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Eddie just stood there nervously biting his nails.

I grabbed his arm away from his hand.

"Eddie! Answer me!" I said getting irritated.

"Yea I do like him, but not a lot just a little. He's just really sweet to me and I know he's packing do-"

"Okay that's enough!" I said rolling my eyes.

We continued to walk to our class.

"Eddie, you know he's like the worst person ever." I said looking straightforward.

I could see at the corner of eye that he was looking at the floor ashamed.

"I know." He mumbled.

I looked over to him, he was sad and embarrassed.

I had to help him.

"Look, i'm not saying don't go for it but just... be careful okay?"

He looked in my eyes so excited and happy.

We were next to the door of our class and he sped over to me to give me a hug.

I smiled a bit. All he really wants is my approval.

The bell rang and we went in the classroom and sat at different areas of the room.

After class was over I went to my locker to get my stuff for my next class.

I saw Bill hurrying to get somewhere.

What's up with him?

I saw him head straight for the exit.

What the fuck is he doing?

I tried getting to him but I wanted to talk to him in private so I grabbed his arm and pulled him into a random room.

I found the lights and flicked them on and turned to Bill.

He looked like he just got hit by a car.

"Bill, whats wrong?" I asked concerned.

He bursted into tears and I quickly scurried over to him pulling him into a tight hug.

I didn't know what was going on with him but I could feel a tear falling from my face.


After awhile he started speaking again, "T-They have a pi-picture of us together!" He said stumbling on his words as his voice trembled.


"Wait, who?"

The room felt warmer than it was a second ago.

"Danny and h-his group." Bill said, as he pulled up his sleeve to wipe his tears away.

I let go of him and started pacing around the room trying to figure out what I should do?

I could beat the shit out of him but then I'd probably get jumped when i'm not expecting it by his minions.

I can't really go to the police about this. The pictures would still get around.

God, this is so fucking annoying.

"Shit!" I yelled out in agitation.

"Fuck, What are we supposed to do?!" I yelled trying to get some kind of response from Bill.

I looked over towards him and he looked embarrassed.

He spoke up and said, "They said they were going to post it, Stan, I don't know what to do but if those pictures get out we're literally going to get bullied for the rest of our lives!"

After that he just started rambling on about something but my head wasn't too clear to fully listen to him.

All of a sudden the only thing that popped into my head was my Dad.

I'm fucking dead.

This is it. I'll be dead.

He's going to beat the shit outta me.

"My dad will fucking kill me!" I said as my voice started shaking as I laid back on the wall sliding down until I reached the floor.

Bill looked towards me with concern and hurt in his eyes and made his way over to me.

He crouched down to me and looked into my eyes and softly said, "Stan, I won't let him hurt you again."

Even though there was no possible way for him to assure that he still made me believe that everything will be ok.

"I don't know about this." I said wiping my nose.

He looked at me and smiled.

"I don't know how thing are gonna turn out for us, but in the end I know we will be ok." He said as his eyes wondered around the room.

I smiled faintly and he reached out his hand for me to take.

I got up from my spot and he pulled me into a tight hug.

I missed him so much.

"I love you" He said boldly.

I rolled my eyes jokingly and said, "I love you too."

A/N: Sorry this took so fucking long I just kind of forgot about it lmfaoo I'm really trying to finished my netflix shows rn. I've been watching outer banks atm. And it's sooo good that I might make a fanfic about it idfk but we will see. anywho bye and happy mother's day to all mom's!! -bobbie💕

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