Chapter 1

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"Take a swan dive and wish for a quirk in your next life"

Those words felt worse than a knife to the heart. I can't believe he actually said that. I knew he hated me but not to the point of telling me to kill myself. After he was gone I grogily got up  trying to stay upright.

I was making my way home but was too lost in thought to notice the slime villan that was sneaking up behind me. "Ah just what I was looking for,a meat suit. It's a bit small but I can make it work." I tried to run but it was useless the villan had already caught me and was forcing itself down my throat making me pass out.

By the time I woke up someone was slapping my face until I said "I'm up! I'm up!". "OH I THOUGHT I LOST YOU FOR A SECOND THERE YOUNG LAD." wait I recognize that voice it belonged to "A-ALL MIGHT!". "YES IT I ALL MIGHT, I BETTER GET HIM TO THE POLICE STATION SO HAVE A NICE DAY YOUNG CITIZEN." He was about to take off so I decided to ask a question "All Might." he turned his atention towards me. I have to ask him this might be my only chance.

"Do you think I can become a hero even though i'm quirkless!" I asked him. He froze for a minute or two before he was enveloped in a cloud of smoke, Once the smoke cleared I saw a tall, skinny man with sunken blue eyes and gravity-defying blond hair. "All Might is that you." "Indeed it is young citizen, let me explain what happened."

Time skip ( all might showed him his injury and about all for one)

"So you see young citizen it is much too dangerous to be a hero especially without a quirk so, no I do not think you can be a hero without a quirk. So it's best you change career paths."

Those words hurt worse than when kacchan told him to kill myself. Far worse because not even the number one hero who says anyone can be a hero believes in me. "I see thank you for the advice." I said cheerfully trying not break down into tears. He seemed a bit puzzled because of my reaction but never the less responded with "Your welcome young..." "Midorya , Izuku Midorya." I then continued with my walk home well more like run home.

Once I was home I called out " I'm home." to my mother but I did not get a response. She must have gone grocery shopping with Izuka I thought to myself. Yes I have an older sister she's 18 ,her name is Izuka and she has a memory quirk that enables her to remember everything she has ever seen or read in her life. She is currently studying to be Biologist in Tokyo so we don't see her that often, she and mom are the only things keeping me alive. We look the same since I have a femanine features but only difference is that she is a girl and is taller than me.

Once I was inside I went to my room so I could relieve my sadness and anxiety the only way I knew how, by singing. I gathered what I needed then started to sing.

Once I finished I felt a lot better  but my mood was interrupted by sniffling and crying coming from the doorway. I turned and indeed there was my mother and sister trying to dry their tears.

"Izuku you have the voice of an angel but those lyrics..."my mother said in between sobs. "They're so sad,why haven't you told us you can sing or that you were felling this way." Izuka said eyes looking red and puffy. "I didn't want to bother you and my singing is terrible anyway." I retorted looking down at the ground.

The next thing I knew they were both hugging me, we went on to talk about my feelings and I told them what happened that day. Izuka threatened to  kill kachan a few times but I was able to talk her out of it. All in all we were a mess of crying and hugging. Then I went to sleep since I was tired.

Izuka's pov

After Izuku went to bed me and mom talked for a bit. " I can't believe he thinks his voice is terrible." mom said. "I know right But I have a way to prove him wrong." mom's facial expression shifted to one of confusion " "But how." she asked. "I may or may not have been videoing him singing and may or may not have uploaded it on herotube and sent the video to a friend who is a producer!" After I said that my mom just stood there stuned I did so much stuff in such little time. "Now all we have to do is wait." Me and mom talked some more then went to bed. Tomorrow is going to be a long day.

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