Dangerous Liaisons

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I was still sleeping until I heard the doorbell rang. I got up and walked over to the door. I opened it and nobody was there. I was about to close the door until I saw a box with my name on it. I looked around and picked it up and walked back inside closing the door behind me.

I opened up the invitation. Please join the Mikaelson Family this evening at 7:00 for dancing, cocktails, and celebrations.

I turned over the invitation and it said something else on it.

Save me a dance -fondly klaus

I scoffed "Seriously" throwing the card on the table. Then I saw the box that went with it. I opened it up and it was a dress. A beautiful blue dress.

I sighed putting the lid back on.

*Amelia POV*

"It's all so weird. The originals are throwing a ball, like an actual ball" Elena said. I'm actually starting to like Elena. We've grown so close over the past few weeks.

"It's some twisted Cinderella fetish is what it is" I said.

"And why does the evil witch want an audience with you?" I asked her.

"I have no idea. There's only one way to find out"

"I thought you told my brothers that you weren't going" I said.

"I did which is all the more reason why I need a drama-free bodyguard" she says.

"Well, I think a Salvatore would look a lot better in a tux, and by that I mean Stefan" Caroline says.

Elena then groans "I can't deal with either of the Salvatores right now"

"Heyy!" I said.

"Not you" she says.

"Ok good" I chuckled.

"Careful Amelia and Caroline. It's all well and good till she stabs you in the back" Rebekah comes up to us.

"What are you doing here. I know your moms rules. No hurting the locals" elena says.

"Get over your self, Elena. It's not all about you" she says and walks away.

She walks towards Matt and gives him to the same invitation that we got.

"Oh, my god. She's inviting him to the ball. Why is she inviting him?" Caroline said.

"Probably to get this reaction from us" I said looking at them.
I scoffed. "What times the stupid dance?"


I looked through my closet trying to find something to wear. I looked at the dress that I wore for Miss Mystic.

"Ughh" I sigh in frustration as I put back the dress I tried on.
I then looked at the box that had the dress in it.

*Klaus's Mansion*
Amelia POV

I walked up to the door and one of the maids took my cardigan that I wore with my dress and hung it up.

I looked around the room and I saw klaus coming towards my way.

"Good evening" he says.

"I need a drink" I said nervously walking away from him. I felt klaus's eyes on me as I walked away.

I was pouring myself a drink until someone walked up to me.

"You must be Amelia Salvatore" someone said.

"The one and only" I smiled.

"Kol Mikaelson" he brings my hand up to his lips kissing the back of it.

Amelia Salvatore(klaus Mikaelson love story)Where stories live. Discover now