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{Edited on 03/21/21}

Peridot awoke to someone shaking her. What the heck? Who was shaking her, and why? Her eyes shot open and she looked around to determine who had disturbed her sleep. She quickly figured out the answer. She looked to her right to find Aqua, Lapis' girlfriend, who was flying about 2 inches away from her face.

"Gah!" Peridot jumped back, startled by the sudden appearance. What the heck?? What was Aquamarine doing here, and why did she show up unannounced? She honestly didn't know, and she wasn't sure if she wanted to know.

Without waiting for anything to be said, Aqua grabbed her wand. The bow from her hair extended into a wand, sort of like a slap on bracelet when they're stiff. She then pointed her wand at Peridot and lifted her up with her power. "Come on, let's go."

Aqua was looking for a place where they would have the most privacy. She ultimately decided on using the back end of the silo's roof, that way they wouldn't be spotted easily. She flew to the back of the silo's roof and gently let Peridot down. 

Aquamarine paused and cleared her throat before speaking. "Listen, Peridot." Aqua said, as she stared at her feet. She seemed nervous. "I.. saw you last night. You were sleeping with my girlfriend and you.. you coughed up petals in your sleep." Aquamarine said, looking up to look Peridot in the eyes. Her once nervous expression turned to one of hardened concern.

Peridot's eyes widened. How creepy! She could've been watching them all night and they never would've known! Peridot never wanted to sleep again. "Eww! You were watching us?!" Peridot loudly exclaimed, taking a step back. She didn't even realize that Aqua had said that she had seen her cough up flowers.

"Well.. yes. But please understand. I wasn't trying to be creepy or anything, it's just..", Aquamarine gulped. "I know you like Lapis, and that scares me. But not for the reason you may think." She flew to Peridot eye level and put her hand on the green gem's shoulder. "You have the disease, don't you? That disease.. it's very dangerous, and it could kill you. I think you need a little time apart from her." Aqua said, taking her hand off Peridot's shoulder to fidget with it.

"Please don't think I'm trying to separate you for my own benefit. I'm suggesting this for your own safety. That condition you have is no joke." Aquamarine said, as she lowered herself back down to the ground. She felt guilty to even ask Peridot such a question, but at the moment it seemed like the best course of action.

Peridot took a few moments to herself to think about this before eventually nodding. If staying around Lapis was this dangerous, it would be better if she goes, no matter how much it hurt. And besides, Lapis already had a girlfriend. Why would she reconsider for her sake? Peridot softly smiled to Aqua before climbing down the ladder. "Thank you." Peridot softly spoke.

Once Peridot reached the ground, she instantly made her way into the nearby forest. She wasn't sure why she was going to the forest, it felt instinctual to her. That was probably for the best anyways.

A few hours later, Lapis had finally woken up. She turned on her side, refusing to open her eyes. She desperately wanted to fall back asleep. Ever since Steven had introduced the concept of sleeping to her and Peridot, the two of them had been addicted to it.

Peridot! She blindly reached out for Peridot, but only felt an empty presence of where the green gem should've been. She opened her eyes, to find that Peridot was missing. Where was she?

Lapis laughed to herself and sat up, now fully awake. "She's probably playing with Pumpkin or something. If they are, they better not be leaving me out!" She looked to the corner of the barn to test her theory. Pumpkin was sitting there by herself.

What the..? Peridot never went anywhere without consulting Lapis first. The sudden disappearance was extremely worrying to the water gem. Lapis quickly stood up, and began to search for Peridot. She searched all of the barn, even the secret hiding spot they had formed in case of emergency. Nothing. Then she checked if Peridot was hiding in the crops like pumpkin was when she tried to take off with the barn. She wasn't there.

Lapis quickly summoned her wings and flew to the silo. She knew Peridot liked to sit there sometimes and reminisce about whatever she was thinking about. Nothing. She wasn't there either. Then she remembered, Steven! They hung out quite often, so she had to be with him. She began to fly over there as fast as she could. If she wasn't there, there would be a serious problem.

As soon as Lapis reached the temple, she instantly knocked on the door. It only took a few seconds for someone to answer. Steven answered the door, rubbing his eyes. He looked like he had just woken up. "Oh, hey Lapis!" The boy smiled. "What's up?"

"Steven, is Peridot with you?! I've been looking everywhere but I can't find her!" Lapis asked, pushing past Steven to walk inside the house and look around. "No, she isn't here. Wait, missing? Are you sure?" Steven asked.

Lapis nodded. "I've looked everywhere! The barn, the silo, little homeworld, your house, everywhere!" She said, raising her arms as if she were trying to emphasize her panic. "Woah, woah, calm down." Steven said as he pulled out his phone. "I'll get the others. We'll find her."

Lapis nodded with uncertainty, but thanked him anyways. After Steven had walked away to make some calls in search of Peridot, Lapis left the house and fell to her knees.

Where could Peridot be? What if she was in danger and she was too late? She knew she couldn't think like that, but she couldn't help herself. She took a deep breath. They would find her. Besides, she usually stuck out like a sore thumb in any environment due to her green hue.

Everything would be fine.

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