Chapter 29

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Everyone was awake since three in the morning making preparations to head out.

"Remember guys the dresses and suits can't see the sun for the entire day so secure them properly please."

Angel spoke up as she gave a small yawn, everyone grunted in response as they made sure their clothes won't get messed up.

"Alright. We can start heading out now, mom do you need to get anything?."

Angel looked at her mother and awaited an answer before she got in the driver's seat, Zella turned up her nose and rolled her eyes before answering.

"The only thing I need is to get out of here please."

Zella was tired and crossed from her other daughter's behavior towards everyone and all she wanted to do was leave before she did something she'd be forced to regret. Angel nodded and walked up to the driver's seat, as she raised the shuttles, her along with everyone else let out a multitude of profanities.

"Really?. What the fuck now?."

Angel rolled down her window and pushed her head through while honking the horn. She couldn't believe what she was seeing right now, every last one of her siblings and their spouses and their children stood blocking the bus.

"You didn't actually think you'd get married without us right?."

Shevaunnah walked up in front of the group with her hands folded, no one knew what kind of reception they'd get so they all just winged it which wasn't a good idea.

"An apology would've been nice, but instead you decided to bully your way back into my life. Just like that."

Angel sat down, pulled on her seat belt and started the engine. Deep down Angel wanted peace but they made it clear that, that was something they didn't want, everyone on the bus kept watching on. There was something between them that only Rick and Ecclues knew about, not even Christain had the slightest clue about what was going on, all she knew is that they made her mother uncomfortable and she didn't like that.

"Angel are you really going to drive through your nieces and nephews?. Forget their parents, they are all innocent."

Angel fixed her Mirror and and smiled at her mother.

"Did they know Christain was innocent?. I don't think so."

Angel revved the engine and something took over her, suddenly she remembered their faces and how it was filled with malice as they stared at her and her baby bump.

"Each of you dragged me out that house kicking and screaming."

Angel kept revving her engine as she spoke.

"A two months pregnant woman. Kicking. And. Screaming!!!."

She stepped on the ex and drove right through them but luckily they all vanished and she slowed to a stop, with her breathing heavy she looked back and didn't see them but as she faced front there they were again.

Her anger rose yet again, Angel didn't want to be angry but she had every right to be, couldn't they just apologise?. Couldn't they just admit that they were wrong?. She kept replaying it over and over again in her mind. Can't anything just go smoothly for once?.

"I am sorry. Jealousy took me over and I acted irrationally. I'm not saying that what I did was right and I'm not saying that I'm justified because I suffered too...we all suffered."

Angel turned off the engine, braced back and folded her arms, she couldn't understand how they suffered and what their suffering had to do with what they did to her.

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