Chapter 2

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Izuku's POV

The next morning I woke felling like today would be a good day to take a walk. I got up, brushed my teeth and took a shower. After I took a shower it was time to choose an outfit.

His' outfit

His' outfit

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His' shoes

Once that was done I went downstairs

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Once that was done I went downstairs. Mom was making breakfast when I greeted her. "Good morning mom." "Good morning sweetheart, nice outfit and before you asked Izuka went to her friends house." mom replied in her usual sweet and loving voice with a hint of tiredness.

Now that I look at her She has faint dark circles under her eyes. "Mom a are you ok you look a bit tired." I asked her a bit worried that she's not getting enough sleep.

"I'm fine izuku *yawn* I'm just a bit overworked that's all." she said trying to keep a smile on her face. After dad left she had to get a job to support us all since she was previously a housewife. She had a college degree in business so it was not that hard to find a job as an office worker. She made just enough money to scrape by and sometimes had some left over to put into savings. She could even be a manager by now if it wasn't for boss not appreciating her hard work.

"Just make sure to get some sleep today." she gave hum of agreement to show that she understood. After breakfast my mom sent me to buy some stuff that we were running low on.

About half way to the store I realised that people were whispering when I was passing by though I could only hear things like "Is that him " "His voice is so angelic" and "OMG HE'S SO CUTE!!!!".

That last comment made me blush in embarrassment but the others left me confused.

How do they know that I sing and why were they saying that my voice is angelic because i'm pretty sure my singing voice sounds werse than nail scratching a chalkboard. Anyway I ignored the comments and continued my errands.

When I was returning home a group of girls approached me, one girl step towards me and said " Hello there we were just wondering when your going to make a new song and if you had a stage name that we could call you by?" I stood there stunned for a few seconds before I came to my senses." I-I'm sorry but I t-think your confusing me with s-someone e-else." " No we're not, isn't this you." she said the showed me a video of me singing. At this point million questions were flighing through my head.

I looked down a little more to the views there were about 70 million views, 2.1 million likes and 10 thousand dislikes! How did it get there, why were there so many likes and why did it have so many views!!

Before I could answer them I saw kaachan across the street  but he did not see me until he turned his head in my direction.

Then he said something weird "Damn deku how dare you get famous before I did?!".  I didn't quite understand  what kaachan meant then I realized  it was because of the video of me singing , oh no this is bad he looked extremely mad about it.

I thought he was going to beat me up again so I protected myselfthe only way way I could. And that was to run like a bat out of hell. I ran and ran until I was home, back against the door, doubled over, hand's on my knees and panting like a dog in heat trying to catch my breath.

Mom was in the kitchen cleaning so I quickly tried to make myself look presentable then addressed her " Mom i'm back" "welcome back honey Izuka is back."she responded back. I need to tell them about what happened today. Remember Izuku no more secrets.

" Mom I need to talk to you and Izuka." she then called for Izuka. I  started to explain what happened today not including the kaachan part. Through the whole thing they kept smiling like idiots to which I was very confused.

Did they not hear a thing I just said or did they not care!!! Then they started laughing like seriously do they not understand or have they gone mad!

Izuka was first to break out of they're laughing fit. "Were sorry for laughing izuku but it was just funny to see the way you all frazzled and confused.  I posted that video of you singing to show you that your voice is beautiful and that it's not just us that think so. You should read the comments too they're so nice." she said excitedly.

"Wait you did this." "Yep also I have a friend who works at  a recording company and  he was practically begging to work with the person who sang that song, aren't you excited!". That was the last thing I heard before falling unconscious from what she just said.

Katsuki's POV
How dare that fucking basterd get famous before me. I'm a fucking protogy and a future hero, he's just some quirkless nobody. He did look good in that outfit though- wait what am I saying he's  just a worthless extra!! I'll remind him of his fucking place soon enough!! I'm gonna beat that stupid deku to a pulp!

Author's note


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