Chapter 10

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"Hey Ric, do you happen to know where my dear husband is?"

"Uhm, yes, in his office right there, Lisa"

"Thank you very much, Ric"

The voice replied and it took a few seconds to realize what was happening. Your eyes widened in a realization and tried to push Dean, who obviously had not realized a thing because he kept kissing you, away.

Dean looked at you frowning "What..." he said breathlessly but you did not respond.

You just licked your lips and suddenly turned to look at the door, a shadow was visible that it was approaching, footsteps echoing and coming closer. And just in a split second the door opened and you immediately grabbed your books from his desk, getting a little bit away from him, and Lisa walked in.

Dean immediately straightened up and cleared his throat.

"Hey" he said his voice still raspy so he cleared his throat again, giving you a glance which you returned.

"Hello Mrs Winchester" you looked at Lisa, giving her a polite smile.

"Oh come on (y/n) I've told you to call me Lisa" she chuckled slightly "Anyway, hello to you too" she approached Dean.

"And hello to you. Missed me?" she smirked at him and before Dean could respond she leaned up and kissed him.

Dean stood awkwardly still, eyes wide open and he glanced at you, who were looking down at your feet. So Dean brought his hands up and pushed Lisa away. She looked at him quizzically but brushed the thought off.

"Hey, uhm, when did you return?" he asked.

"Jut an hour ago. Didn't you miss me?" she fake-pouted.

"I uh I-" he hesitated and glanced at you behind her.

You gave him a small, soft smile which he slightly returned and then he looked at Lisa "Yeah, yeah" he kept the smile.

"Well I'm glad then" she leaned up to kiss him again but he stopped her, giving you a glance and only then did she remember that you were still there.

"Oh heh sorry (y/n)" she laughed a little bit.

"No it's ok" you smiled, although this time you did not mean it even in the least bit "I'll just go. Thank you for helping me with my paper Mr. Winchester" you gave Dean a smile, trying to seem believable, and then turned to leave, not so much glancing at him when you opened the door to walk out of the room. All the while Dean looked at you feeling sorry for what you had to see and for not stopping Lisa. Mixed feelings washing over him, not sure if after Lisa's return and that scene you would want to continue what you had started a few minutes ago.

But you did. Fact that he realized just a few hours later.


Dean sat alone at the big couch on his living room, thinking of what he could do to find out if you still wanted to be with him or not. Lisa was not at home at the moment, she had gone at a friend of hers' house, visiting after all the time she's been away. So luckily Dean had some time alone to think about what he should do. He was happy that she was not there and after a long time he felt better when she was not with him than when she was. Because when she was Dean felt as if he could not breath. As if she was suppressing him and did not let him feel himself. The exact opposite from the way he felt with you.

You. That was the only thing he was thinking about. Did you still want to be with him after Lisa's return? Would you risk it? Did you love him so much as to endanger everything? 

Love him...

The mere memory of you telling him you felt the same way, that you loved him, brought a smile upon his lips. The lips that you had kissed with your own initiative.

He smiled fondly at remembering the kiss you shared and then the doorbell rang.

"Again forgetting the keys..." he mumbled, thinking that Lisa had forgotten her keys, letting out a sigh because she was back.

He opened the door but what he saw surprised him "(Y/n)?" he asked.

You gave him a small smile and mumbled "Hey"

"What, uh, what do you-" he stuttered and you moved the pie you were holding higher.

"Brought some pie. Dad and I decided to do some baking and, yeah, knowing my love for pie he suggested we made some. And I brought some of it, knowing that you like it, so..." you trailed off, looking down at the pie in your hands; shrugging.

"Oh uh, thank you. Thank you" he smiled slightly and extended his hands to take the pie. Your hands brushing, making you look up at him for a while.

He cleared his throat and took the pie, motioning for you to come in. You did so, and closed the door behind you; standing there and fidgeting with your hands as you waited for him to return from the kitchen. You heard footsteps and looked up to see him coming closer, holding a key.

"Uhm this belongs to your father, I'd bring it over later but since you came... yeah" he trailed off and you nodded. You took the key but he held your hand and you looked up at him.

You frowned and he spoke "What happened earlier, at school, what you said; do you-" he started but you cut him off.

"Yes. Yes I meant it." you said and he looked at you "And I still want to be with you. No matter what" you smiled softly and brought a hand to cup his cheek.

"Even-" he started and you cut him off again.

"Even if Lisa is back" you smiled "That does not change my feelings for you" and at hearing that he smiled too.

You leaned up and kissed him, him kissing back immediately. 

So that's how it began...

Dean's and yours love story. Your forbidden love story.


The weekend passed by rather slowly and you could not wait for Monday to come because that would mean seeing him. Not that during the weekend you would not see him, you would. When you both were at your bedrooms you would stand by the window and just look at each other, though those moments were soon interrupted by Lisa coming in and you going away from the window, to the wall next to it, so that she wouldn't see you. And sometimes you would share messages. But none of them compared to actually being with him. In his arms.

So when Monday came you could not be more happy. The week was amazing. You found more than once the opportunity to skip some of your classes to go to his office and stay with him. Some times he would come and ask for the permission, from the teacher you were having a lesson with, claiming that he had to talk to you about your papers or something like that. Other times you would say that you were not feeling well and that you wanted to go to the nurse, only to go to him. You hated lying, even to your teachers, but luckily you did not need to as most of the times you asked for the permission to go to the nurse from Sam, who of course knew everything, so he allowed you to leave.

