Chapter 2

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~ Third Person's P.O.V. ~

After Dean said goodbye to you, he made his way to his house. Right next to yours.

You 've been neighbors ever since he moved in Mystic Falls, after his father's death. He needed a change of scenery and somewhere to start from the scratch and Mystic Falls was the best place to do so without the need to forget everything. He didn't want to forget his father, his family, so moving in next to the house of his father's long-time friend was a good idea. Of course he didn't live with his brother, Sam had preferred to live at a house near the house of some old friends, the Salvatore brothers. 

Dean took the keys out of his bag and unlocked the door. Walking in he threw them at a small table by the door and made his way to his desk. Throwing his bag at the side of his desk he sat at his chair.

Closing his eyes for a moment he thought of all the work he had to do. Check some essays, papers, tests, prepare the ones for the following day, and apart from all the school work he had to make dinner, clean and tide the house.

Which of course he did and after hours of chores and school-work he found himself laying on the couch breathing heavily and not being able to move an inch. 

"Talking about tired" he murmured to himself.

He laid there for a while more before he groaned and slowly he got up making his way upstairs to his room.

He reached his bedroom and once opening the door he looked straight ahead facing the window of his bedroom that was exactly opposite the door. He looked throw the open window, from where he stood, and could now see... you.

Through his open window and your open window he could see you sitting on the chair of your desk, back turned to him, a small light turned on to illuminate the whole room and give you the ability to read. He looked as you sighed in frustration and closed a book just to open another, and resting your head on the palm of your hand you started reading it.

Probably for the test they are going to have tomorrow on my lesson he thought.

He shook his head, along with the guilt of being the reason that you staid up until late at night just to study. For his lesson.

Unbuttoning his shirt he made his way to the table next to the window to leave his watch and after that turned to walk into the shower. He definitely needed a shower after such a long and tiring day.

~Time skip [coming to you]~

You let out a final sigh and closed your biology book having finally finished. 

About time you murmured and after rubbing your eyes to get the sleep out of them you pushed your chair back and got up stretching.

You put the books on your bag and turned to make your way to your bed, not really having energy to even change. All you wanted was to get a good night's sleep and-

"Oh dear..." you said, your voice just above a whisper at the sight in front of you.

Looking through your open window you could see that your neighbor - your teacher, Dean Winchester, was at his bedroom but not just that. He was not wearing a shirt, or anything for that matter, only a towel wrapped around his waist but other than that he was not wearing anything and oh boy was that a sight.

You stood there watching him dry his hair with another towel, luckily big enough so that it covered his eyes and he could not see you stare, and after a few minutes he stopped and leaned against the door, towel still on his head, covering his eyes (which luckily were closed) a little bit. His hands hung by his sides as he stood against the door breathing heavily. You watched as steam still came of him and drops of water run down from his jaw, to his jawline and then his neck and then his chest, his abdomen and then-

"Woah woah no (y/n)! No! Don't go there" you mumbled to yourself though you were still unable to tear your eyes from him and his damn-gorgeous body. Swallowing hard you licked your lips trying to make them moist. They felt dry, just like your throat. And you knew what was the cause of it but you couldn't bring yourself to look away, away from those arms, that torso, that body in general. It was so... perfect. With the whole meaning of the word, and even that tattoo fit so perfectly that you were mesmerized, to say the least.

You stood there, just looking and not moving, and it felt like forever but suddenly he moved and went to grab the towel from his head, opening his eyes, and so you suddenly turned and looked down at your desk and few books that were left there, praying that he wouldn't  notice you.

You felt eyes on your back but after a while you felt as if he stopped and went to get dressed. You let out a sigh and kept looking down, trying to calm your beating heart, you took a few more breaths in. You felt as if not only your cheeks but your whole boy was burning up, your throat and lips still dry.

"And to think that I wanted to go immediately to bed" you mumbled to yourself after deciding that a shower was much needed.

You shook your head and after running a hand down your face you made a quarter turn and without daring to even so glance at the window, thinking that you might see something more than you already had, your took off your shirt and threw it somewhere before removing your jeans too, being left in only your underwear.

After throwing your jeans on a chair you walked straight ahead towards the bathroom, without looking at the window's direction even in the least bit. The images you had from earlier would be enough for more time than you would think of. You just hoped that the shower would help. Even in the least bit.

~ Time skip ~ 

And it did. Fortunately for you, you managed to relax again and not really think of what you saw earlier, although the images would keep coming back, you tried to occupy your mind with something else.

After drying yourself with a towel you changed into your pjs and made your way out of the bathroom to your bed. This time you dared to look out of the window and saw that Dean's window was closed so you shut yours too. You laid down on your bed and within seconds you found yourself drifting into sleep.

But then a knock on the door made you wake up from your sleep.

Another knock.

You slowly opened your eyes rubbing the sleep out of them after turning the light on. For a few minutes nothing could be heard, nothing but silence. It was so quiet that you thought you must have misheard but then there it was again. Another knock on the door.

"Come on (y/n), open up!" you heard a voice say in a whisper-y tone.

Who could it be? Who would come at such a time, midnight - you glanced at the clock beside your bed. It couldn't be your father because it certainly didn't sound like him. And you would have said Caroline or maybe Elena or Bonnie but then again the voice you heard was far from being that of Caroline's, Elena's or Bonnie's. Maybe it was Tyler or Matt having come inside the house through the back door (they knew where you left the key when you locked it) trying to drag you to go to Tyler's party (they had done it before).

Yeah probably one of them you thought and so you got up from bed and made your way to the door.

But when you opened it, well, let's just say there's no way you could have guessed who it was.

You stood there almost shocked, but certainly surprised, looking at the insanely green eyes of your insanely handsome teacher. Mr. Dean Winchester.

"M-Mr Winchester? Wh-what are you doing here?" you asked, eyes almost wide, sleep completely gone.

"I came-" he said and paused walking inside, making you back away, and closing the door behind him "- to see you" he finished.

"S-see me?" you asked once again. And boy, were you blushing. But you really couldn't help it. He was so close to you that you could feel the heat radiate off him, getting closer with every second, and looking him in those forest-green eyes that seemed so perfect, was totally going to make you blush. Not to mention how soft his slightly tanned skin seemed to feel when lit up by the orange-y light on your nightstand and then the images from a few hours ago started coming back, making you remember his oh-so-perfect body and arms and think of how it would feel if-

"Yes" his voice broke your trail of thoughts "You really worried me today, you know" he said in a soft voice, his eyes full of worry and his brows slightly frowned.

And then he did something you certainly did not expect. He brought one hands up to your flushed cheek and cupped it. Brushing it with his thumb.

Your eyes widened at the sudden display of affection and you took a few steps back.

"Mr. Winchester h-how did-" you gulped and then took a breath in "How did you get in?"

"Your father has showed me where he leaves the key of the back door, that's how I got in" he replied as if it was the most simple thing.

"Al-alright but I-I still don't know what- what do you really want here Mr. Winchester?" damn him and his perfectness that made you stutter.

"Isn't it obvious?" he asked tilting his head a little bit, raising his brows slightly as well as giving you a small, almost invisible, smile.

You frowned slightly and bit your lip. You didn't really want to hear what answer he had to give you. Because if he did, and if it was the answer you thought it would be, then, well, it would be even harder to contain yourself.

He gave a low chuckle, shaking his head and then look you in the eyes with a soft smile on his lips "I thought I'd made myself pretty obvious to what I want..." he said and you staid silent, waiting for him to finish.

"You. (Y/n), I want you" he finished.

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