Scarlet vs The Seven Deadly Sins Pt3: Wrath, Pride and Sloth

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After making her assault on the state military, Scarlet made her way towards another part of town to see if she could find Wrath or any other Homunculus.

'If I were King Bradley where would I be?' Scarlet thought to herself as she looked around for any trace or sign of Wrath. 'Hmm, maybe central command is a good place to look.'

Scarlet Wondered around for a while looking all over for central command as she spotted more military troops to stop her in her tracks, this gave her the notion that she was close to central command.

"Hold it there, you're here by under arrest for the assault on our comrades at the East City HQ, stand down and surrender!" Brigadier General Fessler said as he had soldiers aim their guns at her.

Scarlet looked around as she grinned. "Oh? And what will you do? Kill me? I'm not sure if you've noticed I wasn't killed back at the East HQ, so why don't you tasty morsels move out of my way, or I'll make you all a wonderful meal."

Fessler gulped nervously. "S-She's a monster....o-open fire men!"

The soldiers looked at one another as they whispered among themselves, they lowered their guns down and dropped their weapons.

"I said fire!" Fessler shouted as he looked at them. "Don't let her trick you!"

Scarlet walked over to him as she grabbed him by the neck. "Who said I was playing? They made the right choice, but..." She then snapped his neck as she tossed Fessler onto the ground. "I demand to see your king and his son! Also know as the Homunculi Wrath and Pride!"

The soldiers looked at each other again not knowing what she was talking about, but one soldier stepped forward as he looked at her.

"I'm Lieutenant General Raven, why do you wish to see them?" Raven asked.

"I told you didn't I?" Scarlet asked as she scoffed. "Also your name sickens me, who gives their son the last name Raven? That's pathetic."

Raven blinked as he looked at her still. "Uh....what does this have to do with the question?"

Scarlet slowly walked towards him as she took her mask off. "Your king and his prince are homunculus, they just want you to think they're not."

Raven trembled as he backed up, but he turned his head a bit to see King Bradley, Selim walking down the steps with a huge guy behind them. "Sir, this intruder thinks you and your son are imposters."

King Bradley didn't say anything as he glanced over at Scarlet, Selim did as well. Sloth just stood there towering over the two, King Bradley soon sighed as he had his eye closed.

"I don't know what you mean, me and my boy Selim being homunculi? That's impossible." Bradley said. "Now why don't you run along before things get deadly."

"Lies!" Scarlet yelled out as a near by tree had birds flying away from it, she then began to slowly walking towards them. "Are you surprised? This world is quite literally godless. These humans have no one to guide them. Perhaps that's all they need."

"Godless?" Selim asked. "There is a god, what are you going on about?"

Scarlet held her arms out as her nevermore wings came out of her shoulder blades again. "We could become the gods of this world. Our powers surpass all others. Our souls transcend death. We can mold these lands into whatever we want, what you want, create the paradise that the old gods could not."

The words Scarlet was saying, had the soldier's, King Bradley, Selim and Raven confused, Sloth was walking past Bradley and Selim as he was now towering over Scarlet looking down at the girl.

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