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- Bobbie 💚


I really didn't even mean to snap at him that much.

It just came out, you know?

I kind of felt bad but I just shrugged it off like I usually do.

However that gleam of guilt was still there.

Oh, how I hated that feeling.

I walked into the office to go get my new schedule.

No I'm not a new kid. I actually got expelled from my last school for reasons I would never tell anyone!

It's my biggest secret and only my parents know of.

Not even Georgie!

I would never tell him, he would be so disappointed and disgusted of me.

I don't want that.

I transferred to this new school to get away from my past. My mom was thinking about moving towns but she would never commit to it.

She is afraid to move.

In case of anyone ruining her reputation because of what happened with me last year.

Sometimes I feel like she cares more about herself than others.

Today's Monday.

aka therapy day.

I go to therapy everyday on Mondays. My mom says this will help me cope with all my emotional buildup from last years trauma.

I've been going to Dr. Hastings for 8 months now.

I honestly don't think it's working, but whatever keeps my mom happy.

School was a blur.

I don't remember much except that bird boy is in like half of my classes and he was obviously trying to ignore me the whole day.

He's pretty cute to be honest.

His curly blonde hair is scattered across his face.

And his hazel eyes that look like they can see right through me.

And his cute little nose. Awe!

He's adorable but weird.

I see him in the park near my house a lot watching birds. It's not really a normal thing to do unless you're like 80 years old.

Whatever it is he still sits in my mind all day. I don't know what it is but something about him is so interesting to me.

Anyway I walked back home from school. I saw my mom in her car putting on her makeup in the rearview mirror with the engine on. Clearly waiting on me so she can take me to therapy.

I rolled my eyes and hopped in.

I didn't want to talk to her so I didn't say anything and it worked.

I always get this bad feeling when I'm at the clinic.

Dr. Hastings is probably the weirdest dude I've ever met.

He makes me so uncomfortable in so many ways. He touches me a lot but not in inappropriate ways it just gives me a bad feeling.

My mom thinks he's so hot and it's getting to the point were its Turing awkward. She puts on 10 pounds of makeup and unbuttons her shirt.

My thoughts were interrupted by the receptionist yelling my name,

"William Denbrough"

A/N: idrk how therapy appointments work bc I've never been to one !! I'm using my best intentions to try to make it like one okay so don't get mad if it's not accurate !! - Bobbie Anne 💚

I hesitantly got up out of my seat with my mom following close behind.

I went into his office and he already gave me the creeps. He stared at me for the longest time and then got up to shake my hand.

"How's it going Billy!" He said giving me a creepily big smile.

I looked at him blankly and sat down.

"Good I guess?"
My mom chimed in on this awkward conversation, "Dr. Hastings do you think you could put Bill on some different medication, he seems to be getting worse" she said in an almost flirtatious voice.

He looked up at my mom with concern, "What's been going on recently?"

"He's been very aggressive lately and has been distant with Georgie a lot."

"He may be acting like this because of the move but would you please excuse us Mrs. Denbrough and I'll talk to Bill about it"

I rolled my eyes. I hated this "talking" shit.


My mom nodded and walked out the door. When the door was finally shut I felt this sudden urge of panic.

Dr. Hastings got up from his desk and stood near me leaning against his desk with his arms cross staring at me up and down.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

"Bill, why have you've been giving your mother such a hard time." He said softly touching me on my thigh.

I was scared. I was horrified. What would happen to me?

"I-I didn't me-mean it" I said with so much worry in my voice.

He looked at me lustfully and I tried to yell for my mom but nothing came out of my mouth.

He grabbed me and touched me all over. I closed my eyes trying to picture me somewhere else.

Anywhere else.

I cried and yelled and nothing happened.

No one helped me.

No one heard me.

No one else cared for me.

Then everything went.

Hopefully I'm dead.

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