Chapter 2 (Rough Draft)

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"God Said it?" What is this guy smoking? "Why does that sound so shocking?" The man asked through his white eyes. I stood there and was just trying to process all of it. The man put his sword into his sheath. "So God told you about me? talked to God?" I could see he was getting a bit impatient with me. "Yes, why is that so hard to believe. Don't you believe in God?" I stood there and didn't know how to answer that question. "I do, I've just been really busy the last few years with school and my internship." "Interesting." I must be losing my mind, to think any of this is real. "Can I ask you a question." He looked at me waiting for me to ask the question. A part of me felt I already knew the answer to the question. "What's your question?" "What are you?" He gave me a cold stare with them bright white eyes. He looked like he was an ex marine or swat with a vendetta. "I'm an angel." I stood there and tried to process that reply. As I was standing there still trying to catch my breathe. It took me a minute to compose myself, and try and wrap my head around that answer. "An angel, okay. So is that why your eyes are glowing bright white?" "Yes, it is an effect that happens when we possess a human body." "Wait, possess a human body? Isn't that wrong?" He put his glasses back on as he could tell they were drawing my attention away from the topic. "No, the human I possess gave his body to God and therefore is a perfect host for us." "What do you mean he gave his body to God?" "When a human gives their life to God they become his servant and they give up there bodies willingly to God." "Does it hurt them?" "No, in fact it is a great honor to have an Angel possess a human." I was so blown away with this information and yet I had so many questions. "Wait, I was under the impression that Angels can transform into anything they want." He turned around and walked towards the window. He stared out through the window and observed the moon in all it's fullness. "You familiar with the death of Jesus." I was familiar with the story my parents told me when I was young. They use to take me to church on Easter and the story of the crucifixion of Jesus was a popular story. "Yes, I heard of it." "Well when Jesus died he went down to Satan's lair. You see Satan has had control over the worldly things since the fall of Eden. He had control over you humans and the sins he brought before you. So Jesus didn't just die on the cross, he made a bargain with Satan." I stood there in the moon lit room absorbing all the information that the Angel was telling me. "What was the bargain?" I asked with anticipation, like a kid waiting for his present on Christmas morning. "Well he took the keys from Satan which allowed him to have the power of forgiveness. No longer would a human have to sacrifice an animal for his sins to be rolled back another year, but now Jesus could atone for there sins. Allowing anyone to get rid of it. Well Satan knew that he needed to get an upper hand on God, so he asked God that moving forward angels couldn't transform into humans anymore. He felt it would give him an upper hand in the fight against God." "This is so unreal, I almost don't believe it. You mean to tell me that Satan is real?" The angel turned around and had a look of seriousness fall over his posture. "God is real, what makes you think Satan is not?" He made a valid point. "So what was that creature?" I looked down at the bloody black furry arm laying on my floor. "Oh, that was a demon." "A DEMON! Wow they don't look nothing like I thought." "That's because they are fallen angels. You see when Satan took a third of God's angels with him at the battle of Eden. He cast them out for there act of betrayal towards God. So when they were cast down to earth he cursed them. To wonder the world in the shadows never to see the light of day." "Well what did he want with me or my closet?" The Angel walked over to his closet and grabbed my bag. He opened the bag and pulled out the jar that had some samples I collected from the crime scene. "That is what he was after?" I asked with a squeak in my voice. "Yes, you see the Demon who attacked you was possessing the human you were investigating. The demon was having some trouble keeping the human under control. When a human and demon have a incompatible relationship it makes for a bad mixture." "Wait so the demon was trying to keep my supervisor possessed?" "Yes, and when the human had pushed too far. The demon was expelled from his body. That's why it ended badly for your friend." "So those claw marks were when the demon was coming out." "Yes, it's very unfortunate that it happened too because your supervisor was a key pawn in God's plan." Wait, what did he mean by that? "What do you mean by that?" "Well you see we have reason to believe that Satan has infiltrated