Chapter Seven: Detective Chief Inspector Keegan

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Keegan sucked at conducting an investigation. He had recruited TFK and Eric (ah, there's a partnership that'll work great). So, the Trio of Asshats (ToA) became the police force of the 12th grade. Except they only worked on one case, and they sucked at investigating. And no one liked or trusted them. Ok, so they were absolutely nothing like a police force, but John had taken to calling Keegan "DCI Keegan" (Detective Chief Inspector).

The ToA had been "discreetly" questioning classmates. I'd already been asked by Eric if I knew of anyone that held a grudge against Keegan. I had responded "Yeah, the whole 12th grade. But anyone in particular? Not really." Keegan had tried to blackmail Maddy by spreading rumors, but they were immediately dispelled because Maddy was awesome. Everybody knew what our resident DCI was trying to do, but it wasn't working.

Keegan had also tried to learn something from Anti, but Anti told him nothing.

Unfortunately, Keegan was not the problem. TFK was. Kate was thinking about who had been there that night at Maxie's. I had heard that she was asking after a tall guy. It was inevitable that she would question me soon. So, whenever I saw her, I would try to get away as quickly as possible without looking suspicious. Luckily, the week passed without incident.

I also received a text from Laurel. It said something along the lines of: "Halfwaytherebutdon'tyoudarefuckthisupandtakemedownwithyouwatchyourbackZach."

She also required me to do something extra to "make up for the fuck up." She accepted TP'ing his house on Halloween as compensation.

The six of us were going to hang out Saturday night and go to see a movie, but Gabby and Meghan were going to Meghan's grandmother's house on a nearby lake that weekend. I figured they wouldn't do any actual swimming because water at that time of year would be colder than a witch's titty, but they were going. Reagan was still willing to hang out with us three guys, even though we had arranged to see a "dude movie." Unfortunately, she had ulterior motives. She managed to veto the action movie and convince us to see a spy comedy. But we were not put out. There was more to look forward to that weekend.

Gabby and Meghan were not leaving until Saturday morning. And Friday night was the 31st of October. Halloween. I had never stopped Trick-or-Treating. There was no football game that weekend. Gabby, Anti, Meghan and I would wander Gabby's rich-people-neighborhood and send Meghan to doors. She was short enough where if she wore a mask, no one knew she was an ultra-hot (but short) 17-year-old high schooler. She simply had to follow younger kids and not speak. She collected candy, and the four of us would hang out on Gabby's back porch and mooch candy from Meghan. It was a good system.

That Friday night, the other five of us were planning on being Meghan's "parents." Well, at least it would look like we were parents from the doors of the houses when our faces were in shadows since we were actually taller than 5 foot, 5. Meghan wore a horse mask and a robe (to hide her breasts) and carried a pillowcase. John had to monitor his language because there were kids, I quote, "fucking everywhere."

Parents seemed to be looking out for teenagers. Which we were. I guess they figured we were gonna egg some houses or some shit. Which we weren't. Though, I did have like 24 rolls of toilet paper in my car so that I could TP Keegan's house. I figured that might ease some of my anger. Anyway, we got a butt-load of candy, and the pile that was eventually on Gabby's living room floor was considerably large. I quickly stole a bunch of Kit-Kat's, as they were my favorite. John took my strategy and picked out Twix's, another notable candy bar.

It was around midnight, and the six of us were watching Friday the 13th when I got a text from my mother. She said it was about time to get home. I replied that I'd be back soon. The movie was nearly over, so I sat 'til the end, and Reagan, John, and Anti began to clear out as well. We all got up from various couches and chair and piled into our assorted cars, Meghan in mine. I told her about the toilet paper as we drove back to our neighborhood.

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