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I wake up snuggled in Jimin's arms, I don't mind since I've missed this warmth for the past couple of months. He pulls me closer to him "You already up?" he asks, and I swear to god his morning voice makes your knees go weak, good thing I was laying down. "Yup" I answer, he kisses my forehead "I missed this every morning" he says, pulling me closer "Same" I answer wrapping my arms around his torso.

We stay like this for a couple more minutes until we both get up and get ready to start the day. I make us some french toast, cut up some fruit, and pour orange juice in a jug. We were having breakfast, when he starts to talk "So to make up all the time we have missed Imma stay home for a month and half". My jaw nearly hits the floor and he chuckles at my reaction "Yup, also because we got a leave from Bighit thanks to the fans." I nod, taking another sip of my orange juice. 

"But I can't take a leave right now, the launch is at the end of the month, well in 2 weeks now" I say and he pouts, but then instantly smiles "But you can take some days off right? plus if you want we can go to the launch together" he suggests and I nod "Yeah, I was going to ask you about that, but I didn't know if you were going to be here or not. Also don't worry about your outfit, I've got it all planned out" I say and wink at him.


She's talking and stuffing her face with french toast, she's so cute omg I lover her so much. She winks at me and my heart does crazy flips, my gawd, what a turn on. I really really missed this, like a lot, I missed her a lot. "How about we go to the beach today?" I ask and she looks at me, her eye twinkling. "YESSS" she yells, her hands up in fists in the air. She gets up and pushes her chair back cleaning up the dishes.

"I haven't been there for a long time, I've been so busy with work and stuff ya know? but I think I do have a bathing suit, maybe I don't know. I haven't visited the beach for a really long time. The last time I went was with my family when I was like 12, wow that's a long time. I missed this, I missed you. Babe, I love you" she rambles on and on, my cutie!!!


I'm done doing the dishes and I realize I've been talking the whole time and Jimin has been quite the whole time, so I turn and see him at the table, his chin resting on his hand and his eyes looking at me. He's looking at me like I'm something very valuable, my baby uwu. I swear I'm so in love with him. "Jimin, you okay?" I ask waving my hand in front of his face, "yeah, it's just that you're so cute and I'm so totally in love with you" he says and I wrap my arms around his neck. 

"I'm so totally in love with you too Chim~~" I say before connecting our lips in a passionate kiss. 



I change into a white shirt with baby blue stripes and black shorts and Y/N comes from the bathroom wearing a white dress and I can see her blue bathing suit, I swear to god if we didn't have to go outside, I'd slam her into the wall and do her so hard that she wouldn't be able to walk for the next five days, yet she'd still want more. 

"Uhm" Y/N clears her throat snapping me out of my thoughts "I know I'm hot, but still" she flips her hair dramatically and struts her way towards me. "Why are you such a turn onnnn" I whine. She smiles, "Oh, by the way I invited the rest over, is that okay with you?" I shrug "Yeah, fine by me" "K then" she takes my hands in hers' and we head out to the car.


We arrive at the beach and it's so pretty, everyone arrives right after us. The boys put away our stuff and the girl's take off their dresses, the boys immediately start drooling and it makes us burst out laughing. "LAST ONE TO THE WATER IS GONNA PAY FOR LUNCH" Jungkook announces and everyone stampedes towards the body of water. It's Jungkook who slips and falls and everyone starts laughing, Namjoon and I make it there first. We high five each other and it's not long until everyone is splashing water at each other, playing volleyball, and taking selfies. 

"Remember Jungkook, you're paying for lunch" I remind him on our way back, everyone starts snickering and Jungkook playfully frowns. We all arrive at a restaurant near the beach, it's around 4, so it's kinda late. Everyone takes their seat "THE MAKNAE IS PAYING, SO MAKE SURE YOU EMPTY HIS POCKET" Taehyung announces and he didn't actually have to tell us since we basically made Jungkook broke due to all the food we ordered. 

We were taking a walk on the bridge near the beach, "What do you want to do next? I still don't feel like going home" I ask and everyone seems to think hard about it. "Movies?" "Shopping?" "Arcade?" "More food?" "Sleep?" We all turn to look at Suga and Eve, who are turning bright red cuz they suggested the same thing...sleep.  These oldies, smh.


We all went shopping and then to the movies, lastly we had dinner outside and then everyone went home. Or should I say that the girls went with the boys to the dorm hahaha.

Anyway as soon as we go home, "Jimin, Imma go change I'll be back" Y/N say, but I hold her wrist. Her beautiful golden locks fall over her face and I brush them back, I walk closer to her "You won't need to do that babe, since your clothes are going to be on our bedroom floor anyway" I say and close the distance, putting my lips on hers'.

She smiles into the kiss and jumps, wrapping her legs around my waist. She pulls me closer and I walk to the bedroom, our lips not leaving each others. 

(They did it...again...3 rounds to be exact....I'm sorry...I couldn't write about it heh...)

My beautiful baby is sleeping angelically beside me, she's so darn beautiful, she's so kind and a pure angel. I love her so much....


Ok so question: Do you want a twist in the story plot? 

Cuz like I noticed that all my stories are very smooth, there's no big dramatic change in the story, it's just love love and more love, maybe a bit of fights here and there. If you do then tell me cuz I do have this big plots twist planned in my mind, and this story will probably end up having more then 35 chapters cuz I like where this story is heading tbh. Hope you like it so far~~

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