Chapter 5 : Overflowing

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Ceris POV

So Vordus and Zeganirn are healing from the recent Nether attack, and that's good.

"Only thing is Ceris, Vordus is very weak. He won't be strong enough to fight if the Nether strikes again. He'll have to decide who will become the Dragon Tamer soon." Phoenix said, shaking her head slightly. That's not so good. Vordus is an Ender Watcher! We stick together! I guess I don't really have much I can do about it, but hope whoever's lucky enough to become the Tamer will make a good job of it.

--Time Skip One Hour Later--

"Hey Zeg. How you feeling?" I asked him. He'd just woken up from whatever kind of coma he was in. He just grunted in response. I'm not sure what I was expecting really, he only ever grunts and mumbles. I looked at the ground and nodded. It was good that he was "talking", he was healing fast. On the next bed over, Vordus blinked his eyes open, they'd lost their usual blue glow. His power was draining away.
"We must journey to the over world so I can pick a Dragon Tamer. We should do that as soon as possible." He muttered.
"Yes. We can do that now." I nodded. "If you're up to it of course."
"Yes... Zeganirn, are you good to go to the Overworld?" Vordus asked slowly. Zeganirn grunted in reply.
"OK. Let's go then. I'll go get my sword." I said.

--Time Skip Twenty Minutes Later--

As we clambered through the portal to the Overworld, I couldn't help but wonder what else we'd find there. The portal opened out near a place called The Coven, home to many witches and enchantresses. Vordus suggested we look there for a Tamer first, since we were right there anyway. We climbed a tree and sat on a bough, and just watched the witches go about their lives for a bit. Zeganirn suddenly started speaking an actual language.
"What about that girl down there?" He asked, looking at me.
"Which girl? There's loads of girls." I frowned at him.
"The one with the purple hair, no hat and sitting at that table." He pointed a frail finger at her. She was sitting with who I assumed to be her friends, laughing her head off.
"As a Tamer? I'm not sure ab-" I started, only to be interrupted by Zeganirn.
"No, no, no, I mean as an addition to the Frostbourne Clan. She has ambition to kill Herobrine, and I can feel the power literally radiating off her. She's very strong." He observed, peering at her. I paused for a second, agreeing with him in my head.
"She is strong and powerful, but how are we to get her to Frostbourne?" I asked, making a very valid point.
"Just send her a vision of course!" Zeganirn replied. That was the problem though, I couldn't send her a vision.
"I can't send a vision to her. She's an Enchantress, not a Witch." I shrugged in annoyance.
"What's the difference?" Virus asked.
"Witches are born with their powers, Enchantresses aren't, they learn to use magic. Therefore, since visions are a form of magic, I can't send her one." I explained to them. We sat there lost in thought for a bit.

Suddenly, Vordus suggested, "You could burst the dam and send her down the river to Frostbourne..."
Zeganirn turned and stared at him in shock. "No! She can't do that! It would cause far too much damage, wouldn't it?" He looked at me and asked "You're not going to do that are you?"

"Well, have you got a better idea?" I questioned, not expecting an answer. He didn't say anything, so I closed my eyes and focused on my power and what I wanted to do. I couldn't directly burst the dam, but I could make it rain enough to make the dam burst. I squeezed my eyes tighter, and slowly felt a tiny bit of rain drizzle onto my face. That little drizzle quickly turned into torrential rain, and we watched as the inhabitants of the Coven fled to take cover. We were fine in our tree, the leaves were quite thick. A few seconds later, the dam gave a long creak, like it was in pain, then without any warning, it burst. The girl we were trying to send to Frostbourne ran towards her house, only to be caught in the sudden flood. She screamed and thrashed around in the water, but there was nothing she could do. I suddenly felt a harsh feeling of guilt. I hope she would be OK.

Daryll POV
Theo and I rode our horses quickly down to the West bank, hoping to catch any stragglers.
"I kinda hope there isn't anyone in the river. It'd be so cold!" Theo shivered, even though the sun was out.
"Yeah, I suppose so." I agreed, slowing my horse, Victory. Theo unmounted his horse, Bramble, and lead her to the bank. I followed him closely, clicking my tongue for Victory to come. Theo went to the bridge that goes over the river, and crossed to the other bank, leaving Bramble tied to a post. We set up a makeshift camp, fire to keep warm and that. Nothing was really happening. Suddenly we heard a thrashing upstream, and yelping.
"He- Help me! Somebody!" I looked at Theo across the river, and we immediately grabbed our swords, well, guns for me, and raced to where the sound came from. There, in the middle of the deep and fast flowing river, was a girl paddling about. She saw us and her eyes widened as wide as they could possibly go on the surface of the water. "Come towards me, Miss!" I called to her, and she made no hesitation doing doggy-paddle to the river bank. Theo raced across the bridge to help me get her out. We reached over and grabbed her hands gently, and together, we hauled her out of the Frostbourne River. As soon as she was out, she collapsed onto the snowy verge, breathing very heavily. I threw my coat over her shoulders.
"Are you sure? I don't need this." She shook her head vigorously, then, ironically shivered.
"Nah, you need it more than he does mate, he hasn't just been swimming in the river." Theo replied joking around as usual.
"Yeah, it's far too dangerous." I continued, going along with the joke.
"Heh, well, I-" she started, but suddenly clutched her forehead as if she was in pain. I glanced at Theo, and he nodded. We had to take her back to Frostbourne for Azura to help her. I hoisted her onto my shoulder, and carried her over to Victory, and laid her against my back as we rode back home.

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