Chapter 15 Smooth it out

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Lue-Maia's P.O.V

I've been sitting outside this door since four in the morning. After being forcefully removed from the room by my mate I waited but a woman came to me and offered me a bed but I couldn't sleep, I paced the room until four and then came out here to wait for her.

I know I overreacted a whole lot, but I can't help but be territorial and she was completely out of bounds too.

"Here. You haven't slept all night have you?."

The woman came up to me with a cup of some kind of tea, I took it and said thanks.

"You didn't answer me. Did you sleep last night?."

She asked the question again and this time I looked her in the eyes.

"Who's the girl in there with my mate?."

She looked shocked for a minute and then smiled.

"So the answer is no?."

She's definitely persistent.

"No I didn't sleep last night. Could you answer my question now?."

She exhaled heavily and took a seat next to me. I took a sip of the tea and I felt at ease immediately.

"The girl in there with your mate, Becklyn, is my daughter...they're both my daughters."

She's lying.

"You're lying to me...their blood and essence are completely different. Their scents don't have any familiarities."

She started laughing at me one minute and then the next her hand was wrapped around my neck as she straddled me.

"Listen and listen carefully. Those two girls in their are two of my daughters and if you dare threaten them in anyway you won't live to carry out your threat."

Her aura wreaked of death which caused my wolf to shrink away. To say I was terrified was an understatement, I shook my head as she let go of my throat and sat back down. She handed me the cup again and smiled.

"I'm sorry for everything."

I put the cup back down and stared at her.

"Things happen and happen they happen."


"I confused you didn't I?."

She always has that smile on her face. Why?.

"That's no question but what's more important is why have a person like me here?. If I didn't show up then your daughter wouldn't be in her comatose state."

She pulled me in for a hug and I inhaled her scent. Two things ran through me, one being the fact that she smells just like my dad and another guy from yesterday, the second one being is the fact that I hadn't been hugged like this since I was five.

"If you didn't come here there I wouldn't have found my other daughter. And even if Christain would've found out sooner or later that she's the key to making that woman appear and attempt to help her dad."

She kissed my head and rubbed my shoulder. I felt warm and comfortable...I felt at home here in her arms and I feel as though I'm about to lose this feeling. But what does she mean help her dad?.

"Are you and my dad together?. I don't understand your smell of two men."

I knew my remarks would cause her to despise me. I felt her tense for a split second and she exhaled heavily.

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