Chapter 4 : Fight Back (Part 2)

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I gave a tiny nod, stifling a sob. I grabbed my katanas, while Mum babbled some foreign language to a few nearby Enders. All that went through my head was "Will I get to Dad or will I die?"

Now: Ceris POV (16)

I can't believe I agreed. Wow, nice one Ceris. Now you're going to die. At least Karma's coming to help us, so if I die, Karma will hopefully avenge me... The next few minutes are all a blur, I can't remember much, just that I got my armour, and my katanas.
By the time I'd done that, I was waiting by the door, with Mum counting down the seconds for me to run to Dad.
"3, 2, 1, GO!" She shouted. The Enders burst through the door, surrounding me to protect me.

Shoot, I shouldn't have done this at all. The battle was crazier than I expected, pigmen everywhere, Enders everywhere, and... Void. He was still holding his spear, slowly draining the life from my dad. He'll pay, he'll pay... "ARGH!!" I yelled readying my katanas to drain the life from him. I leapt into the air, and pointed them at his face. As I came down, he looked up and blocked himself. Suddenly I was in close-combat for the first time when I wasn't training. He was good, like, real good. It was like a dance, he struck, I defended, I struck, he defended. It would have gone on for an age if I hadn't seen Dad's body out the corner of my eye.

I have some sort of condition, where if I get angry, super happy, excited or nervous, my eyes glow and I gain, sort of like, superpowers, I guess you could call them. Loads of stamina and strength, levitation and a small level of teleportation. So, that happened. And when it did... boy, Void didn't stand the smallest chance. My levitation powers flooded through me, and I stabbed Void with my trusty katanas as I came crashing down from above. He suddenly stopped everything, and just gazed into my now normal eyes.

"Ceris..." Void whispered weakly. "Naeus... he'll come. He will gain power as you have... beware Ceris, beware..." I shuddered as all sign of life deserted his limp body I towered over. I nodded, slightly heartbroken and rushed to Dad.

"Dad? Dad, are you alive? Please!" I cried, flinging my arms around him in anguish. Suddenly, I felt him twitch under my grip.

"...Ce-... Ceris? What are you doing?" he whispered. I felt tears stinging behind my eyes. I lifted him carefully onto my shoulder.

"Come on Dad, I've got to get you back inside." I told him, he groaned gently as I half carried him, the Enders still protecting us.

"Have you mastered your teleportation yet?" he mumbled, looking at the ground.

"No, we'll have to walk back, just hang on, OK?" I replied. I looked up just in time to see an arrow rapidly whizz towards me. Naturally, I ducked. That's what anyone would do in that situation. I forgot Dad was there, and he took the arrow. I instantly regretted it, I wish it was me who took the arrow.

"AGHH!" He howled as it struck him in the chest.

"NO!" I screamed, immediately looking in the direction the arrow had come from. I saw him. Naeus. How dare he, he'll pay too. "YOU'LL ALL PAY!" I shrieked at no one in general, but mostly Naeus. Void had warned me about him, how he's in power now. All of a sudden, a blinding white light filled the area, when it disappeared, my sister appeared with the Frostbourne army in tow. The general Rio and her 13 year old son, Patrick, were leading them, and I was so glad to see them. Rio sprinted to me with Karma, and they helped lift Dad into base.

--Time Skip Twenty Minutes later--

I sat with Dad for a while, talking about my worries about what happened if Dad did die. He just lay there, with the End and the Frostbourne doctors all treating him. He had been hooked up to a heart monitor since we'd got him back in. I was just talking to the Frostbourne doctor's apprentice, Azura, when the monitor showed no heartbeat.

"Oh no. What's happened?" Azura asked Phoenix quickly. This sent everyone into a panic. The Frostbourne doctor, Dominic, rushed around the bed Dad was on and hooked him up to a load of wires.

After about three minutes, he looked up at me and told me quietly, "Sorry, but he's gone. I can't shock him back to life, it'd be too dangerous for where we are."

"NO! DAD, DON'T LEAVE ME!" I screamed in despair. He couldn't die, not yet. He was too young and important. Suddenly, I felt something inside me had died too, but a new feeling had replaced the gap it had left. Hatred. Hatred for all the Nether, hatred for Void, hatred for Naeus. I hated them all. "I need to go and kill Naeus." I growled to Rio and Patrick, my eyebrows forming a perfect V-shape.

"No, you can't go out there Miss. You are the new Ender Watcher after all, and you've probably not even had any special training yet!" Patrick protested, blocking the door.

"It's Ceris, and actually I've had a few sessions with Zeganirn, so move kiddo." I snarled at him, which made him glace to Rio for backup.

Rio gazed at me, smiled sadly and sighed. "Look Ceris, Patrick is right. You can't go out there, it's too risky. I'll go out there, and kill him on behalf of you. We can't let him rise to power. And you're too important now. Just leave it to me, OK? Patrick will stay with you." she added. I felt frustrated that no one would let me do what I felt I had to do, but all the same, I knew deep down that she was right.

Eventually I nodded. "Fine, just be careful." I warned. She just nodded in response.

--Time Skip Five Minutes Later--

Rio's been out fighting for a while, I haven't seen Naeus yet. Last I saw him was when he fired that arrow at Dad. Patrick was talking to me, but I wasn't listening, I wasn't in the mood. I was too lost in my thoughts. Without a warning, Patrick leapt up and hollered a long string of bad words. I looked at him and frowned.

"RIO! NO!" I glanced out the window and saw Rio was surrounded by pigmen, all lead by Naeus of all people. I could just about hear what they were saying.

To be continued...

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