Stop quoting your dad's law commercials

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Matthew's POV

It had been exactly a week since the school sleepover. A week since Jay and I kissed during Smooch or Share. A week since we continued making out long after the game was over. 5 Days since I told him that it was a one time thing. Why the fuck did I do that? Like seriously, he was a good kisser. I mean, to be fair, he was the only person I have ever kissed, but he was good, to say the least. 

After school:

I walked into my bedroom after school, tossing my backpack onto the floor and jumping onto my unmade bed. I had spent all day at school thinking about Jay. I couldn't focus on anything. He really did something to me. I sat there scrolling through instagram, when my phone vibrated with a message from an unknown number.

Hey, it's Jay. Jessi gave me your number, hope you don't mind. I wanted to talk to you.

Shit. Jay asked for my number. And he wanted to talk to me. I was certainly over thinking this because I didn't even know how to reply to such a simple text.

Why would I mind?  What did you want to talk to me about?

I hit send and waited for a reply.  Three dots appeared on the screen, indicating that he was typing. Minutes later, my screen lit up with a grey speech bubble.

So the other day when you said that us making out was a one time thing. Yeah well, that really bummed me out because I kinda like you.

Holy shit. I had to reread the message about five times for it to really hit me. Jay liked me. And I liked him. But he didn't know that. At least I didn't think he knew. Unless he noticed me staring at him all day. I tried to play it cool and sent back a short message.

Really? Well I like you too, Jay.

You do? I was actually preparing myself for a rejection. You said it was a one time thing.

Yeah, I did, but that's because I thought you were straight and I didn't want to fall for another straight boy. Can I ask, what is your sexuality?

Bisexual, I guess. I mean, I have only ever liked girls but I like you. I like like you.

Well I like like you too.


I couldn't believe it. I didn't screw this up. I knew I had to keep the conversation going. I typed up a quick message and hit send.

So uh, do you maybe want to come over some time? My parents are on their way to England for a week or so to see my sick grandma, so I have the house to myself. You're welcome to come stay the night. I mean, if you want to.

No response. I screwed it up. I jinxed it. I totally fucking jinxed it. I began to panic and beat myself up about it when my phone flashed and vibrated.

I would love to. But would I be able to come over now? My brothers found this new ultimate fighting position that they want to try out on me and I really don't want to come to school tomorrow with a broken arm.

Okay, I'll pull out an extra bed.

Or... I could share your bed.

Stop quoting your dad's law commercials.

Why don't you make me?


AHHH! Hi. So this is the first (and short so apologies) chapter. I hope you enjoyed it.If you have any suggestions you would like me to include in the next chapter, let me know below or message me privately :)

I know not everyone ships Jay and Matthew but honestly they are super cute. Don't get me wrong, I love Aiden and Matthew, but this seems to be a more popular ship when it comes to Big Mouth fanfic.Anyways, see you next chapter. And to quote Matthew, byeeeeeeeeeee

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