The Journey Part 1

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Every second fades into the night with dread. Every minute is washed away with fear. Every hour is wasted with worry.
I hear the small click of the guillotine releasing the blade. The blade falls smoothly. I wait for impact but it never comes. I open my eyes, not realizing I had shut them. Around me I see the body of the executioner and the body of the guy who had lead me here from my cell. The sound of someone landing on the ground echoed through the stadium. The wood surrounding my neck loosened just a bit before someone heaved the wood block up allowing me to get up. I lift my head a few inches and it hits something cool and hard. Turning my head a little I see it was the blade. I lowered my head and carefully pulled it out from underneath the blade. When it's out I turn around and sit down on the bench I was laying on and watched the guy who saved me scurry around doing different tasks. He sometimes stopped and bent down to look at person, or at times he would glance at the person and just keep walking. Looking around I noticed that everyone around me was either knocked out or dead. I could see a few arrows protruding from some of the people who are dead.

" We're leaving,"  the guy says, "now!" He says after I just stare at him blankly. I do what I was told, the shock of not being dead wearing off just slightly. The guy picks up the body of a girl, throwing her over her shoulder and carrying her out a set of doors I hadn't seen before. I follow him into a hallway lit better than the one I was in before. We take many turns before finally I see a small hole of light. Getting closer I can see that the lock on it was blew out. Yet nothing that I knew of could that much damage. Although who knows what advandcements the outside world could have made while I was locked up in that dark, cramped cell. I heard some rumors, but they were just that, rumors. We walk through the door that was slightly ajar. My skin feels refreshed as soon as sunlight touches it. The guy walks around the corner of the building. Following him I see three horses. One for me, one for him, one for the girl, probably I thought to myself as I walked closer. Gently he placed the woman on the horse then climbed up behind. He grabbed the third horse all while motioning for me to get on the other one. "Just get on, follow me, and don't ask questions," he told me when I was close to the horse. It was easy to get on the horse considering the horse's back was up to my collarbone. Soon, we were galloping through the arid desert that I faintly remember traveling through to get to the prison. We rode through the night and kept riding until dawn broke and the sun was just over the hoizon. He soon stopped his horse and got off. when I was getting off he handed me a red cloak. I took the cloak and quickly put it on, my skin already turning pink from sunburn.We sat down on a tree that had fallen down waiting for the women to wake.

"Why are we here? Why did you save me? Who is she? Who are you?" I asked him before I realized that I had done it.

"I thought I told you to not ask questions," he responded to me, his voice hoarse from from the sand that had probably dried out his throat. He handed me a canteen, and a wierd soupy type liquid in a bowl. "It's just water and lamb stew," he told me as I took the stuff hesitantly. We sat like that for hours. In silence watching the horses drink water and lay down in the shade provided by the small trees. Every so often one of us would get up and walk around to stretch out our legs or grab the canteen to wet our mouths and throats. When it was dusk and the sun had just disappeared behind the horizon the women finally stirred. She sat up and looked at us with confusion on her face. she got up slowly, probably afraid of what we might do to her or have already done. She went to the edge of the oasis look back us and took off running.

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