Just a Train Ride Away

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Ahh I can't wait! Only three more hours! I think as I cart my suitcase around Aflecks.

I guess I should update you since the last time we spoke was when me and Charlie decided our friendship was better than us going out. So me and Charlie are besties again and I've been skyping the boys at least twice a week, however Connor doesn't join the Skype. Now it's been a month and a bit since the boys left and it's coming up to Tris' birthday so us girls are planning on heading down to London for a week! Now you know why I was so excited! It's been ages since I lived in London and I miss the place; I miss the buzz of the streets as people shopped; I miss watching the sunset over the towering buildings out of my window; I miss being able to walk out of my door and knock on the boys' door. You get my point...

Anyways, the train to London gets here in three hours so for the next two hours me, Mil and Tilly are doing a little shopping before heading over to Piccadilly station. Mainly we browse around Aflecks and then have a quick noises around Dr Martens but we couldn't afford anything so it was just a nosey.

Finally the hours up so we start running to the train station, stopping at the falafel shop on the way, then walk to the rest of the way to the station. Our platform isn't open when we get there so we grab a Starbucks and sit on the floor by the entrance.

"I can't wait to see the guys!" Tilly squeals making me and Mil laugh.

"Me neither!" Milly says after composing herself. "So what've you guys got for Tristan?"

"I'm going to take him out for a picnic under the stars!"

"Aww that's so romantic Tilly! I've got him a clothes voucher! What about you De?...De?"

"Huh yeah..." Milly and Tilly stare at me. "What?" Their eyebrows lift and they lean in closer. "Okay...I'm scared to see the guys..."

"Why?" Tilly asks confusion in her voice.

"Well, the last time I saw them I kind of kissed Connor...twice." I look at my feet as I twiddle my thumbs.

"De! Why didn't you tell us?" Mil asks, completely shocked.

"Wait." Tilly buts in. "The last time we saw the boys you were with Charlie."

"I know."

"Delilah...you sly bitch!" Tilly says with a huge grin across her face.


"You kissed Connor twice without anyone knowing...don't think I approve of this though!"

"I would never."

"I have to hand it to you as well there De!" Mil joins in. "Anyways don't worry Con will probably have forgotten or not be arsed about it!"

"I hope so..." I say before we hear the muffled voice sound through the speakers. "I think the gates open."

We all get up and walk on to the platform after showing our tickets to the people. Quickly, we speed past the snail-paced people, get on the train and take our seats. The train sets off and the journey is silent as Milly and Tilly spend the entire time staring at the backs of their eyelids. This meant that I plugged my earphones in curled up and gazed out the window; I cannot for the life of me sleep on trains.

Just as I was getting bored out of my brains my phone started ringing. I look at the screen and see it says James. I answer the phone quickly and hold it up to my ear.

"Hey James." I say as happily as I can.

"Hello happy!" He replies sarcastically and I can sense his smile making me smile.

"Sorry, Milly and Tilly are asleep so I've had nothing to do but stare out the window and listen to my playlist twice."

"It's fine. I know how boring train journeys can be especially when you can't sleep!"

"Yeah! Anyways, you called me..."

"Oh yeah, we were wandering what time you get to the station and if you girls would like to go shopping after you've dropped your bags off at your hotel?"

"Yeah that sounds great! Are all you boys going?" James pauses for a minute before clearing his throat and stuttering his answer.

"Er...y...yeah, why?"

"Just wandering since Connor hasn't been on the Skype calls...you alright?"

"Yeah...great. You okay?" The conversations suddenly got awkward and I have no reason why.

"Bored but other than that yeah...have I said something James because you've suddenly started to stutter?"

"It's nothing...no it's not. I know." The simple I know makes me feel like I've been punched straight on in the chest.


"I know...about you and Connor..."

"James, I..."

"No De it's fine. You can kiss or go out with whoever you want...I mean it's not as if I love you right."

The phone call ends there and I feel the tears gather along the bottom of my eye as I stare out of the window. I remember telling him that I thought he didn't love me...how didn't I see that he did? I'm so careless with the words I blurt out sometimes...


Hey readers...so sorry it's taken me so long to update but I'm a busy person and I'm lacking inspiration currently...if you couldn't tell by this chapter.

Thanks to everyone who reads and votes for even one chapter! Also I'd like you to know that if you comment I will always reply to them!

Love you heaps, Fin!😘

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