Hope you don't mind, I'm in the mood for some chicken noodle soup."

"I am so down with this, Ender." I smiled and climbed out of the car, grabbing my wallet on the way out.

"Good, but you don't need that." Ender walked over to my side of the car, pointing at the wallet in my hand. "Your meal, is on me." He smiled, grabbing my wallet and tossing it back in my bag.

"Alright, but only this once." I smiled and walked beside him into the restaurant, both of us standing in line and talking the usual catch-up conversation.

+ + + +

"So," I plopped myself down on the couch at Ender's place, him following suit beside me.

"So," He responded back, his eyes turning toward me.

"I guess now is the time for us to talk." I started, turning so that my right leg was tucked underneath my left.

"I guess so," Ender turned toward me as well, his left arm draping over the back of the couch, his fingertips touching the exposed skin of my upper arm. "Bailey, you know we will always be best friends, but ever since the day I met you, that day when you showed up to Dans' game in those jean shorts and #2 jersey, I wanted to be more than that." I grabbed Ender's hand, the feeling of his fingertips making goosebumps form all over my body.

"Why didn't you say anything?" I held his hand in my lap, fiddling with his fingers so that they interlocked with mine.

"I don't know, I guess I was too scared that I would fuck up our friendship, or scare you away from me." He fixed himself on the couch so that he sat straight in front of me. "I didn't wanna lose you, because I knew," He paused looking into my eyes, the light from the ceiling lamp shining off them. "I knew that you were the one for me, and I don't want anyone else." He leaned closer to me, his lips inches from mine.

"Ender," I leaned closer to him, my breath catching in my throat. "you will never lose me, I am always going to be right here, right beside you, cheering you on, and I never wanna lose you either." I smiled and leaned in closer, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I don't wanna move too fast, I don't wanna rush things, but I wanna try this," He smiled as he spoke, my arms still locked around his neck. "Bailey, I wanna try us."

"Ender, I wanna try this too." I pulled him closer to me, my lips connecting with his and igniting the butterflies in my stomach. "But, I don't wanna ruin our friendship if this doesn't work out." I pulled back, looking into his eyes.

"Good," He pulled me into his lap, our lips connecting again. His hands landed on my hips and gripped them tightly to ensure I wouldn't leave him, I wouldn't run. "Because I need you, Bailey."

I smiled as I played with the hair that he usually had pulled together in a bun. The feeling of me on his lap making the butterflies sooth, and his fingers running themselves in circles on my hips causing chills to run up my spine.

"As much as I would love to continue this, I would also love to eat." I leaned back, his hands still holding tight to my hips.

"Alright, let's eat." He kissed my lips once more before I slipped from his lap and walked toward the kitchen. We had already ate our dinners at Panera, but each of us had gotten dessert to take home with us. "But, we're not finished yet." He smirked, his eyes narrowing as he watched me bite into my cinnamon roll. I skipped myself back over into the living room, tucking my leg underneath myself as I sat on the couch and turned the tv on, flipping through the channels.

+ + + +

"Alright, that's enough for tonight." Ender turned the tv off, ending our binge watch of The Flash and heading up the stairs, waiting for me to follow him.

"I guess, but I'm gonna need to borrow a shirt." I smiled as I walked up the stairs ahead of him, his eyes barring into my backside.

"Whatever you need, as long as I get you, in my bed, all night." He smirked as he sifted through his drawer, looking for a shirt for me.

"Of course," I walked up behind him, pressing a kiss to his shoulder. I smiled as he handed me one of his cut-off tanks, as I slipped into the bathroom to change. I removed my bra, and slipped the shirt over my head, smirking as I realized I was on full display through the would be shirt sleeves, and slipped out of my jean shorts. "Really?" I crossed my arms as I walked back into his bedroom, seeing him laying back into the headboard, his shirt having been removed and a comfier pair of sweatpants hugging his waist.

"What?" He smirked as I climbed across the bed, slipping under the covers and curling up next to him. "You look good in my shirt." He pulled me closer to him, if that were even possible, and his warm skin pressed against the exposed skin that poked out from beneath his shirt.

"Mhmm, I could get used to this." My eyes drew heavy as my ears took in the beating of his heart, the rhythm all to soothing to me.

"Me too," I felt Ender's hand start rubbing circles on my shoulder, making it all to hard to keep my eyes open. "Good Night, baby." Ender kissed my head, my mouth turning up in a smile as sleep took over and everything faded to black.

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Hopefully 2020 treats us right 🥳

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