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Connors pov
  Today was the first day of senior year, god I hated school. It fucking sucked ass. Anyways, last night I was up crying, my eyes where red and puffy. I dressed in my black outfit, and got my bag going downstairs to the table. I see my larry, Cynthia, and zoe. I sot down with them and set my head on the table.

  Out of no where a fight brakes out, I didnt want to go to school and now a fight is on it. I leave the room but I go to school anyways. On the way to school I started to think to myself

No one will care of you died right now, your family would be better off without you, they dont like you, no one likes you.

  After a while of thinking, we are at the school, I leave the car and walk in. I look at my classes knowing all the teachers, and knowing today will be my last day seeing them ever. They dont care for me. No one dose.

  The day went by normal, till lunch time. I didnt eat breakfast and I dodnt want to doe today on a empty stomach so I might as well get some food. School lunch. That's when it happened.

"Love the new hair length connor, very school shooter chik." Jared says to me. That hurt me. I stared at him.

"It was a joke." Jared replied to himself. "Oh no it was funny, cant you tell I'm laughing?" I asked him. I hear him chuckle.

"You're such a freak" jared says to me leaving, I hear his friend chuckled, I could tell it was a nervous one but I was man. "what the fuck are you laughing at?!" I asked him. I dont remember anything after that other then I pushed him then left.

  The rest of the day went by kinda normal, I went to the computer lad, I was going to make a suside letter, but I saw that boy I pushed earlier, he was talking to his mom. I can tell there's lies in his voice, as I type I see he prints out his paper. Why is he making a paper?

  I wanted to say sorry so I grab the paper off the printer to read 'dear evan handsen' that was all so j went to him.

"How did you brake your arm?" I asked, a ice breaker.

"Oh, I fell out of a tree.." I hear the boy mumble. The boy named evan, cute name for a cute boy.

"That's the sadest fucking story I ever heard"

"Oh i know" he replied to me, hes nurves aww..

"Um, no ones signed your cast.." i say to him.

"Oh i know"

"I'll sign it"

"You dont have to"

"Do you have a sharpie?"

He gets a sharpie for me, I take his arm, he let's out a little ow, fuck i hurt him. I let go a bit and wrote my name is huge letters.  "Now we can both pretend to have friends." I tell him.

I go to hand him the letter "is this yours? I saw it on the printer, dear evan handsen, that's you right?" He nods to me and tries to take it. "Because theres zoe...this is about my sister.." I said take g it away from him, hes short so I joked it above my head. "It just a stupid assignment. I need that back!"

"You wrote this because you knew I'd fine it.."

"Why would I do that?! To ruin someone's life?! I'm not a little fuck up!" Evan told me. "Oh my god I am so sorry" he told me. I burst out laughing. I couldnt stop. I laughed. I havent laughed in a while.

Once I finished I saw evan looking uncomfortable. "You're funny. I like you" I told him "your not going to use this for anything right?" I asked him. He shakes his head. (666) I write my email at the bottom of the paper handing it back to him. Maybe I now how a reason to live. "Email me. " I told him before leaving. I skipped the last two periods.

   It was four hours before my computer screen lit up. I got a email.

Desr connor,
Hello its Evan Handsen, the boy in the computer lab. You said I was funny and you gave me this email. I hope this is you and not some prank. If it is I'll be expecting a apology tomorrow but you dont have to. But if it is you, hi.
Sincerely Evan Handsen

The boy really emailed me. I'm proud of that kid.

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