Towards the society,
You wear a mask.
One that isn't seen,
One that will never be torn.Perhaps you don't feel it,
But sometimes you might reveal it.
With that mask, you're hidden,
Your true colors isn't seen.Your laughter and joy fills the room,
While others suffer in sadness and frustration.
Your every smile,
Puts a stab in another's heart.Building up on other's misery,
Perhaps, might be your happiness.
How will you know?
When you've never think for others?You get along well with people,
Because they don't know..
Their mind, not clear enough to see.
Sooner or later, they'll see..With that mask, you do great in society
Once it is brought down, will you still be?
That mask, it just takes time.
Once people knows, they'll bring down your mask.'Why bother?' People ask,
'Let them be' People say,
But what will you do?
When the masked comes to you?Will you still remain as calm?
Or will you rage?
Will you feel upset?
When the masked comes to you..

PoetryThe penning and planning of this title, 'Journey', began while I chose Literature as my elective in secondary school. To me, Literature is not just a subject. Personally, I am extremely passionate about exploring poems, poetry and proses. The hidden...