Chapter 10 : Rescue Mission

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Karma's POV
I let go of my sister, and pulled all my scattered thoughts together. We could do this. We had the whole of Frostbourne's army, the Nether wouldn't stand a chance. Were we really doing this just to save Rain? Perhaps we'd be able to maybe take some of the Nether warriors back to scrape some information out of them.
"Frostbourne, prepare for the battle!" I heard Patrick yell into the midst of  chaotic humans. He then walked over to where Ceris and I were stood.
"Ceris, I will lead the first squadron into the fortress, then you and Karma will lead the second. Daryll will be on hand to help if there's any trouble." he said to my sister. He handed us each a radio headset for communications, explaining to contact him should we run into trouble, or find Rain.
"Alright, well it sounds good to me. Will we be attacking soon?" She replied, nodding her head.
"Yes, in a few minutes. When we get inside the fortress, you two along with Vordus, Zeganirn, and some from Frostbourne will search the fortress for Rain, and possibly Abigail if we have time." We nodded, approving of the plan, so with that, he walked away again to assemble the squadrons.
"We'll be alright, won't we Ceris?" I asked nervously. Ever since our dad died, I've had a particular fear of the Nether and it's inhabitants, but I couldn't let that get in the way of our mission - we had to find Rain and get out of here.
"We're Ender Watchers, Karma," Ceris laughed. "Of course we'll be alright. Don't let your fears get in the way of what we have to do. Shove them away, and force them down."


I swallowed nervously, trying not to show I was internally freaking out. I stood at the front of the mini army with Ceris by my side, and Daryll behind, practically screaming his head off at the warriors to listen to Ceris and I. When they eventually calmed down ceris began giving them orders about what to do, when and how to attack strategically, etcetera. We turned to Patrick, who was finished commanding his squadron. He made eye contact with us, and gave a small nod, before putting his helmet on. He moved forward slowly, beckoning for his troops to follow him. The warriors moved forward stealthily, copying Patrick's movements almost exactly. We watched as they approached the fortress' gated entrance. The gates were evidently locked, and we watched intently as Patrick teleported to the other side of the gate and unlock it after killing the guards on the other side. The gates lifted up painfully loudly and slowly, and I cringed slightly. Surely that would raise the alarm? My breath hitched in my throat as we watched the whole mini army storm the gate way part of the Nether fortress. I heard the deafening distressed yells of the inhabitants inside the fortress as they attempted to hold off Patrick and his troops. As the yelling faded away, I saw Patrick stick his head back around the side of the entrance, and motioned for us to come in after him.
"Alright, let's move!" Ceris shouted to the squadron. We moved forward as one, always looking around for any potential enemies. We were greeted at the entrance by Patrick, and he gestured for us to take one side of the fortress, while they'd take the other side. He left us to search our side as he walked off, discussing something with Azura. I smiled to myself, glad to see him happy-ish for once.

Ceris' PoV
Several minutes later, we'd found the dungeons, and began searching the cells. I peered into one of the cells and jumped back in surprise.
"Rain? Is that you?" I almost squeaked. There he was, lying curled up in a ball on the stony floor, as though he was preparing to die.
"C-Ceris!" He replied happily, carefully propping himself up onto his elbows to get a better look at me. "I'm so glad to see you!"
My gleeful expression changed to a stern and stony one as I remembered how much trouble we'd gone to to rescue him.
"You know how much effort everyone has put in for this rescue mission? We've got the entire Frostbourne army, plus the Ender Watchers out down here. Ser Patrick is not going to be particularly pleased with you..." I scolded him, as though he was a small child.
He sighed, and rolled his eyes. "I know, but he's never been particularly pleased with anything to do with me, has he?"
I bit the inside of my cheek as he said this, and also sighed. "Well, you've got to learn to first stop running off, and secondly, try to get on Patrick's good side, rather than his bad one..."
"He has a good side? That's news." he scoffed, and I couldn't help but burst out laughing, as quiet as I could, at that.
"Well, clearly you've never seen it have you? That's really saying something, Rain." I sniggered. "Anyway, how about I get you out of there? Do you know if there's a key around here?"
He stood up at this, and motioned a little further down the corridor the dungeons were located in, and I saw a large ring of keys hung on the wall. I rushed to grab them, and returned feeling confused. There were so many! I couldn't slash the bars down with my sword, it'd be too loud, and when the Nether Guards came, we'd have no where to run, but straight into them.
"Well, this one's as good as any." I shrugged, and inserted the chosen key into the lock, gave it a sharp twist, but it failed to open the lock. I kept on trying different keys. Eventually, as I was about to give up and just slash the bars open with my sword as my last resort, when I heard the relieving sound of the lock clicking open, and I threw the door open. I called as loudly as I dared for the squadron to move out, and we did so.
"Patrick, are you there? I found Rain, over." I said into my headset. A few seconds later, I received an answer.
"Brilliant. I actually found Abigail over on this side of the fortress. She seems to be in some sort of coma. I'll meet you back where we started, over."
I led the mini army back to our starting point, and Patrick appeared moments later, a red-headed girl in a fireman's lift over his shoulders, Azura soaring in from behind him.
As Rain saw Abigail, he rushed over and took her from Patrick. Just as we were about to leave the Nether with no trouble, I spotted several Wither Angels, headed straight for us, their weapons ready to attack us.
"Azura, the Angels!" I warned my blue-haired friend as she landed behind Patrick. She spun around, cocked her guns and began firing, as did Daryll and Theo.
"Go! We'll buy you some time!" she yelled over the gunfire. I nodded, confident she'd be able to take them on alongside the two bandits, although Patrick hesitated before motioning for Frostbourne to move out.

OK I know this was kinda short but i'm still trying to figure out where this book is going 😂idk when chapter 11 will be, probably in like december lmao
see you whenever i update next haha

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