Big Space, Big Yn.

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It was late friday night after Jungkook had dropped Yn off home and walked back to his own house.
"Hey sweetheart."
"Hey mum." Hey mumbled back with a tired smile as he slipped his trainers off, hung his coat on the peg and started to walk up the stairs. Just as he neared the top and he reached the last few creaky steps he was called back downstairs by his mother's voice floating up to his ears. With a sigh and an eye roll he lobbed his bag into his open door at the top of the stairs and turned back around, trudging down them.

He walked down the living room with his arms above his head, giving a big stretch and gripped his fingers to the top of the door frame as he hung his weight on it slightly looking at his mum who was curled up happily on the sofa with a cup of tea watching crap tv.
"What's up mum?" He sighed, worried at the smug look she had on her face.
"Your dad text me earlier. Said he saw you and some girl kissing in the arcade?"
"Mum!" His eyes darting around the room looking anywhere but his mother's face. How could she be so outgoing about it?!
"I'm just being straight with you!"
"Well don't!" Jungkook snapped as he let go of the doorframe and run his hand through his hair, turning his back on her not willing to have this conversation but she called and he stopped in his tracks.
"I just want to meet her is all! Your dad said she's a tiny little thing?"
"I..Why're you so interested?" He sighed turning back around to meet her gaze and she shrugged with a small smile.
"Just wanna meet her s'all." His mum grinned and he rolled his eyes and took the stairs two at a time, pulling his phone out of his pocket and launching himself onto his bed.

What're you doing tomorrow?

Err..I dunno why?

You with Curly?

I honestly don't know. I mean she doesn't talk much, and to my knowledge she doesn't really leave her little space when she's at home like Yn does so she's as quiet as ever. I haven't made plans to see her so I guess i'll see her Monday at school?

Not good enough douche bag.
Message her.
Make a plan for tomorrow.

Dude why?!

Just fuckin' do it you giant bell end I need you to be out and about.

I'm older than you and I swear you're throwing all this damn shade my way!

I'm rolling my eyes so hard right now they hurt...

Again with the blatant disrespect. 
Kids these days.

Aight old man! Give it a rest!

Why you so desperate anway?

I need to talk to you...

Tomorrow at the bandstand but you've gotta bring me lunch.

Fine it's a date ;)

You're one weird kid.

It's why you love me.

Leave me alone...

Not in your lifetime.
I'm haunting you in your dreams tonight too.

Don't jinx me kid.

Jungkook cackled to himself as he plugged his charger into his phone placing it on his bedside table before hopping in the shower and turning on his PC to stay awake till stupid o'clock playing overwatch.

Namjoon sat inside the dry shelter of the bandstand in the local park in town as he watched the rain cascade down, slapping the floor, splashing into the puddles making them bigger, falling off the bandstand roof like little waterfalls, the pitter patter as it hit the umbrellas of the few folks walking past, mostly with dogs in coats, the skate park the other side of the park empty and devoid of kids playing.
"It's so heavy you can barely fucking see into the distance." Yn laughed and Namjoon scoffed as he nodded.
"You're not wrong." He agreed and looked to his right to Yn.

Jungkook approached the band stand from the side by the walkway lined with trees and could spot Yn a mile away. It was a rare day where Yn wasn't in little space he could tell by her hair. As Jungkook got closer he could see she'd come out dressed in light blue skinny jeans with rips in them, black Nike high tops and a baby blue fitted superdry coat with fur inside and around the hood and long sleeves that had a thumb hole, her long shiny hair was tied into a ponytail that would have cascaded down her back if it wasn't all caught in her hood apart from a few tendrils slipping out and hanging long and loose swaying in the gentle chilly breeze that came with the rain. 

He'd intended for it to only be Namjoon here but this worked perfectly.

"Hey." Jungkook smiled disturbing the two's easy chatter as he climbed the few steps into the bandstand as he flicked his hood off and ruffled his hair, his fringe a little wet but he didn't mind too much.
"Hey!" Namjoon smiled with a wave as he stayed seated on the wooden bandstand floor.

"Hello handsome." Yn grinned with a playful wriggle of her eyebrows as she stood up and launched herself at him and he was a little thrown off when he caught her and her lips crashed into his for a second or two before she pulled away and looked up at him.
"What're you doing here?" She asked and he grinned.
"I could ask you the same thing. I'm here for a date with Namjoon."

"Pft, really? Cheating on me with Joon. Fucking savage." Yn groaned taking her arms from Jungkook's shoulders as she pretended to be offended whilst he took a seat next to Namjoon and she planted herself between his legs as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"You're savage. Especially in your big space." He teased and she looked up and over her shoulder at him.
"Yeah well. I only came out for a walk-" He watched as she gestured to her umbrella hanging from one of the railings on the bandstand that he hadn't noticed as she carried on "-because I had a fall out with my parents so I wanted to get away from them."
Jungkook's eyes lit up with an idea.


"Why don't you come to mine for a while instead if you wanna get away from them?" He watched thoughts flit across Yn's face and she nodded.
"Joon you're a legend."
"I didn't do anything? You've barely even been here two minutes!" A look of confusion evident on his face and Jungkook grinned at him as Yn stood up to fetch her umbrella.
"Oh but you did dude. You really did." He fist bumped the confused boy before taking Yn's hand and the pair walked off together in the rain leaving Namjoon alone attempting to get a text reply of out Curly.

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