Chapter 8 : Attack

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Patrick POV

"OK, fine, go do that then." I told Theo, he'd asked me if he should go back to the Frostbourne River to look for any other people caught up in the flood. He'd barely left, when Azura, Stella and Daryll ran out of the End portal, panting and red-faced.

"Azura, where's Rain? What happened to him?" I cried, looking them in the eye urgently.

"Abigail happened! She's alive, we saw her with somebody else leave the End and go to the Nether! Rain, he followed them, but the portal closed. We need to do something!" Azura panted. It's cute when she's really serious. Not the time... why did I just think that?!  I felt a rising feeling of anger and anxiety about Rain. Why would he just run off like that? Stupid of him really. That's partially why I don't really like him, though I don't show it.

"Do the Ender Watchers know about this? Have they done anything?" I questioned them once Azura had quietened down a bit.

"No, we thought it'd be best if you knew about it first, and anyways, there wasn't time to go all the way back to Dragonspire." Stella shook her head slowly. 

"OK, well, we should get Theo back from the River, and Azura, you alert the Ender Watchers, send them this Eye." I planned, handing her a spare Eye of Ender, which was what we used to call the Ender Watchers for help. She took it and ran to my study, which was where we kept the Ender Chest. I grabbed my horse, Lucky, out of her stable, and rode her to the riverside, where I found Theo looking over the River.

"Theo! We need to go to the End, Rain needs help!" I called to him. He looked up, grabbed his guns which were laid down beside him, and mounted Bramble, his horse. He cantered over to me, we gave our horses a commanding click, and we galloped off back to Frostbourne. We arrived a few minutes later, and Azura greeted me at the gates.

"I've sent the Eye to the Ender Watchers. What do we do now?" she asked, gripping onto Lucky's reins. I dismounted her, and took the reins from Azura.

"We either wait for their reply, or go to the End ourselves. Personally, I think we should go and tell them, since they might not check the chest regularly." I replied, leading Lucky to the stables, Azura following. She nodded in agreement.

"Yes, we should do that. I'll prepare the army sire." She agreed.
"No, no. I can do that, you go and ready your supplies." I told her, giving her a quick kiss on her forehead. She gave a nod, then went to her lab.

Ceris POV

I was walking along one of the corridors in our quarters, when Zeganirn teleported in front of me, and I practically walked into him.
"Zeg! What's the matter?" I asked, it wasn't like him to just do that.
"Look, my queen. This was in the Frostbourne Ender Chest. They call for our aid." He replied, showing me an Eye of Ender. "Shall I prepare the army?"
"No, we need to see what the matter is first. We'd better find Vordus too." I told him. We found Vordus in his room, gazing into a crystal ball. He looked up when we opened the door.
"Ceris! Frostbourne need help!" He enlightened me.
"Actually, we were just about to tell you that. Get ready, we're going to the Overworld." I decided. "I'll get Karma on the case."
I closed the door, bumping into Zeg again. "Why do you stand so close to me Zeganirn?" He grunted, and made a normal Ender sound, to which I shook my head with a smile. We walked towards my room, and I motioned for us to enter it. I opened a drawer, where I kept my holographic telecommunicator. I sent an emergency message to Karma, and a few seconds she was calling me. I answered, and saw a hologram of her appear.
"Ceris! What's the matter?" She asked immediately.
"Frostbourne needs help. I want you to get to them as soon as you can." I commanded her.
"Of course. I will go right now. I'll see you soon sister." She replied, smiling determinedly.
"See you soon." I replied. Karma's a good sister, and an even better Ender Watcher. Its good to have backup in the Overworld ready to fight. I shut down my telecommunicator, and returned it to its former position in the drawer. I closed it, and turned around to see the Dragonseer standing prepared with his staff in the doorway, the Eye rotating and glistening.

Karma POV

I like receiving calls from Ceris, even if it's for an emergency, I really don't see her that often since she became the Matriarch. I grabbed my favourite weapons, my arm blades, and ran outside. I knew the way to Frostbourne like the back of my hand. I used to walk it everyday after the loss of Dad years ago, and the Frostbourne would help me cope with the bad times. In return for their kindness, I took it upon myself to patrol the borders with them.
I received a warm welcome from the guards at the gates, and went straight to Ser Patrick's study. I knocked, and heard him trample over to the door.
"Karma! What are you doing here?" he asked in surprise as I slid into his study.
"Ceris told me you needed some help. She didn't say what with, but I came prepared." I shrugged. "I think she's close behind with Zeg and Vordus."
The look on his face was priceless.
"She received the Eye of Ender already? That's lucky." He exclaimed. "I'd better prepare the army. You can help." We walked out of the study, and Patrick did some calling out of stuff, and gathered the army by the raised platform we stood on.
"Its time for another battle, again with the Nether. This is about Rain, the Ender Watchers will help us. Remember to keep your eyes on the prize, we must retrieve Rain before they do anything to him. Search every corner of the Fortress!" He yelled. I wish I could be such a great and ferocious leader. "We have Karma here. She will lead one squadron, and I will lead another." Well, that was news. The other Ender Watchers were to meet us at the portals. At least I'd be able to prove I could be a great leader, and as we approached the Nether portals, I could already taste our victory.

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