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I hear voices. Voices I probably should hear. I hear other peoples thoughts. I also can control there feelings. No I'm not a vampire or a werewolf, or some supernatural creature. A normal human girl. That's it just a normal human girl with special powers. My name is Scarlett. Last name doesn't matter. Maria, they call her my mother. To me she is a women who lives with me, tells me what to do, and comes to parent teacher conferences. Everything changed on January 1st 2009. Imagine yourself sleeping in you warm bed, in your dark room when you awake because of the intense harsh pain of a migraine.  Your head is swirling you feel nauseous. You can't talk and your thinking skills are completely shut down. You try and get to the bathroom in the process you fall and smack you head on the hard wall next to your bed. Your awaken in your bed with your "mother" hovering over you. You hear a faint voice " I wish she would wake up and be well so I can run out to the store for milk." What a loving mother you think still unable to talk. You sit up and nod that your ok. Mom leaves and you continue with your day. That's what happened to me. When I left the house to get the mail on my way to the mailbox old lady Betsy next door was out side and she must have been mumbling to herself I heard " Brown Kitty, Cute Kitty, What a nice Kitty, No come back Kitty No bad Kitty." I had to laugh to myself Betsy was a nice old lady. The next day was absolute hell. Monday. A horrid day. The beginning of the school week (and, for most people with decent occupations, the workweek). Its beginning puts almost everybody in a bad mood, but its end does little to enliven the spirit. The bus is horrible on any day, but for some reason to day it was worse. I boarded the bus and it was ten million times louder than it normally is. I sat next the this guy. David is his name i think.  I could have sworn him say "oh she is ugly." I turned to him and gave him the badass look. While i was giving him the look he said " She could be really pretty if only she took care of herself and cared." It pissed me off to hear him say that, but i noticed his mouth wasn't moving. The rest of the bus ride I kept hearing his voice but his mouth never moved. " Why is she staring at me? No wonder they call her creepy emo girl." When I heard the I turned away and just in time to hear, "I wish my father didn't beat up on Jenny, She's just 6 years old." I looked around and caught the eyes of Mariel. A popular, smart, athletic sophomore. I knew she wasn't talking to me when she gave me a dirty look and pulled out her cell. I focused on her for a bet and noticed that under all the makeup and plastic surgery she was hurting. Hurting bad, and she didn't know how to deal with it. I felt an urge to help her, at the moment I didn't know how.

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