And then there were moments during his lesson when he would look at you for more time that he should, unable to break your gaze, and you did not dare to look away from him; a small smile on your lips every time. Sometimes when he handed you anything his hands would intentionally brush with yours, lingering for a while more and you would bite your lip, trying to contain yourself from locking your fingers with his or at least running your thumb on his hand. And there were times when he would slip you small, loving letters along with your essays and any other papers or when he would just happen to walk by towards another student. His hands behind his back, giving it to you secretly so that nobody would see. And he managed that. But you could not manage hiding the big smile or blush that crept up your cheeks when you read the small notes.

You look so beautiful today one of them said.

How come that you look so radiant even in your casual clothes? one more said.

Damn, stop smiling the way you do or else I won't be able to keep myself from shouting that I love you!  another said.

God, I could stare into those eyes forever. one had written.

Don't look at me that way, I lose my focus! yet another said.

You have no idea how much I want to hold you right now. another one said.

I love you baby girl. I really really love you the latest one had written on it.

And then it was after the class had ended when you would stay in the classroom with him to talk a little bit, share a kiss or hug him; you really wanted to feel him close to you. You did that as often as possible, trying to use even those few minutes together. Caroline usually waiting outside the door; checking if somebody was coming or if it was time for you to go. You were really grateful to her for her help. She really was a good friend and you could not be more happy to have met her. Not only because she was helping you now but because of her you had made the right decision. And it was. No matter how many people would disapprove or how many people you would hurt. Though you preferred not to think about it, because it made you feel guilty and bad as well just at the thought of what your father would say or think of you.

So you just decided to brush the thought off, no matter how hard that was, and tried to enjoy your moments with Dean. Moments  like the two of you making your way back from school together, sometimes even linking hands and locking fingers when you were sure that nobody was around or looking. Talking about random things or just walking in silence because even that  felt comfortable with him. Your eyes locking sometimes when both of you turned to look at each other, which happened a lot, soft smiles breaking on both your faces and him leaning down to give your a small peck on the lips (again when nobody was around), you leaning to his side some times; resting your head on his shoulder.

Yes, those moments were the best. Those and when you visited him, whether it was to give him an essay you had forgotten on purpose or something that your father wanted you to give him, whether it was some sort of key for the church (Dean kept it for safety purposes)  or some kind of tool for the garden that your father had borrowed. All those times you found the opportunity to stay for a little while, in his embrace hugging and cuddling on the couch, kissing and just gazing into each others eyes. Something that you certainly did not expect from Dean Winchester. No matter how tough he seemed most of the time, even with you, there were moments when he would just want to be a soft-y. And all those happened when Lisa was not home.


You were feeling bad about her, but each time Dean noticed that you were thinking and not talking much, knowing what was going through your mind, he tried to reassure you. To make you feel better. To assure you that it was not your fault that he was cheating on her, that even if he had not realized that he had feelings for you he would end his marriage sooner or later. Because, and he was 100% sure about that, he and Lisa had no future together. He could not imagine himself spending the rest of his life with her anymore and he could not imagine himself happy with her. Not anymore. No. Because he could see it clearly now, the way he imagined himself happy was with you.


You let out a sigh as you finished your homework. Shutting your book you rubbed your eyes and got up from your chair; stretching.

You looked at the clock to see that it was already midnight. Luckily it was Friday and you had no school the following day so you could sleep through most of the day if you wanted to. 

Now, you would not have to stay up until this time of the night to do your homework but you could not have said no to the opportunity offered to your earlier the day. You father wanted you to give Dean some from the pie you had both made and you could not say no, knowing that Lisa was still away visiting some other friends of hers that she had not seen in a while. So you ended up spending a little more time with him also because of the fact that your father was not at home but had gone at the church. It's been almost two weeks and a half since you both started seeing each other and, just like him, you could not get enough of each other. And so here you were, just having finished your homework at 12 o' clock at night.

You sighed heavily and turned to look out of the open window, hoping that you would see him before going to bed. But unfortunately, although you waited, he did not come into his bedroom.

Sighing you went to your bathroom to have a shower. You took your time and tried to relax and once finishing it, you changed in your pjs and exited the bathroom, making your way to your bed, really in need of sleep. The towel  was over your head, you bending and drying your hair. Once there were almost no droplets falling and your hair felt less wet and more dry, you removed the towel and straightened, looking up and right ahead. Outside your open window. 

But you soon wished you hadn't done so.

Your eyes widened and the towel dropped from your hands. You felt tears well up in your eyes but you tried to keep them from rolling. No, it couldn't be true. You could not believe it.

There in Dean's room was Dean pressed against the closed door by Lisa, both kissing roughly. Her hands on his shirt unbuttoning it and removing it as fast as she could, while Dean's hands were on her waist, gripping tightly as it seemed. They both moved away from the door, never stopping the kissing, and made their way towards where the bed was and-

You could not take it anymore. You quickly made your way to your window, tears now rolling down your cheeks, and shut it with a loud thud, closing the curtains afterwards. You then fell to your bed where you laid, sobs shaking your whole body, tears rolling down your cheeks, clenching the wet-from-the-tears pillow, curled up in a ball.

And you wished, with all your heart, for it to be over. For the pain to be over. For all of it to be just a dream. A nightmare from which you would soon wake up and then go to Dean to hear him tell you how much he loves you and that you are his one and only. Things that he has told you many times before but... he obviously meant none of them. Because obviously you were nothing but a break from his routine as a husband. Everything he told you was obviously a lie. Everything you believed in was a 'dream'...

... but what you saw was not a dream. It was not a nightmare...

... it was real.

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