this city and has plans to make this his headquarters for his army. He means to take over the world and get as many humans to serve his cause." "So what will happen if he does get all the humans to serve him?" "Chaos, you see God has loved the humans since the beginning. He has been fighting for there very soul from the very first moment he created them. Ever since the Battle of Eden, he has been trying to keep Satan from hurting his children." "Okay, now I am a little confused. You keep saying the Battle of Eden. Are you referring to Adam and Eve and the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil?" The angel walked over to my bed and sat on the edge. He looked as if he was carrying a huge weight on his shoulders. "The story you refer to as Adam and Eve isn't like the one you heard of in church. There was more to it then that." "Then what's the real story?" The angel got up off the edge of the bed. He walked over to me and reached his hand out towards me. "I think it's best if I show you." "Wait, what do you mean?" As I reached out for his hand I felt this overwhelming sensation like my body was on fire, but not being consumed. I looked around as my room started to change, it was as if time was reversing. I watched my room morph back to when it was just a simple floor plan and then the building was gone and we were floating in mid air. I looked down at the ground and so much was happening so fast. All of a sudden there was a bright light. So bright that not even the sun could compare to it. I closed my eyes and when I opened them I was standing in a forest. It was so beautiful and colorful. I look over at the angel and he was looking in the distance. I turned my eyes to what he was staring at and there stood a man naked. He was walking with another man. Only the other man looked a little different then the naked man. "Who are they?" The angel paused for a moment as if he was trying to take in the moment. "That is the Man you know as Adam and the other man is God." I was blown away at what he said. I looked around at the elements and started to put the picture together. "So wait, we are in the Garden of Eden?" The angel nodded his head. "So that is Adam and God, so God was a man before Jesus?" "No, God was a theophany." "What is a theophany?" "It is a visible manifestation of God in a human." "So Jesus was a theophany too?" "No, that was different. God was in Jesus. He and jesus were one, a theophany is God spirit manifested into a Human. God can be anything he wants to be and when he does it is called theophany." "Wow, so when the scripture said God walked with Adam. I always thought it was an analogy." "No, that part was actually true. Okay it is time, now whatever you do don't let go of my hand. If you do you will be sucked into an eternal vortex of pain and sorrow never being able to see the light of day again." "Okay, noted. What is happening?" "I've taken you back in time to witness it first hand the Battle of Eden." "Wait so if you can travel through time why not just fix everything that Satan has done?" The Angel looked as if I had asked a question he had heard far too many times. "Because we can only observe the time we can't meddle in its affairs. It is something God had put in place long before he created us, now watch." I looked as time went a little bit faster, I saw Adam sleeping on the ground and God taking his hand and putting it inside of his rib cage, then I saw God grab some dirt and mold a female. She was very pretty and naked, but it was weird. The nakedness wasn't like anything you could imagine. It was a pure feeling looking at them. Almost as if it was a natural feeling and not one we make it today. Time went a bit fast and then I was starting at a huge tree. Standing under the tree was Eve and next to her was a man. It wasn't Adam, but the male had a ominous feeling about him. "Who is that?" "That is Satan or as we called him back then Lucifer. He was God's top Angel and the orchestra director for God's choir." "Wait, I thought that Satan appeared as a Serpent?" "Just keep watching." Just then Eve slapped Lucifer and ran off. He turned and I could see his face, he was very handsome and had a look of deceitfulness on his face yet. He then started to change and morph himself into a serpent. It was something that I had never seen before. "So what's happening?" "Satan is transforming himself into a serpent so that he can tempt Eve with his truest desire." "What do you mean?" "Just keep watching." I looked back as Lucifer had become a serpent. Then I noticed Eve was coming back and she was standing next to the tree. It seemed she was looking for Lucifer. Just then the serpent slithered down the tree. I could see them talking, but couldn't hear the words. "What are they talking about?" "This is when the battle of Eden started. Lucifer was trying to convince Eve to join his army and serve him. She