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One year later

I walk to the front door carrying heavy bags full of groceries and party stuff. I put them down and fumble in my handbag for keys. When I find them, I open the door and drag the bags to the kitchen, where I dump them on the table. I check the time and realise I have only three hours till the party starts.

Damn it Catherine! Where are you?

She's meant to be helping me set up. It's Alex's birthday today and we're planning a surprise party. Jacob is keeping him away till it's time.

I start unloading all the shopping when someone opens the front door. Oh no. Please don't be Alex. I run out of the kitchen and shut the door behind me. I look ahead and see Catherine giving me a the hell you doing? look. I can't help it, I burst into a fit of laughter.

She stares at me incredulously.

I laugh even more. When I manage to calm down I explain, "Thought you were Alex."

"Okay." She still looks and sounds a bit confused.

I shake my head. "Never mind. Come on, we got a tonne of stuff to do."


Three hours later, the house is decorated with balloons and lights. The table in the living room is filled with snacks and drinks. There's more in the kitchen. Outside in the garden we've set up fireworks and a barbecue for later.

Catherine's cousin is a DJ so we asked him to come over and he agreed. All of Alex and Jacob's friends and classmates are here and we're all waiting for Alex and Jacob to turn up. It seems like decades later but eventually we hear the front door opening-it's that quiet.

I get up from my hiding place and face everyone else. On my fingers I count down from three and when I get to zero the boys enter the room just as we spray them in cans and cans of silly string.

"Oh what the hell?" Alex exclaims, raising his arms and bits of silly string hang from them like mini vines.

"Not cool guys. Alex was the target not me." Jacob is covered in multiple colours of the stuff and the sight of him makes everyone crack up in laughter.

Alex looks at me, a challenging look in his eyes.

"What, you want more?" I ask, laughing, and spray him again, aiming for his face.

He dodges it then charges at me and tackles me to the ground. He snatches the can out of my hand and as I get up, he sprays the last of the silly string in my hair. I find a discarded can that's full and spray it back at him. Soon everyone is spraying everyone and a war begins.

Everyone is in the garden dancing to the music or eating all the food I just barbecued. I'm sitting under the tree drinking Coke when I see two boys fighting. I immediately go over to them. "Hey! Stop it!"

It's Alex and a blonde kid. Alex is on the ground, the blonde kid grabbing his shirt and punching his face. I grab the boy from behind, turn him to face me then slap him hard across his cheek. "I said stop it."

He glares at me then looks back at Alex. He smirks. "Aww Alex needs his big sister to help him out."

Alex stands up and spits out blood. He gives the boy a hard stare that promises death then walks away.

"Aww. Now you're too scared to fight? Don't wanna get in trouble?" The boy taunts and chuckles.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" I ask the boy, "because I don't remember inviting any jerk faces."

"Oh me and Alex go way back. It would be a shame to miss his party."

"Look, I don't have time for your nonsense. Just leave quietly and stop bothering my brother."

"I'll leave when the party's over."

"It is over. For you."

"I don't think it is. I'll stay here as long as I like."

This boy's really testing my patience. He can't just turn up uninvited, start a fight then argue with me. Who does he think he is? The Prime Minister?

"Just leave." I order firmly.


"I don't have to explain myself to you. Just leave. Now!"

"I'm not leaving and yes, you do have to explain yourself."

"By whose law?"


"Really? I don't remember anyone voting for you."

I hear people laughing. Looking around, I notice a small crowd has formed. The boy doesn't retort this time. Now it's my turn to taunt him.

"Aww, cat lost his tongue? I'm pretty sure you'll need to speak clearly and fluently when you give your speech to Parliament. When is that by the way? Oh yeah, I forgot. You lost the election. Well, now I can see why."

More laughter. The boy finally speaks. "I don't want to be Prime Minister."

"Then shut up and stop bossing people around. You can leave now. You're not needed here."

He leaves without another word.


I find Alex in the living room with Catherine and Jacob. I crouch in front of him and take his face in my hands, searching for any damage. Just a few bruises but nothing's broken.

"How are you feeling?" I ask gently.

"I'm fine."

"You sure?"


"Who was that?"

"Just some guy that doesn't like me and Jacob."

"Why doesn't he like you guys?"

"We always beat him at everything so he's jealous," Jacob answers.

Catherine giggles and rolls her eyes. "Well he's clearly a better fighter," she says jokingly.

"Yeah, his mum should be proud," Jacob jokes back.

We all laugh.

Just then we hear a loud bang and bright colours explode in the sky.

"The fireworks are starting." Catherine runs outside like a five-year-old going to her favourite sweetshop.

Jacob follows her and so do I but Alex stops me.

"Wait. That guy. He said insulting stuff about Mum and I got angry so I punched him first."

"Don't worry about it Alex. He started it, not you. But you'll be okay now. I don't think he'll bother you again."

He smiles. "Thanks sis."

"No problem. Come on. We're going to miss the fireworks."

We both dash outside. I watch in awe as different colours explode one after the other and illuminate the night sky. It's so beautiful.

I look back at Alex. He looks back at me. We've come so far, gone through so much. He's not scared anymore and neither am I. We're both stronger now and there's nothing to fear.

Because you see, we're a winning team. We'll conquer everything together. We're unbeatable. Just let them try to stop us.

If they dare.

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