New Beginnings

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Izuku's POV

I was sleeping peacefully and was having the best dream ever before I was so rudely awakened by the sun light coming through my Windows. I then started my morning routine as normal. (See outfit above)

When I got down stairs I saw mom preparing some Natto, she looked a lot better than yesterday and was smiling brightly, weird.

"Good morning mom" I said taking a seat around the dinner table. She seemed to not be expecting me but said good morning none the less.

I looked around and noticed Izuka was grinning like a deranged serial killer.

"U-um Izuka why are you so happy." She turned to me with that same creepy smile and said somthing that almost made me faint (again). "Oh Izuku don't you remember we're going to my visit my music producer friend so he sign with his record label. Don't you remember?".

Suddenly all of yesterday's memories came flooding back to me. I then realized somthing else " I never agreed to this!!" She gave a pleading look and her best puppy dog eyes "Pleasssssseeeeeee".

Oh no I can't resist that look, I'm going to cave *sigh* darn you Izuka! "It will be good for you dear please go I want to see you happy again, please for me." Mom looked like she genuinely wanted me to go. "Ok just give me a few minutes to freshen up."

I went up to my room but could still hear their voices cheering in victory. Maybe it will be a good experience for me.Or you'll just embrrass yourself  and your family will finally abandon you just like your father did! You are worthless, quirkless and useless!

The little voice  in my head has been there ever since kaachan and his friends started bullying me. Maybe I shouldn't go I'll only make a fool of myself and once again prove how useless I am. No I can't listen to it any longer I-I refuse to listen any longer, this is my life and I am not going to live it in fear!

I quickly made myself look presentable and went back to the living room where Izuka was waiting for me with mom's car keys. "Hey ready to go."she said with a smile. "Yeah let's go." We then proceeded to the parking lot where mom's car was parked.

The car wasn't exactly new or old but it had definitely seen better days, those days probably being before Izuka and I were born.

We got in and started driving, when a thought hit me." Hey Izuka how far away is your producer friend?" "Oh about an hour drive." 'Ok so I have an hour to kill might as well get some rest' with that though I slowly nodded off to sleep.

-Time skip brought to you by bakugo's man tits-

Izuku's POV

" Izuku get up where here!" Izuka said while violently shaking me awake. " OK OK I'm awake and thanks for scaring half to death."

"No prob little bro what are big sisters for." She remarked ignoring my tone completely. I stepped out of the car to see we are in front of a medium sized building labeled 'Musutafu records'. When we went inside was a receptionists behind the desk typing away on her keyboard. "Hi we are here to see Akio Ito." said  Izuka.

She looked up at us with icy blue eyes and a deep frown on her face, to be Frank she looked like the slightest inconvenience would make her go off and boy do I not want to be on the receiving of that. "6th floor 4th room to the right." "Ok thank you." she gave a small nod then resumed typing.

We got to the elevator and pressed the 6th floor button. When we arived it was a lot trickier to find the room and if I have to be honest  we got lost like 3 times,haha woops.

Regardless when we finally got to the room we were greeted by a wooden door with a golden name plate. 'This guy must be a pretty big deal seeing  as he has a golden name plate while the others are silver.'

Izuka knocked on the door rather harshly if I may add and waited for a response.

"Come in Izuka." said a voice from the  other side.

Once the door opened we were met by the sight of ginger haired man in glasses adorning a black pin striped suit sitting behind a desk. As we got closer I saw that his purple eyes had no pupils, hmm must be because of his quirk I'll ask him later.

"Ah you must be the Midoryas it is so nice to meet you especially you Izuku, Izuka has told me soo much about you all good things I assure!" he polietly said while shaking  of mom and I's hands. When got to Izuka he gave her a hug that was a little too long and close for friends. I'm so going to have so much fun teasing her later!

"Alright let's get down to business." He spoke in a professional but still polite tone.

"Ok what are we doing first." mom asked

"First we will test your vocal range then go over the terms of contract. Sound good?"

"Yeah let's go." I said. We then followed him into recording studio down the hall, he then instructed me to get inside the booth and put on the earphones.

"Alright Izuku I want you to sing with a lot of high notes." he said said sitting behind the control panals. Hmm what should I sing...... Oh I know that song should be perfect. I closed my eyes and started to sing.

I opened my eyes to see that all the  glass in the room was broken. "What happened, why is there broken glass on the floor!?

"I-Izuku your voice broke the glass." Mom said stairing in disbelief. Really I did that but how.

"Izuka I thought  you said he was quirkless, nice prank but you should have told me he had a voice quirk I would have brought him another studio so this could have been avoided." Mr Ito said said in a monotone voice removing his now cracked glasses."B-But he is quirkless." Izuka retorted in a frazzled voice.

Mr.Ito turned to her eyes wide and mouth agape "So what you mean to tell me that his voice broke all the glass in the room without the help of a quirk?!"he said also looking frazzled. Izuka nodded to him still looking surprised. He turned to me and said "Kid your gonna be the next big hit!"

Thus began Izuku's journey to fame.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2021 ⏰

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