didn't like his offer, so he had another approach. He figured if he couldn't get her to join him that he would get her to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Let's fast forward a bit more." I saw time go faster as Eve bit the fruit and offer it to Adam. Much of the story played out like we have all read in the Bible, but what was about to happen next seem to have been left out of the Bible. I saw Lucifer transform back into his angelic body. Then I saw God in his theophany walk up to Lucifer. He looked very angry and then what happen next was not what I suspected. God and Lucifer started to fight. The blows of each of their fist made thunderous sounds as clashed with there bodies. Then I heard a sound like a trumpet blaring out through the sky. I could see these figures start to descend from the sky and the earth started to shake. "What's going on?" "It's the Angels coming down to earth. They're fighting Lucifer's army. It was a fight of the ages, no battle will ever take place like this until the time of the rapture. God and Lucifer went toe to toe." I watched God and Lucifer fight and then as the angels were fighting in the sky I could see blood come out of the angels and one by one they started to fall. "I didn't think Angels could die?" The Angel took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. "There is only two things that can kill an Angel. God and another angel, which is why God had to do what he did." "What did he do?" "Watch." I turned to see God and Lucifer bounce blow for blow, just then God took his hand and waved it hard at Lucifer and a mighty wind bellowed from it sending Lucifer through the air. Then God turned around and opened his arms towards the angels fighting in the sky. I looked up to see the fallen angels transform into demons. It was a sight like none other, beautiful angels were changing into these hideous demons. Just then the demons came falling to the ground. As they were falling God opened up the earth and a huge crater appeared. The fallen angels were swallowed up by the earth. As the earth closed Lucifer made open last effort to thwart God and destroy him. Then God changed from the man he was into this great ball of fire. It burned Lucifer and scorched his body. He was no longer this beautiful angelic angel. He was this hideous monster, nothing like the stories say. He had burns and blisters all over his body and he looked like death himself. "You see this is the Battle of Eden. A lot happened this day and a lot of changes. God kicked Adam and Eve and there children out of the Garden of Eden. He assigned his Angel to guard over it, because if they were to enter it again it would release the demons upon the earth. For it was there prison and there judgement for betraying God. Lucifer was cursed henceforth and was called Satan. He was punished and stripped of his angelic powers and was given new powers. He was made king of earth and was to dwell on the earth forever." "So if God locked up the Demons and punished Satan how did they get out?" The angel looked down and hesitated before he answered my question. "Satan knew that the only way he was going to destroy God was to go after his people. So Satan spent years honing on his new abilities and new found powers. He found a way to possess the humans and he made them do awful things. You heard the story of Noah and the flood. Well God was fed up with everything that Satan had done with his people. He was not happy with there sins and all the evil they were doing. So he had planned on destroying the world by killing everything on it. Wipe it clean from all impurities." "That's right and God found favor in Noah. He saved the humans." "Well yes, but there was more to it then that. You see Noah resisted Satan's temptation and would not allow him to do any evil on him or his family. So when God approached Noah he told him his plans to kill everyone on earth. Noah pleaded with God to spare him and his family. God realized that Noah was good and he agreed to allow him to be spared, but he had to follow God's directions to the letter. So as you know the rest of the story it went exactly as it is written, except Satan. He found his way on to the Ark by means of Ham. He possessed him and laid low until the time served his need. One day Noah got drunk and passed out in his tent. Satan used Ham to do some unspeakable things to his father. It cost Ham his lineage and all of his ancestors would be cursed. After that Satan scoured the world to find the Garden of Eden. Satan used Ham and his lineage to scour the world looking for the Garden. Then one day they found it and they worked together to free the demons. God watched as the humans and descendants of Ham released the demons. He had to punish the humans for what they did so he split there language a part and divided them into all parts of the world." "You mean the Tower of Babel was not