The Adventurer of Darkness

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Class: Rider.
True Name: Davy Jones.
Other Names: The Ghost of Jonah.
Gender: Male.
Armament: Sword.
Height: 177cm
Weight: 55kg.
Region: ???.
Source: Davy Jones's myths, Historical Facts, The Tales of Ensign Stål, J.R.R Tolkien's Legendarium, Anthology of the Patriarch Hall, Sinbad the Sailor.
Hidden Attribute: Star.
Spirit Components: Davy Jones, Bodhidharma, Ensign Stål, Aragorn II Elessar Telcontar, Sinbad, Johannes Liechtenauer, Charles XII of Sweeden, Alessandro Ferrero la
Marmora, Bruce Lee.
Basic Traits: Fairy Tale Servant, Hominidae Servant, Humanoid, Servant, Brynhildr's Beloved, King, Seven Knights Servant, Enuma Elish Nullification.

Personality: Rebelious, adventurous, cheater and mischievous, this is the how one can describe him. He mostly makes jokes at random times to the point of being annoying by most people. His mind is twisted beyond the normal human mind, as such he has the heavy tendencies of fourth-wall breaking as also doing actions which most people cannot understand, but that also makes him being able to have a better grasp of the human mind. But aside from that, he has the attitude of a romantic hero who defies the impossible and fights for what he believes it's right.

Motivation/Attitude towards Master: In normal circumstances he wouldn't be able to be summoned as a normal Servant. Although if he were to be summonable, compatibility is a must to be able to keep up with him. He's wild, chaotic, and would not easily listen to a Master who desires absolute obedience from him. He would just do as he like, even if it means putting or allowing his Master to be in peril. The likes of Emiya Shirou, Tohsaka Rin, Emiya Kiritsugu, Tohsaka Tokiomi, Kotomine Kirei, Matou Zouken, Matou Shinji, Gordes Musik, and Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald would never be able to fully control him. But the few like Kishinami Hakuno, Fiore Forvedge Yggdmillennia, Yui Shousetsu, Sajyou Ayaka, and Sigma he would be willingly to cooperate and be obedient to them to some extent in his own... unique way.

To the Master of Chaldea he's less chaotic and is willing to listen to them.

Likes: "Likes? Ooohh~ Are we going with that? I think... exploring, wine, women, and... having my fun around suckers!"
Dislikes: "Hmmm... I cannot think of a single thing i might dislike... But i have a pleasure in bullying Gilgi."


(His hair is orange color while his eyes are red)

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(His hair is orange color while his eyes are red)

(His hair is orange color while his eyes are red)

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