A White Strip

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The chick in the bathroom's name was Vivianna. At the moment I didn't notice that. I walked and and she was sobbing. I walked down in front of a few stalls debating on whether to leave or help her. The crying go harder as I made my way for the exit. At that moment time stopped, you know that moment when you conscious talks to you and you get that angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other. Well I don't have an angel I have two devils both telling me the same thing. Get out of here, what has she ever done for you. I ignored them as that pinch of guilt entered my chest as i inched moments towards the door and I stopped I had to do something. I turned back towards the stall door she was in " Whats Wrong." I whispered cautiously. The stall door slowly opened with Vivianna's face covered in running mascara and sniffling uncontrollably. "How did you know I needed help?" she finally got out in between sobs. " Don't ask just answer me why are you crying and calling for help?" I snapped at her instantly feeling bad, but I couldn't explain how I heard her. Hell I didn't even know myself. She was holding a little white strip from the distance I was at it looked like a small thermometer. I moved closer to her as she slouched down on the floor and continued to cry harder. I saw a small white box laying on the floor next to her and instantly recognized it. It was the same box my mom brought home every time she went out with a new boy-toy. It was a pregnancy test.

I hate to stop the story there but there is something you should know about Vivianna she is the girl people say "gets around" but I never thought Vivi would go this far just for love. Vivi is a fostor kid her mother left her at the hospital minuets after she was born, she has been moved from multiple fostor homes orphanages and group homes and is constantly searching for love. Vivi never had a father figure in her life and she has been used multiple times and abused by many. She finds comfort in boys liking her and spends alot of time making sure that they do. Vivi has long black hair and she is unhealty thin. She wears the skimpyist clothes for attention but way deep down I feel bad for her. I don't understand all of the choices she makes and I dont understad why she does the things she does, but I had to help I just couldnt leave her there. Sitting on the cold dirty bathroom floor.

Looking at the little white strip I saw a small red plus sign. I don't think I need to tell you what that means. I wrapped my arm around Vivi and sat on the dirty floor. Me and germs don't get along but I felt like I could move a little out of my comfort zone just for her at this moment. "I'm on my way to the nurse right now would you like to come with me and we can talk." I asked her she nodded but continued to sit still. I heard her voice again " Is she serious? will she go tell everyone? can I trust her?" her lips didn't move but i still answered " yes you can trust me now lets go." once again I received a look of bewilderment almost like the one from Nick, I pulled her up and we walked to the nurse's station with my arm around her as she wiped her tears from her eyes and dropped the stick in the trash bin.

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