about a tower?" "No, the Tower was built as a memorial to remind the humans that if they ever try to get in God's way he would punish them again." "This is crazy so that is how Satan got the demons freed." "Yes, and he has been trying to take the humans with him since. He has been building an army since the beginning of time." "So why doesn't God just use his powers to destroy Satan. Because God made a decision after the flood he wouldn't interfere ever again. He decided that he wanted the people to make there own choice." "Well that seems fair, but why get the keys back from Satan." He paused before he answered. We were hovering over the desert as the angel replied. "Because God needed them to create the spirit realm. It's a place we Angels can keep a watch over God's people." "So this spirit realm is where?" "It's a place between Heaven and Earth, a place where we can monitor everything. It's where we can dwell without Satan's knowledge. Think of it like a gateway." I was processing everything he was telling me and it wasn't over whelming me. I felt as if it all was making sense. "So can I ask you a question. Why are you showing me all of this? Clearly you don't do this for everyone or there would be word of it in the Bible." "Yes, only a chosen few are given privy to this information and you are one of them. God realizes that Satan is gathering an army and he wants to create the ultimate warrior to battle against the evil that has plagued this planet. He wants you to be his one true weapon against Satan." "Me, what can I possibly due against these demons?" The angel looked at me and turned back towards the earth. Just then with a quick flash we were standing in my bedroom. It was as we never left. "God is going to give you something he has never given any human. Of course this is your decision and you can choose to decline the offer." "What is it?" "It requires a heavy cost, one that can't be undone if you should ever change your mind." What could he be referring too? Do I have to die or something? "So are you going to tell me?" "Well you remembered how Satan was able to possess the people. Well after investigation we discovered he was using a special seal that allowed him to bond with a human. However he couldn't stay possessed to the human for long time. So when God got the keys back he was able to use them to create a better seal, one that is more permanent." "So this seal will allow what?" "It will bestow a human with Angelic powers. Powers beyond imagination, powers to be able to slay demons and stop Satan once and for all." "Wait, is this for real? You want to give me this seal?" "Yes, God has been waiting for you for a long time." "Why me? What is so special about me?" "Like Adam, Noah, Abraham, and Jacob you all share a common bond. A pure heart and true dedication. It is the reason they were given the task by God and why you are given this. Now this is a choice you have to make and God won't force you to do this if you don't want too." I sat on my bed overwhelmed by the thought and idea of being one of God's greatest weapons to help him defeat Satan's army. "When do I have to give God my answer?" "He will wait until the next night fall." I turned to look at the clock to see the time. "That's strange it's still 1:00 AM. My batteries must be dead." "No, they're not. I've stopped time." "So you mean?" "Yes, we have the ability to stop time too. We just can't change it." "Oh, my word I forgot all about Steph." "She is fine, she is asleep on your couch. She didn't hear a thing." The angel was getting ready to take his leave. "Wait, I never caught your name." The angel stopped and turned his head to the side. "It's Michael." Wait, did he say Michael. "You're Michael. One of the Arch Angels." "Yes, and if you choose to take on these powers I will be your teacher. So I hope you make the right choice." Just then he jumped out the window. Then I felt this wind just blow. I looked over at the clock and the second hand was moving. I went to my bedroom door and opened it quietly. Steph was still laying on the couch. "He was right, time never moved. This is amazing." I shut the door and laid back on my bed. There was no way I was going to be able to sleep tonight. I reached over into my night stand drawer and pulled out my bible. I blew the dust off of it and opened it to the book of Genesis. After everything I'd seen,  it only felt right to read it. My eyes felt heavy and I went to sleep. I woke to a noise in my kitchen. I opened my eyes to see daylight coming through my window which wasn't broken. Maybe I had dreamed everything last night. I looked in my lap and saw the Bible laying open in the book of Ephesians Chapter 6. Then I noticed that verse 11 was highlighted. It said "Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil." At that moment I realized that it couldn't be a dream and it had to be real. Just then another