Chapter 9 (Edited)

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As the next customer stood in front of me, I couldn't bring myself to look at them. I was too tired and wanted to hit someone. The last few hours, Dean and Caesar had made fun of me relentlessly, repeating the same words over and over. So, I just asked the customer what they wanted.

"Could I speak with the laziest and most unmotivated employee here?" the person asked.

"Ah, sure. Dean, someone's here to talk to you!" I yelled, because Dean was attending a table further away.

"No—no, I—" The customer started to protest.

"Dean!" I shouted, causing every head in the café to turn towards us, probably because of my loud voice. "Dean, where are you? Dean—"

"No. I didn't m—"

"Dean! Why aren't you listening? Where are you—"

"God, Emerson! I was asking about you," the person said, clearly exasperated.

I looked up, recognizing the familiar face. "Oh, Henry. I didn't know you'd turned into a woman."

"You knew it was me?"

"Of course, Mrs. Avilla. I'd always recognize you. And you were trying to be funny, which you aren't necessarily, but the fact that you think you need to use a funny voice is hilarious," I said.

Mrs. Avilla resembled Henry quite a bit—black hair, a perfectly shaped face, and striking green eyes. The only difference was height; Henry was tall, a trait from his father, while Mrs. Avilla was of average height, like me.

Before she could say anything further, Jenna called out to me. "Em, what are you doing? Why were you screaming? And why do you always have people who want to talk to you? Better yet, why are you talking? Who is this?" Jenna questioned as she approached me.

She stood beside me, staring at Mrs. Avilla and me with a mix of curiosity and surprise. Mrs. Avilla smiled and extended her hand. "I am Head Doctor Avilla."

Jenna took her hand but kept her gaze fixed on me. "Ah, okay. Well, Mrs. Avilla, I'm really sorry, but I have to tell you that Em's working and she can't—" Jenna paused, her eyes widening as she glanced back at Mrs. Avilla. "Wait, you're the famous Doctor Avilla, whose husband is also very famous and related to royal blood."

Mrs. Avilla laughed, a light, melodious sound that could cure every sadness except mine. She shook her head. "Yes, that's me. But I don't have royal blood in my veins—I was just married into it. My husband and my nephew's mother are relatives of the Lakewoods."

Jenna nodded, clearly starstruck by Mrs. Avilla. For her age, Mrs. Avilla looked remarkably young and beautiful.

"I need to talk to her," Mrs. Avilla said, turning her smile towards me.

Jenna nudged me, nearly knocking me off balance if she hadn't had a firm grip on my arm. "My, my... Em, I didn't know you were friends with royalty."

"She dated my son," Mrs. Avilla added, her voice light and casual. I shot her a glare.

"What?" Jenna exclaimed, swinging my arm in front of us with such force that it nearly wrenched out of its socket. "How could you leave him behind? He's royal blood!" I thought to myself that his mother was right in front of us. "If I'd dated him, I'd—"

"But you didn't, okay? I'll talk quickly and then get back to work," I cut her off, wrenching my arm free from her grip. My poor arm felt like it had been through a war. I grimaced.

I hadn't told Jenna about Henry, and why should I? We were merely work colleagues. I was relieved that the news of our breakup hadn't reached her, unlike everyone else. Even Dean knew about it, but he never brought it up.

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