A Little Light in the Darkness

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Vera flung her body down on the ground. She knew she shouldn't be on the ground where she could easily be stepped on, but she has worked for three hours straight. It's the only thing she could really do around here without getting in trouble. She dried all his dishes, dusted the fireplace, and started his laundry. It might not be much at all, especially starting his laundry since all she did was push the button to start it, but being this size it took her forever to do anything. It took her an hour and a half to properly dry all the dishes, an hour to dust, and the rest of the time trying to figure out how to apply enough pressure to a dial to start the wash and push the button in.

She was exhausted to the point of " I am going to fall on the ground and not get up till morning." Vera closed her eyes for a well-deserved rest and laid there peacefully for about three minutes. She sighed in content and to catch her breath.

When she was finally breathing normally and was honestly about to fall asleep, something huge and menacing slammed down right beside her body. Vera jumped right out of her skin and screamed. She ended up back peddling trying to get away from the danger beside her. She took a double take and finally it clicked, what slammed down right beside her was a foot. Vera followed the foot up to a leg and the leg leads up too... Of course Lucien's body. " Are you serious! You could have killed me!"

Lucien smirked a menacing smile down at her. " Well don't lay somewhere where I can easily kill you."

Vera rolled her eyes and laid back down knowing it was just Lucien; she even closed her eyes trying to continue her rest.

It was only a second when she felt something poking her side and trying to get her attention.

"What?" She growled out without even looking at him.

" I noticed the hard work you have done around here, I'm actually impressed, and when a pet does something correct they get rewarded."

" I don't want it." She simply stated.

"Nope. That's not how it works." Lucien picks her body up and starts to walk towards his bedroom.

" What...are... You doing? Let me go." Vera was struggling in his fist to try to loosen his grip around her. It wasn't painful, but it was super uncomfortable.

Lucien didn't give a reply. Not a single one. She did not like this. This feeling of the unknown and knowing whatever he wanted was going to happen rattled her.

Lucien went into his room and kicked the door closed behind him, instead of using his hand. He dropped her body on his nightstand and walked to the other side of the room. He started to dig through all his items looking for something in particular. While he was searching Lucien's back was to her. Vera stood up and brushed off her clothes like they had dirt on them. She readjusted her clothes then started to walk to the edge of the table. Vera looked down and tried to mentally measure how far it was to the ground and how long it would take to get there.

" Don't even think about it."Lucien didn't even have to turn around to know exactly what she was doing. Vera grumbled to herself and flung herself down into a sitting position and crossed her arms like a five-year-old.

Vera heard Lucien get excited and pull something out of his closet. " I knew it was in here somewhere," he commented on an ecstatic way? Vera could not see what he placed over there, because he was making sure he was covering it up with his body. Lucien walked over and scooped Vera up with one hand.

" Will you seriously stop that!"

Lucien stopped walking and looked down at her like she just cursed him out. Vera scooted her body back in fear and covered her mouth to indicate she won't speak like that again. Lucien dropped Vera's body on his dresser and stepped back.

Vera stood up and rubbed her body like that would make the pain go away. While rubbing her pain away she looked up from her body and looked up. Vera froze.

Right in front of her was a house. She walked around it, just inspecting the outside then looked up Lucien. She pointed towards it then to herself because she was still in disbelief.

" Yes. It's for you. It's not like I can use it, and like I said you have been a good little pet." Lucien was smiling? While talking to her.

Vera couldn't take her eyes off of either the house or Lucien, especially Lucien. Why was he being so nice all of a sudden? His excuse was he didn't need it. She was a good pet, but since she has shown up here all he's done is yell and punish her. Plus on top of that he was smiling!

" Go. I'll wait here. Go look." He was just as excited to see her reaction.

Vera walked in hesitantly and closed the door behind her. All the furniture looked real. It didn't look like it came from a dollhouse. There was a living room, kitchen with a table, bathroom, and two bedrooms. The bedroom she assumed was hers was painted in white with blue trim and blue sheets. Her favorite color was blue. There was also a drawing desk since back home she did a lot of art, there was even art supplies already on the desk like canvases, paints, and pencils sitting there. Everything was her size.

Vera looked around in her room in ultimate confusion. This had to take time and thought. Why would he call her his pet and make himself a master, but turn around and do something a boyfriend would do? She walked to the bathroom hesitantly, but she just wanted to see if it would work. It wouldn't work. Vera turned a knob on the sink and...water came out! There was running water and electricity.

What the helm was this? Was he meaning with her head? Was he going to give this to her then take it away when she " Bad"?

While she was looking around the house opened up. It opened up just like a dollhouse would, right through the middle.

" You like it?" Lucien had a smile on his face like he used to when he gave her gifts back at college.

" Ummm...yes, I love it, Lucien."

As soon as she said that she covered her mouth. " I'm sorry. So sorry. I mean Master."

" It's fine. It was a slip-up. I'm glad you like it, Vera." He tilted his head to the side like an innocent puppy.

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