noise came from the kitchen. I got up out of the bed and grabbed my bat. I race to the door and open it fast and rush out there with the bat hung high. "Woah! I'm just making breakfast. You can put the bat down Mark." "Steph it's you." "Yeah, it's me. Who else would it be?" If only she knew after the night I had. I caught my breath and lowered the bat. I sat down on the chair as Steph brought me a plate. She had cooked me an omelette. "Steph you didn't have to cook me breakfast." "Don't be silly it's the least I could do. So I spoke to the maintenance and he should be here this morning some time. You mind if I hang here until then?" "Yeah, sure no problem. What time is it?" "It's 8:45." "Oh, crap I'm going to be late for work." I scarfed down my breakfast and got dressed and rushed down the stairs. I hailed for a taxi. I was so lost in thought after everything that happened the night before I hadn't realized we arrived at the police station. I paid the taxi driver and rushed inside. As I made my way through the metal detector I noticed the Captain getting off the elevator. "Captain! Captain!" He turned around towards to me. "Mark, you seem rushed?" "Captain I know what killed the supervisor." "Yeah, a serial killer. We made the arrest last night." "It was....wait, did you say you made an arrest?" "Yeah, he is in interrogating room 12." Just then the elevator door had opened. I rushed inside and pushed the floor button for interrogation. How could they have made an arrest already. Something didn't seem right. The door opened on the floor just below the interrogation floor. A man came walking in with a briefcase, an attorney no doubt. He goes to push the same button for the floor I was going too, but realized it was already pushed. I glanced over to see if I could recognize him, but he seemed unfamiliar. Just then I felt a wind blow around me. The elevator just stopped, I glance over to see the man turn at me. I felt this very eery feeling about him now. Nothing I had felt before. "Can I help you sir?" Then with a deep voice he let out a growl. It was so loud I dropped my bags and covered my ears. I looked at his eyes and they were starting to glow red. I was so scared my palms started to sweat and I knew what it was. It was a demon possessed person. "What do you want?" "You know what I want." "I don't have it, the angel he took it." He let out another growl. He lunged his arms at me, and I ducked and went around him. I knew that I was going to die in that elevator. The possessed human turned around and went to take a step, but tripped over my bag knocking my bible out of it. He took a look at the Bible and then he let out a scream. Just then I watched as my bible morphed into a sword. It was not what I was expecting. I picked up the sword and I felt this overwhelming amount of power come over me. I felt the fear, get lifted off of me. "Get back now. I mean it, don't come any closer." Every time I swung the sword through the air I could hear a majestic sound come from it. The possessed person let out a snarl and then started to shake. It was a scary thing to witness. Then the human's eyes turned back to normal. He stared at me for a few seconds then spoke. "Why are you pointing your bible at me?" I looked down in my hands and the sword was not there, but it was my bible. "Uh, sorry." The elevator door dinged and we had reached our floor. The man walked out with his briefcase in his hand. He gave one more glance back at me like I was crazy. He wasn't that far off, I reached for my bag and headed out of the elevator and I bumped into Ken. "Mark, what are you doing up here?" I was scrambling my thoughts together after what happened in the elevator. "I, uh. I was bringing some files up for the Captain." "Okay, why do you have a bible?" I glanced down realizing I had forgot to put it back in my bag. "Oh, uh. Just catching up on some scriptures for church." "Huh, you don't strike me as a church goer." "Uh, yeah. I'm thinking of starting back up again." That sounded better in my head then out loud. "Well did you hear they caught the killer last night. The one who murdered Johnson." "Uh, yeah. Captain said that they had him in the interrogation room." "Yeah, I just left them the case files. That's what I call an open and shut case." "Yeah, I would agree." "Well I must be going now, I've got another case to head out too." "Okay, if you need any help give me a call." "Sure thing." As Ken went on his way I made my way towards the room. As I approached the viewing room there was an officer standing watch outside the interrogation room. "Hello." The officer glanced my way and then went back to his watch. Not a chatty fellow, but most of them aren't. They are underpaid and over worked so they don't really take the time for conversations. I glanced in the viewing room and nobody was in there.

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