- Chapter 11 -

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"Bry, why are you here?" I stood now, Ender keeping his composure on the couch behind me.

"Bail, I just didn't get around to it yet, this was kinda spontaneous." He gave me a half-assed smile, one of his other tells that he was lying.

"Bryan! Tell me the truth or I'll call mom right now!" I put my foot down, and even though I was a small 5'3" girl, I could still get people to give me what I want.

"Alright, Allison and I broke up," I looked down at his hands, which were in his lap, fiddling with his fingers. "She kicked me out because I lost my job."

"Bry, what? What happened?" I sat beside him, my arms wrapping him up.

"I don't know, one day I walked into work and my boss called me into his office," I pulled away from him to listen to his story. "He told me they were cutting back, and that they needed to get rid of some people." He started to cry, which caused me to pull him into my chest once again, running my hand up and down is back to calm him down.

"Bryan, this has nothing to do with you, why did Allison kick you out?" I didn't want to bring anymore up, but I needed to get the whole story.

"Because I guess she only wanted to be with me since I was making all this money, she wasn't in love with me, she was in love with the money I was bringing home." I held him tighter and looked over at Ender, who seemed to be listening to the whole conversation, even though I could tell he was mad that Bryan interrupted our little moment.

"Bry, you should tell mom, she would wanna know what happened to her baby boy." I smirked knowing he hated being called a baby.

"I know, would it be cool if I stayed with you tonight?" I turned to Ender, since I wasn't officially living in his house and we had only recently started dating to make sure it was alright.

"Yea, that's cool." Ender stood from the couch and walked into the kitchen, I couldn't tell if he was angry or not so I followed after.

"Hey, if you want I can take him over to my place, I'm sure Dans wouldn't mind." He leaned back on the counter and looked down at me in front of him.

"Bailey, it's fine. I have several spare bedrooms he can stay in for the night." He pressed his lips to my forehead and pulled back.

"Are you sure?" He nodded and pulled me into his chest. "You're not mad that Bryan interrupted our fun." I smirked, hearing a low chuckled come from his mouth.

"I'm sure, he's your brother." I pecked his lips and walked back into the living room, swaying my hips a bit more than usual to tease Ender.

"Alright, let's get you settled in." I grabbed my brothers hand and walked him toward one of the spare rooms on the ground floor, just in case Ender and I wanted to have a little more fun tonight.

"Thanks for this Bails, and tell your boyfriend thank you." I smiled and walked out of the room, leaving him to settle in. I walked upstairs to see where Ender was and heard noises coming from his bedroom.

"Bryan says thanks." I smiled seeing him playing Fortnite, while sitting at the end of the bed.

"It's no problem, babe." He nudged his head so that I would come sit next to him. I wrapped my arms around the back of him, leaning over and pressing a kiss to the tip of his ear, knowing I would get some sort of reaction from him. "You shouldn't do that, you know the consequences." He murmured, but continued to play the game.

"Oh yeah?" I continued with my game, teasing him however I could think of, which ended with me sitting on his lap, my chest in his face.

"You're a persistent little girl aren't ya." He smirked and ended the game as the rounded came to an end. "I told you there would be consequences for your actions." He threw me back on the bed, where we had been before the events with my brother, Ender going back to where he had been, his lips teasing me in all the best ways, as I tried to suppress my moans once again.

+ + + +

"Good Morning you two," I rubbed my eyes as I walked into the kitchen with Ender, the smell of bacon and eggs lingering in the air. "Sorry, I went through the cabinet. I wanted to make you guys breakfast for letting me stay here last night." I smiled as I watched him plate the food.

"It was no problem, Ender had loads of rooms." I smirked, slapping Enders ass as I walked toward the kitchen table.

Yea, it was really no problem." Ender grabbed a plate and took a seat at the head of the table beside me. "So where were you? If you don't mind me asking." Ender took a bite of the bacon, which I had never seen him eat before.

"Oh, I was working up in New York with Good Morning America, I was one of the sports reporters." I smiled knowing how much he loved that job.

"What! That's a great job." Ender seemed shocked that he was working there.

"Yea, it was great and that's where I met Allison, my now ex." Bryan seemed to be alright talking about everything, seeing as though this was all fresh.

"I'm so sorry." Ender finished up his plate, going to the sink to clean everything up.

"Thanks, but I'll find another job." I smiled knowing this was how Bryan had been growing up. He always was the one to look on the bright side, while I struggled to see the good in any situation that didn't go my way.

"I'm sure you will, with that on your resume anyone would be crazy to pass you over." Ender had now finished cleaning up the dishes and started toward the stairs to get changed for the day.

"So, have you called mom yet?" I leaned into the table when Ender was up the stairs.

"Have you told mom about you and Mr. Baseball over there?" He leaned forward into the table as well countering with his own question.

"I will, but since we only just started dating I didn't want to rush into things." I answered his question honestly, waiting for him to answer mine.

"Mhmm, alright. I have called mom and I'm heading over there in an hour to talk with her. If you wanna head over too I'm sure she wouldn't mind." He smiled, knowing he had beat me.

"Alright good, and I would go with you, but I have to get back into the gym. I've been out for 2 months now and since I'm still not cleared to tumble,  I need to get back into shape if I wanna be ready by next summer." He nodded, my intensity when it came to gymnastics and making it to the Olympics has not changed since I was younger and he had grown used to my strict schedule.

"Alright, have fun with that." He stood from the table and walked toward the door. "I'll see you soon, Bails."

"I'll see ya Bry."

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