Hockey AU

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You were making your way to your usual seat, a seat you sat in two or three times a week at least. Where were you? A hockey game. Not just any game though, your boyfriend's game.

You were dating the team captain of the college hockey team. Ashton Irwin. Tall, muscular, curly honey hair, beautiful hazel eyes, and an amazing smile that he proudly wore almost always.

The fact that you could call him your boyfriend still blew your mind. His sweet, caring personality with a cute giggle was nothing like his persona in the rink. He was known for being a rough and competitive person. Especially if an opposing team member hurt one of his teammates.

God help whoever decided to check Luke or shove Calum too hard into the wall. But no matter what he did, he never took it too far. He knew if he was too rough or out of line he would be kicked off the rink. Which could be a disaster for the team.

Your seat was right behind the team's bench, so you could see everything and yell a quick pep talk to your friends on the team whenever they needed it. The announcer came onto the speaker getting everyone pumped for the teams coming out onto the rink.

Tonight's game was big, rival colleges going against each other was always a good game. All of the boys skated out and started warming up, you watched Ashton skate with ease and smack the puck into the goal multiple times.

You smiled widely watching with pride as he interacted with his teammates and warmed up, smiling his big smile. Suddenly one of the other teams players skated by Ashton and Calum and by the looks of it said something that Ashton didn't like too much.

His smile faded and was quickly replaced with anger. You frowned and watched the other player skate off with a smirk on his lips "Odd" you thought. You looked back at Ashton and saw him staring at you with a slight frown. "What?" you mouthed to him, frowning yourself.

He just shook his head and continued to practice shooting into the goal. I wonder what that was for... You thought to yourself before shrugging it off and settling down to watch the game unfold.

*****A Few Minutes Into The Third Period*****

Since the game had started, you watched as the same player that had spoken to Ashton before kept going by him at every chance and saying something. Something that Ashton did not like at all.

You watched as Ashton's frown got deeper and deeper. You had never seen him this upset before today. Then it happened, the one thing you prayed wouldn't. The player went by one more time and said something and that was it.

Ashton swung his fist into the guys face and knocked him square in the jaw. You stood up and watched in horror as Ashton got on top of the man and repeatedly punched him in the face, knocking the guys helmet off and beating his face to a pulp.

The refs and other players rushed over and yanked Ashton off. A few of the opposing team members hit Ashton and a bunch mini fights started from the one Ashton had started. As the other refs tried to stop all of the fights occurring, one grabbed Ashton by the collar and shoved him towards the door of the rink saying into the mic that Ashton was kicked out for the rest of the game.

You stood up and pushed your way through the many fans and onlookers to get to where you needed to be. The locker room. You smiled at security as they let you by, knowing who you were from all the time spent at the rink with the team.

You walked in and saw Ashton sitting in front of his locker with his head in his hands. "Ashy?" You said walking towards him. "Y/N, go away. I don't want to talk to anyone right now." He snapped, barely looking at you before putting his head back into his hands.

"Looks to me that you need someone though. That busted lip isn't going to help itself." You said matter of factly while stepping over and grabbing the first aid kit. You sat next to your boyfriend and opened the kit grabbing the swabs and alcohol wipes for his split lip. You turned and looked at him, aggravated he wouldn't look or talk to you.

"Ash. Ashton. CAN YOU STOP BEING A FRICKING BABY AND LOOK AT ME? LET ME CLEAN YOUR DAMN LIP. PLEASE." You practically screamed pulling at your hair slightly. He looked up at you startled and stared at you with surprise. "Don't look at me like that."

You grabbed his chin and yanked his face close so you could clean him up. He sat there letting you clean his bloodied lip, not saying a word. Finally you were fed up with it and made him look you in the eyes. "Ashton Fletcher Irwin if you do not say a word in the next three seconds, I will not be held responsible for what I do."

You breathed in before starting to count. "One," "Two," You stared into his eyes hoping he would say something about what had happened. "Thr-"

"He said stuff about you." He barely whispered looking down at his feet. "What? What did he say?" You stared at Ashton with wide eyes wondering what you had to do with what happened. Ashton sighed and stood up, starting to pace like he always does when he's stressed or frustrated.

"He skated over before the game started and started talking shit about you. Asking what whorehouse I found you in, how he would spend the night with you after they won the game. He kept on doing it. Over and Over. I couldn't take it anymore Y/N I couldn't! He did it to get under my skin and he sure as hell did. I just wanted him to stop and pay for what he said, but once I started hitting him...... I couldn't stop." He barely said the last sentence looking absolutely ashamed of himself.

"Babe, don't you dare stand there and think twice about hitting that asshole. He did it to make you mad and he deserved to be hit for that." You stood in front of Ashton grabbing his hands and tugging on them. "Hey....look at me. You defended my honor and honestly that is the sweetest most kindest thing anyone's ever done for me. Thank you."

You grabbed Ashton's cheeks and pulled his lips to yours. He slowly kissed you back, making sure to not hurt his lip anymore than it already was hurt. He pulled away and rested his forehead against yours, "But what about the team? If we lose tonight it will be on me.

 You smiled slightly and played with his curls on the back of his neck, "Ash if the team can't win without you for one game than Luke, Calum, and Mikey need to seriously rethink their lives." You both turned towards the locker doors when you heard the final buzzer and a bunch of rowdy guys came running in screaming about how they won and couldn't believe it.

You looked at Ashton to see his worry lines slowly go away. You squeezed his hand to get his attention, and he looked down at you. "I'm gonna wait outside. Ok?" he nodded and kissed you quickly before you walked out going to do one thing before you put this whole night behind you.


You found the opposing team's locker room and waited outside the door patiently. Finally the one player you were waiting for walked out with a black eye and busted up nose. He stopped abruptly when he saw you standing there waiting.

"You proud of your work?" You asked with a sickly sweet smile. "I don't know what you're talking about." He replied with a super nasally voice due to his injuries. "Really? You don't remember calling me a bunch of horrible names? Can you not say it to my face?" you prodded.

"Listen bitch, I don't need you in my face right now. Get the hell out of my way." He tried to push by you but you stood your ground, glaring at him in defiance. "Make me. Bitch." You responded roughly, daring him to do or say something else. You watched as he slowly backed off before turning and exiting a different way.

You let out a sigh before turning around and seeing Ashton standing there.

"Heyyyyy Ashy.....what's up?" He smiled brightly and walked up to you, "What's up is I just saw my girlfriend be a total badass." He leaned down and kissed your forehead. "So how about I take you to my apartment and we celebrate." He said winking at the last part.

You laughed and lightly punched his arm, "You idiot." He grabbed your hand and kissed your palm. "I'm your idiot though." 

AN: Ayeee I'm back to post a decent imagine!

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