2. Scott's change

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Had a really bad past few weeks so I've been unmotivated but finally here is ch 2 :)

No one's POV

A beam of light peaked through the window of Stiles room, spreading a warm glow across the floor.

The light shone onto Stiles' sleeping face causing him to role over only for him to fall off the bed *slam* Stiles' face hit the floor boards cutting his lip.

Before Stiles could push himself up off the floor, his dad banged on his bedroom door

"wake up Stiles or you'll be late for school!" His father roared. Stiles sighed and sat himself up, when his dad heard no reply he opened the door and before he could say anything Stiles groaned "I'm uuup dad!" Stiles rubbed his eyes and turned his head to give his dad a warm smile, his dad leaned on the door frame and smiled trying not to laugh "did you fall out of bed again?"

Stiles rubbed the back of his neck and looked at the floor then up at his dad "yeah. well...no point worrying about it, I'm gonna get changed now" he got up and hugged his dad" whispering in his fathers ear "you might wanna hurry off to work dad" Stiles broke the hug and laughed as he watched his dad run down the stairs yelling "shit! Bye son! Love you! "

Stiles put on some blue jeans, a white top and a red flannel. He grabbed some food and ran out the door with a tooth brush in his mouth.

He always had to leave early to pick up Scott who by the way was always late!

During the ride to school, the two boys engaged in conversation. Scott asked how Stiles cut his lip and laughed when he heard Stiles had face planted when falling out of bed.

The two arrived at school on time. And immediately Scott ran over to a brunette girl who in Stiles opinion seemed like trouble but he ignored it and ran off to class.


School was over and Scott and Stiles decided to go out for dinner. Stiles dad wasn't coming home till tomorrow and Stiles didn't wanna eat alone

Stiles' POV
Me and Scott went out for dinner at my favourite fast food joint, Scott's wolfiness seemed to be on the down low but I was still on edge. I made sure I was prepared for anything that might happen. (He was not prepared at all)

I may seem like a confident boy but I still struggle to order food so Scott ordered for me. He knows what I like so there's never any problems

"Two large curly fries, a double cheeseburger for me and two milkshakes" Scott said with a beaming smile towards the waiter. Before turning to look at me with a happy grin. I gave Scott a big smile and we chatted till the food arrived.

Scott went on about the girl named Alison and how pretty she was. Though I didn't trust her I still gave my dear friend the best love advice I could while simultaneously shoving handfuls of curly fries into my mouth

Scott's POV
Me and Stiles were out having dinner cause his dad was working all night and I know Stiles hates being alone

We were having fun laughing and talking about the new girl I was into. I tried not to laugh at Stiles who was talking and stuffing his face with curly fries. I gotta admit, He's adorable sometimes.

I was enjoying my time with my best friend but with my luck of course it didn't last.

I could feel it coming...this immense rage and like I was changing. I had to get out of there "Stiles..!" I gave him a pained look. "What's wrong buddy" Stiles asked with a concerned expression. I was breathing heavily and holding my eyes closed as hard as I could "hey...look at me" Stiles said while reaching his hand across the table. I looked up at Stiles and he pretty much jumped out of his seat.

This was bad!

I got up and ran with Stiles chasing me. I screamed him to get away but he kept following me.

Then it happened. I wasn't myself anymore...

Derek's POV
It seems as though I can't catch a break. In the middle of dinner I hear a howl. No doubt its that new wolf I met yesterday.

I have no choice but to stop him before someone gets hurt.

Stiles' POV
When Scott looked up at me I couldn't believe it his eyes were glowing and his teeth...

He ran out the door and naturally I chased him "Scott wait!... i... can... help... yoouu" I yelled while running.

Damn he ran fast.

He ran all the way to the woods and that's when I lost him.

It was dark and I could barely see. I tripped on a root and my lip split open again. "Ahh!" I winced in pain.

I think I sprained my ankle.

Then I heard rustling from behind me...

"Scott?...buddy?" I turned myself around only to get tackled by a scary creature that growled in my face...it was Scott? no. Not anymore. He wasn't himself.

I tried to shove him off but I couldn't make him move. Just as he went to bite my face off another creature tackled Scott from the side slamming his furry body into the forest floor.

The two wolves lunged at each other but the other beast was bigger and bit Scott hard as he threw him across the ground into a tree.

I squeezed my eyes shut and held my body in fear as I heard Scott let out a loud Yelp.

Scott limped away as fast as he could by the sounds of crunching leaves and then all I heard was silence...then a low growl.

No one POV
Derek had just fought the young wolf off and saved a human before anything too bad happened.

Once Scott had ran off whimpering. Derek turned to look at the skinny defenseless boy lying on the ground.

It was the same boy as before. What rotten luck.

Derek growled in frustration. He was about to run away but then that sweet smell filled his nose and he lost it.

Stiles POV
The other wolf walked over to me and pushed me down. Grasping both my wrists so I couldn't escape. I could feel tears coming "please don't hurt me" i whispered in a shaky voice. Soon enough the scary beasts face morphed into a human...not just any human,

Derek Hale!?!

Derek was getting super close to my face almost as if he was gonna...kiss me?!

Instead he leaned down and sniffed my chest then my neck.

And let me tell you I was shocked at what he did next!


Yay cliff hangers!!!

(please leave a comment and vote to let me know if you like my story as it motivates me to continue writing :)

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