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A/N: This is a few months after the end of Forbidden. Reader is in college/university and Dean has found a job there as a professor.

Forbidden - Teacher!Dean x Student!Reader - Sequel

"NO! Hey no, Dean stop!" you managed to say through giggles.

"No, Dean! Stop it! I have to study!" you said half laughing, as your boyfriend-slash-teacher did not stop tickling you.

You were at your dorm, which you shared with Caroline and Elena, but since they were out you had called Dean to come and help you study for your mid-terms. And Dean, not having anything else to do, came to help you like a sweet boyfriend would do.

"Hmm let me think about it..." he stopped for a second and tapped a finger on his chin "No" he smirked and started tickling you again.

"De-dean n-no co-come o-on I-I ha-ve to study! DEAN!" you said, not able to keep your laughter, tears streaming down your cheeks.

"I'm sorry but that's not happening today babe" he smirked more and continued tickling you.

"N-no De-dean please! I-I 'm supposed to b-be studying!" you said through laughter,clenching at your sides and trying to stop him, or at least reason with him to take a break.

"Study? What the hell are you talking about? Who gave you such ideas?" he shook his head and stopped for a while, only to resume shortly after.

"Y-you! I-it's your lesson I'm supposed to be studying for, biology!" you said and then started laughing again.

"Oh right, yeah" he nodded and then pulled away from you "Ok then let's resume to studying" he rested his back against the head of your bed.

"Finally" you sighed in relief, the smile not leaving your face "You really are in the mood today"

"Well, yeah, of course I am. Lisa and I signed the divorce yesterday so that means I'm legally all yours" he gave you a cheeky smile.

"True" you gave him a peck on the lips "And since I'm now 18, I'm legally yours too" you giggled.

You fixed your shirt and straightened your hair, and after brushing a few tears you turned to look at Dean. After he put the book aside he turned to look at you and continued doing what you were before. Asking you questions about how each bone of the human body was named. (Which is what resulted in him being on top of you and tickling you after having poked at your rib and found out how ticklish you were.) You really should not have let him poke your side, but you did not regret it. So you continued.

"Ok so uhm let's see." Dean took your hand in his "What's the name of this?" he pointed at a bone around the place your wrist was.

"That's an easy one. Carpus" you smiled and he did the same.

"Correct" he said and kissed you at that place, as a reward.

"Now, what about this one?" he pointed at the area of your fingers.

"Again, easy. That's metacarpus" you said and he nodded.

"And that?" he pointed at your fingers, but at a different place.

"Phalanges" you said quickly.

"Correct and correct" he said and gave you two kisses at those places.

You giggled at his childlike behavior and he interviewed hands with yours. He looked up and down your arm and then spoke "And what about this one?" he pointed with his other hand at your arm.

"Easy. That's radius. And that's ulna. That's the radius head. And then that's humerus, that's the humeral head, that's the scapula and that's clavicle." you started and then named bone after bone.

Forbidden - Dean Winchester x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now