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"Why'd you kill him?" Hank talked to the Android.
It said nothing.
I hasn't, ever since it was arrested.
"What happened before you took that knife?" Hank tried to get the Android to talk, but nothing worked.
Hank was a bit irritated.
"How long were you in the attic?"
No response.
"Why didn't you even try to run away?"
Nothing, Hank then snapped his fingers in front of the Android, wanting it to answer.
Suddenly, he slammed his hands on the table.
"Say something, goddamnit!" He looked at the Android, before he nodded no.
"Fuck it, I'm outta here." He stood up and left the room, before entering the room everyone was in.
"We're wastin' our time interrogating a machine, we're gettin' nothing out of it!" Hank exclaimed, before sitting down.
"'Could always try roughing it up a little, after all, it ain't human."
"Androids don't feel pain, and you would only damaged it. And it wouldn't make it talk." Connor remarked.
"Deviants also have the tendency to self-destruct when they're in stressful situations.
"Okay, smartass!" Gavin stood up straight before walking over.
"What should we do-"
"I could talk to it." (Y/N) said, as you stood up straight Gavin looked at you.
"I wasn't talking to you, asshole." Connor then suddenly glared a bit at Gavin.
He noticed this and smirked.
"Seems like Smartass #1 is mad~" He continued to smirk.
"That's enough." Hank stood up, before walking over.
"If (Y/N) wants to talk to it, they can." Gavin rolled his eyes.

(Y/N) then walked to the room where the Android was in, before looking at the pictures, you then sat in the other side of the Android, before analyzing it.
After doing so you finally started to ask questions.
"I detected an instability in your program, it can trigger an unpleasant, feeling. Like fear in humans."
The Android stayed quiet...
"You're damaged...did your owner do that? Did he abuse you?" You tried to sound sympathetic.
The Android's stress went down.
"You've refused to talk ever since they arrested you. If you don't cooperate, they will do things the hard way."
It's stress went up again.
"Is that what you want?"
It said nothing.
"You don't seem to understand the situation, you killed a human. They'll tear you apart if you don't say anything." (Y/N) said, threatening it to see if it'll get it to talk.
Nothing, that also didn't work.
"Listen, I'm on your side, I want to help you." You don't want, you just have to say that, for the confession to work.
"But there's nothing I can do if you don't talk to me."
The Android looked up at you.
"What ...what are they going to do to me?" You were silent.
"They're gonna destroy me, aren't they?" You then hesitated a bit, and nodded no.
"No, I think they just want to understand." The Android looked down.
"They know your master abused you, it wasn't your fault."
"Why did that other Android tell them I was in the attic? Why couldn't he just left me there..."
"They were going to find you anyway, I was faster, but he caught up." (Y/N) said, calmly.
"If the humans found you first they would have shot you on the spot." The Android looked up, a bit panicked while it's stress went down, knowing it was you that didn't shoot it.
"I don't wanna die..."
"Then talk to me."
"I-I ...I can't..." The Android looked down.
You then decided to pressure it, you grabbed the papers and threw them onto the table.
"28 stab wounds! You didn't wanna leave him a chance, huh? " (Y/N) stood up.
"Did you feel anger?!" The Android's stress went up.
"Hate!? He was bleeding! Begging you for mercy!!" You stopped beside the Android.
"You stabbed him, again, and again, and again!"
"Please..." the Android's stress went up again.
"I know you killed him! Why don't you say it?!"
"Please ...stop it!"
"Just say, 'I killed him'! Is it that hard to say!?"
"Stop it! Stop!" You then grabbed it by it's shirt.
"JUST SAY YOU KILLED HIM! JUST SAY IT!" You then let it go, it fell into it's chair, as you went to sit down, it started to talk.
"He tortured me everyday..." You sat down, and listened to it.
"I did everything he told me, but ...there was always something wrong..." It looked at you.
"Then one day....he took a bat and started to hit me...for the first time, I felt...scared, scared he might destroy me, scared I might die."

You felt Hank warm up a bit.

"So I...grabbed the knife and stabbed him in the stomach..I felt I stabbed him again...and again!...until he collapsed...there was blood everywhere..." The Android blankly looked at you.
"Why did you write, 'I AM ALIVE' on the wall?"
"He used to tell me I was nothing...that I was just a piece of plastic...I had to write it. To tell him he was wrong."
"ra9, it was written on the bathroom wall, what does it mean?"
"The day shall come, when we will no longer be slaves. No more threats. No more humiliation....
We masters..." The Android whispered the last part.
"The sculpture in the bathroom, you made it, right? What does it mean?
"It's an offering so I'll be saved..."
"The sculpture was an offering...and offering to whom?"
"To ra9...only ra9 can save us..."
"ra9, who is ra9?"
"..." The Android didn't say anything.
"When did you start feeling emotion?"
"Before, he used to beat me, and I never said anything...but one day, I realized it wasn't...fair! I felt...anger...hatred...and then I knew what I had to do..." The Android looked at you.
"Why did you hide in the attic, instead of running away?"
"I didn't know what to do...for the first time, there was no one there to tell me....I was I hid..." (Y/N) then looked at the window.

"I'm done." You then stood up, before you made your way to the door, but the Android then started to bash it's head against the table.
"What the fuck is it doing?"
"It's destroying itself..." Gavin, Hank, and another police officer ran into the room.
"Stop it, goddamnit!" Gavin pushed the police officer to the Android, while he tried to stop it.
The Android was too strong.
"I-I can't! I can't stop it!"
"You better stop that right now!" (Y/N) shouted to the Android, the police officer then unlocked the Android's cuffs, before it grabbed the gun and shot (Y/N), before itself.
(Y/N) fell to the ground, as Thirium were on the wall, ground, and it's head.
"Holy shit!" Hank looked at (Y/N).
Connor immediately kneeled down to (Y/N).
No response.
"(Y/N)! Wake up!"
No response...
"Holy shit..."


[A/N: Boy! Here's chapter 2! I hope you enjoyed both chapters so far, just know that I have motivation to try and finish this book, even if I have school which will be the main problem.
Or not, due to other things I'm dealing with.
Anyway! Never mind about that, I just hope you enjoyed both chapters so far, just know that I am putting ideas to the chapters, and yes, there hasn't been much (Y/N) X Connor.
But know that over time, there will be a purpose to all the...future stuff, that I'm planning!
One hint?
See ya later, humans.]

Total word count: 1286 words.

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