The Journey Part 2

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Every second includes more dread. Every minutes adds more fear. Every hour brings more worry.

I got up to follow her but the guy put out his arm stopping me in my tracks. I looked at him confused, he got up collected all our stuff and put it in the bags that were on the horses. He soon then got up on his horse.
"Well, we better go after her shouldn't we?" He asked me like it wasn't what I tried to do in the first place.
"Well yes, we probably should!" I told him exasperated. Getting on my horse we started to gallop in the direction that the woman went. After a few minutes of riding I saw the outline of her shape, slowly walking. 'So that's why he was taking his time, he knew that we would catch up to her anyway' I thought to myself.
"Would you like a ride?" The guy asked her, making her jump.
"No, I can very well manage by myself" she responded back to him annoyed that we followed her.
"Well if you need us we'll be in the next village," he told her and with that he trotted away on his horse with me trailing right behind him.
"Wait!" I hear a voice call out from behind us, "I guess I could use a ride," We turned around and trotted up beside her. He let go of the his hold on the horse allowing her to get on successfully. Once she was on we headed in the general direction of the next city. As I looked around all I could see was desert. Every once in a while we would see another traveller, or we'd see some trees out in the distance, but no city or village. We rode through next couple of days, resting every so often. Finally after many long hours of riding I saw a village in the distance. As we grew near I saw the girl's eyes grow wide.

"Why are we here?" She demeand, first looking to me for answers. When I just shurgged she turned to the guy, "I should've known you would bring me here, I should have never gone with you that day  in the first place!"

"Yes, but where would you be without me?"

"I'd be curled up in my house, by my fire reading a good book!" She yelled at him.

"No Catherine, you would not be curled up in your house reading a book, you know that! You would be imprisoned in that castle instead of sitting in those seats watching as your "king and queen" tried to kill...kill...kill her!" he yelled back to her as he pointed to me in the process.

"Oh really! And let me ask you, how would you know that?"

"Let me think," he replied back tapping his chin like he was actually thinking, "Maybe it was because I saved you from that carriage, that same carriage that has held so many, so many that have died because them, but you, you happened to be the one person, THE ONE PERSON that was saved from the carriage. The one person whose llife was not brought to an end because of them. And quite frankly I think that was the biggest mistake I have ever made."

"I wasn't the only one you sa-" she had begun to say.

"Don't you dare even try to talk about her, she was literally centimeters from her death, centimeters!" He yelled her. He then got off his horse and walked into the city we had suprisingly just arrived at. I followed him leading my horse into the village, leaving Catherine stunned.

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