The Empress of Darkness re-awakens

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While Kurumi was in the Tokyo Ghoul universe, and having to wait for the day she faces off against Ken Kaneki. At Icarus' kingdom, Kelvin had gotten the blood samples from Kurumi, and was about to use them on Scarlet.

Kelvin walked over to the healing chamber as he took the first blood sample that was Kaya's as he was about to inject it into the tank. Scarlet's eyes shot opened as she looked at him soon after, Kelvin took notice as he shut it off.

The chamber's door opened as the liquid oozed out onto the floor, Scarlet slowly walked out as she popped her neck and bones. "That took longer then expected.....what's that you have?"

Kelvin held up two samples he had. "These are blood samples, as you see. Nightmare isn't here with us, she had went on to the next universe while you recovered here. She took this first one from a ghoul named Kaya, and this second one is from one of your clones she had made with her angel. However in this it's more ghoul blood, she's currently going to fight Ken Kaneki."

Scarlet cocked an eyebrow up as she looked at the samples. "Give me those." She then snatched them from his hand as she injected both syringes into her body pushing the blood inside her.  "G...Gahh! That's going to be painful, my body hasn't fully recovered just yet."

Kelvin noticed her body pulses showing her skeleton and goes back to normal. "Something went wrong no doubt, Your resurrection went wrong. That energy, your body's ripped open."

Scarlet cocked an eyebrow as she walked over to a wine cabinet, her body pulses again showing her skeleton once more. She pops the lid off the wine bottle as she took and started chugging it down, two more pulses go on from her body as her skeleton is shown once again.  "I am so very hungry right now, Kelvin where is the food at?"

"I...uh, I don't know." Kelvin said. "Dio might have a wine bottle full of fresh blood for you to have."

"No, no, I need more then that." Scarlet said as her body pulses again. "I need....more, I need...I want cheese and chips, and meat and gravy, and cream and beer, and pork and beef, and fat, great big chunks of hot, wet red!" She began laughing insanely as her body pulsed. "All that roasting meat, cakes and red wine. Hot, fat, blood, food. Pots, plates of meat, and flesh, and grease, and juice, and baking, burnt, sticky hot skin. It's mine to eat and eat and eat!"

"That's impossible to do you know that?" Kelvin asked. "There's no way you can fit all that inside your body."

Scarlet glared at Kelvin as her body pulsed again. "Just shut up already. I have nothing more to say to you. You're way too pathetic... I'm done wasting my breath." She then walked off as she grabbed more bottles of wine and chugged it down.


Scarlet cut a rift opened as she stepped through it, she then arrived at Salem's palace as Emerald looked over at her. She noticed something was off with Scarlet but couldn't put her finger on it, yet let alone know what she was planning.

Scarlet's body pulsed again as she looked at Emerald and smirked, seeing no one insight. She walked over to the mutant. Not giving Emerald time to react, Scarlet pounced on her pinning her down as she pulses more rapidly. "I am so hungry Emerald. And you're looking just the part for my meal."

Emerald struggles trying to kick the insane girl off of her, but failed to do so. She felt how heavy Scarlet had gotten from the past couple of years, she would open her mouth and was about to let our a scream. But Scarlet covered her mouth and hushed her.

"Shh.." Scarlet said putting a finger over her own mouth. "I've made a contract with the devil, so I can't be friends with you anymore." She then opened her mouth as she sank her teeth into Emerald's flesh.

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