Chapter 3

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"You. (Y/n) I want you" he finished.

"I-I don't understand Mr Winchester. Wh-what do you-" you started but he cut you off.

"Again with those damn formalities" he let out an exasperated sigh, shaking slightly his head "Why do you always call me that, especially now. We're not at school anymore, (y/n). Please call me Dean." he said with a small smile and took a step ahead and you backed away once again.

A feeling of sadness flashed through his eyes and you immediately regretted your  actions. You opened your mouth to speak but he beat you at it.

"Why are trying to push me away? You call me by my last name all the time, you avoid me when I try to make a conversation outside school and act formal all the time when I'm around, and it feels as if I mean nothing to you. And even earlier today... or now that I want to know if you're alright you try to push me away. Why?" he said and you had never seen him look so hurt or vulnerable.

"I-" you took in a deep breath "I'm sorry... Dean. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to" you saw a smile appear on his lips.

He shook his head and took a step closer to you "No. I am sorry, (y/n)" he smiled and took another step closer to you and this time you didn't back away- fact that made him smile even more "I just really wanted to see you, see that you are alright"  and he took another step closer, no more room left between the two of you "You really got me worried today, you know" he smiled, bringing his right hand up to your cheek.

Your eyes widened slightly and you opened your mouth to speak when you saw him leaning in a little bit "Mr. Winchester what are you-" you started but he cut you off.

"It's Dean" he gave a low chuckle and continued "Don't worry (y/n) you'll learn to say it over the next few hours" he leaned in, your faces only inches apart "Or moan it, whatever suits you" he finished and you had no time to react as he closed the remaining space between you by crushing his lips to yours.

Your eyes widened at first but then you started to melt into the kiss which, although at first was somewhat rough, turned into sweet, slow and passionate.

You were starting to give in more but then it hit you like a tone of bricks. You were kissing a way-older guy, who was your teacher and close friends with your father who, by the way, was the town's priest whom everybody knew. And since Mystic Falls was a small town and everybody knew everyone it meant that they knew you, too, as well as Dean.

Your eyes widened in realization and with all your will you brought your hands up and pushed him away.

"What.." Dean said breathlessly looking at you with a hurt expression.

You run a hand through your hair, looking at him and trying your best to contain yourself from grabbing him and kissing him again. Something which was really hard just by looking at his lips that from the kissing seemed more full.

You took in a deep and shaky breath , and after licking your lips you spoke "We can't." you said and he looked at you frowning.

"You- you're my teacher, way older teacher and I'm-" you started speaking again but he stopped you by putting a hand to your lips "Don't. Don't say more" he got closer, once again only inches apart.

"But-" you started protesting only to be cut off once again.

"No 'but's (y/n). I may be your teacher but that doesn't mean anything. We're not at school anymore, so you don't need to worry. Nobody will know" he ended up whispering, his face really close to yours.

"But we can't" you whispered too, voice barely audible.

"Yes, yes we can" he said and brought his lips to yours to give you a small peck, lips barely brushing.

"Besides, don't you want me?" he asked when he pulled away, voice in the same tone.

He gave you no chance to respond "Because I recall you staring at me, half-naked, when I came out of the bathroom just a few hours ago." he said and upon seeing your eyes widen he smirked and continued "Yes, I did realize that you were staring, when I supposedly wasn't looking. It's ok, baby girl. It's ok if you want to feel it, too" he took your hand in his and put it over his heart "It's ok, because I want to feel your too, baby" he run hand up your arm, to your neck, jawline and rested it on your flushed cheek.

"I want to feel your body flushed to mine, sweetheart. I want to be able to run my hands up and down your body. I want to feel yours around mine and I want to feel your lips on mine, baby. I wanted to feel them everywhere. And I bet... so do you, hm?" he asked resting his forehead against yours, putting his other hand on your waist.

You looked from his lips to his eyes and gave him a very small and reluctant nod. He smiled fondly and after mumbling a "Good" he leaned in and brought his lips to yours.

The kiss soon from sweet and hesitant turned into hectic, passionate and needy. You brought your hands to Dean's neck to pull him closer, bodies flushed and yours pressed to the wall next to your bed and his hands on your waist, gripping at it, trying desperately to bring you closer to him, if possible.

"Dean" you moaned his name and he took the advantage to shove his tongue, both his and yours now fighting for dominance. And he would have won if it wasn't for your both pulling away. You to take air and him to remove his shirt.You took a few seconds to admire his well-built body, running your hand up from his chest down to his abdomen till the waistband of his gray sweatpants.

He took in a sharp breath when your hand went a little lower and he grabbed you by your waist, pushing you hard to the wall behind you. This made you immediately look up at him and within seconds he was back at kissing you just as roughly as before.

And just the moment you started feeling  your knees give away he grabbed them and brought them up around his waist, your back still pressed to the wall and him kissing you like there was no tomorrow, one of your hands at the back of his neck the other gripping  at his shoulder.

And it wasn't after a while that you felt yourself not pressed to the wall anymore but you were being carried away somewhere else. Suddenly you felt Dean drop you somewhere and you opened your eyes to see that you were laying on your bed, Dean right above you. 

He quickly removed your shirt and positioned himself on top of you, between your legs, which went around his waist. He looked at you for a few seconds before he came down and-

- and you woke up with a startle.

Wait what?

You looked around you, trying to understand  what was going on. 

There was no Dean, the light was off, you were fully dressed and perfectly fine (well if we exclude the fact that you were somehow sweated).

"It was... just a dream" you mumbled to yourself, putting a hand on your head.

Just a dream...

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